in #football8 years ago (edited)

When I woke up this morning and flicked on the boob tube… I was more than surprised to see a football game, already underway -- IN LONDON, no less… Here on the East Coast football doesn't usually get going until noon. But, this was unexpected… I was completely unaware of this new initiative the NFL has been toying with.., of getting an American football team to relocate -- to the UK!

To be honest… It sounded like "Kooky-Talk," to me...

As both sides of the pond take their football, quite seriously… I can vividly remember getting my "bell rung" on more than one occasion, doing a 10 yards and over the middle.., by some high-school "kid" with a full beard! But, we indoctrinate our children, early on, to the game, here in the states. And, I would imagine, it's not all that different in the UK.

We, even us noobs, that refer to european football, as soccer -- are aware of the dedication it's fans have, to there game. The intensity they display at there matches, can be considered, unmatched. We've all seen, the all-out brawls that can take place between the harshest of rivals…

So, it threw me a bit… To see and imagine an American football team playing in London, with the possible attempts of a relocation, someday. Is this even possible? Could this actually work? What's the logistics of something like this? And who would be the brave fellows, willing to take it on the chin -- literally, Im sure…

Because, to be blunt… I can't see the the chaps that root for Manchester United, take to kindly to a bunch of well-paid (over paid) Americans crossing the pond, to invade their, very traditions!

Maybe I wrong… I know growing up here in the states, european football -- soccer, as we refer to it, was not very popular… Yeah, you heard of legends, like Pelé, but that's about as far as it went… But today.., soccer is HUGE in the US. Right now, in 2016 -- 3 million kids play in youth soccer leagues. And among 12-17 year olds MLS is more popular than MLB -- it blows my mind!

Soccer more popular than America's greatest pastime… And then, after a little research… It was very disconcerting to uncover -- it's all about the money!


Have we let giant corporations and advertiser's, really take over the games our children will play with such veracity, creating moments.., they will remember for a lifetime. "Man, do remember that goal in overtime -- in the finals, I made!" I thought these kind of memories, were supposed to be priceless… At least, that's what the Mastercard commercials say…

Have these vultures sold us a bill of goods -- just in the efforts to unload a few more million Cristiano Rinaldo jersey's..? And is the UK in there sites, now… Are they targeting the youth of Liverpool, just to sell some Tom Brady lunch boxes?

Or, is it a good thing… Expanding the mind of our youth -- opening them up to different cultures, at a young age could not be considered, a bad thing… It's the motives behind the popularity of these new ventures that bothers me, a bit. All the money, driving these decisions, that will affect the way our children grow up. But, I guess.., for now -- the best thing to do, is let kids be kids, and play their little hearts out -- whichever "football" they choose.., and let the cards fall where they may…

Im sure there are, more than a few fans of the game, here on Steemit… Can you see American football in the UK?

Image Source: 1 2 


In the 1980s, American Football was huge over here in the UK. That's when I use to watch it. Pretty much everyone did. The Chicago Bears were massive. William 'The Fridge' Perry, was a household name. 'Walter Payton'... I still remember them now.

Obviously NFL was not as big as football then. But if they had an NFL team in the UK back in the 80s it would have been massive. Not sure how big it is now (I no longer watch NLF), but I'm sure there are a fair few hardcore NFL fans in the UK. You can still watch plenty of NFL matches live on cable TV. The world is smaller than you think!

WOW! I had no idea -- the 1980's!!! That was some team "The Bears" in the 80's. It just freaked me out, a bit, because I know how serious they are about European Football over there, in the UK... Thanks fro filling me in @nanzo-scoop, I must have been living in a cave, or something :))

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NFL has a history in UK. They started playing one or two games in London in 2007.

This year there will be 2 more games in London and one in Mexico! :)

They are also planning to bring it to Germany and China.

Yeah, I know they played abroad, every once in a blue moon... But I had no idea they were thinking of a possible relocation for one it's teams. It blows my mind!

Nice article. As an American, it would be a dream come true to be able to watch a NFL game in London. Also would be good to see American Football to become a international sport like Soccer one day.

  • Cheers, nice post.

Thanks @thejohalfiles, I appreciate it! I guess, stranger things have happened. We'll just have to wait and see... CHEERS!

Yes, there will absolutely be American Football in the UK whether you want it or not. They are also shoving "Football" akak soccer down our throats here in America, with stuff like the Red Sox buying Liverpool, now Liverpool is on TV here all the time even if no one here watches it. As I pointed out in my video covering the Brexit, there is a plan to unify Britain and America together for their final social cataclysm. Where it will be the world divided just as Orwell predicted, Oceania vs Eurasia. You can already see it forming now with the Brexit making England Separate from the rest of Europe and seeing Europe get closer with Russia. Russia supplies a massive amount of Europe's energy supply already. So by having the NFL in London they are further cementing that alliance between the UK and the USA in my opinion. This is nothing more than social engineering at play, using their weapon of mass distraction the NFL.

Orwell Map:

My Brexit Video:

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