The Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms - reposted because of a troll

The Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms

The Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms

Joel Fuhrman, MD Apr 12, 2018

To reap the most benefits, take a small amount of mushroom powder (check the packaging as dosages can vary) and eat cooked mushrooms daily.


Health Benefits: A drug derived from turkey tail mushrooms is a component of cancer treatment in several countries. Trials in patients with colorectal, gastric and lung cancers have suggested that turkey tail extracts could boost immune function and improve survival in these patients. Try: Turkey tail powder can be taken to help improve the defences of your immune system and reduce the chances of getting the cold or flu.


Health Benefits: An important immune-boosting effect of reishi mushrooms is enhancing the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, which has been shown in human studies. NK cells are immune cells that attack cancerous and virus-infected cells. Trials in patients with cancer suggest that reishi supplementation may help to enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy. Try: Reishi powders to help your body better manage symptoms of anxiety and stress.


Health Benefits: In vitro studies show that chaga mushrooms can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, and a study on patients with inflammatory bowel disease showed that chaga supplementation reduced oxidative DNA damage in the patients’ white blood cells. Use It As: An antioxidant to help neutralize free radical damage to body's cells for anti-aging benefits.


Health Benefits: Lion’s mane mushrooms have anti-angiogenic activity, which means they inhibit the signals tumor cells use to acquire a blood supply. Interestingly, these mushrooms have also been studied in animals for their potential to facilitate regeneration of injured nerves. Try As: A nootropic (natural smart drug) to help reduce brain fog and sharpen focus.


Health Benefits: Studies using the shiitake mushroom polysaccharide lentinan as an adjunct to chemotherapy for patients with gastric cancer have reported longer survival compared to chemotherapy alone. Shiitake mushroom extracts also have antiviral activity. Try: There’s also some interesting research on these mushrooms and dental health. A study using an oral rinse containing shiitake mushroom extract showed a decrease in plaque, gingival inflammation and pathogenic bacteria compared to the control group.


Health Beneifts: Cordyceps sinensis activates macrophages (specialized white blood cells of the immune system that are integral to detecting invaders and fighting off infections) in vitro. Use It: Cordyceps powders can be taken to help reduce cortisol levels to improve stress, and for increased energy and libido.

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That's a nice name.

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