Climate - Environment : Global warming: even a rise of 2 ° C will have important consequences

Global warming: even a rise of 2 ° C will have important consequences

By Viviane Le Guen , France Blue

More than two years after the signing of the Paris agreement on climate, British researchers published Monday several alarmist studies: even if the world manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees, this will not be enough.

Paris in the fog because of air pollution. © Maxppp - Vincent Isore / IP3

Rising seas, loss of biodiversity, complicated access to food, lower living standards ... Even if global warming is limited to +1.5 or +2 degrees , as foreseen in the Paris agreement on climate, Humanity will have to assume the dramatic consequences according to twenty studies published this Monday in a special issue of the British magazine "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A".

Increasing inequalities

According to one of these studies, the sea level will continue to rise "for at least three centuries", 90 or 120 cm by 2300. This will cause floods, encourage erosion, salinization of groundwater and the disappearance of some Pacific archipelagos , such as the Marshall Islands or the Maldives. If nothing is done to limit CO2 emissions, the average rise in sea level, caused by melting ice and water dilation, could even reach 72 cm by 2100 .

Another consequence of global warming is that more people will find it difficult to feed themselves because of floods and more droughts. Oman, Bangladesh, Mauritania, Yemen and Niger are among the most vulnerable countries.

Urgent to take action

In general, "countries that are poor today should become even poorer with climate change, and more in the case of + 2 ° C than + 1.5 ° C, while rich countries are likely to be less affected says Felix Pretis, an economist at Oxford University. More than 100 million people could switch to extreme poverty according to specialists.

The UN group of climate experts (Giec) is due to publish a report in October on the consequences of global warming at + 1.5 ° C for the planet. In January, the draft text considered that in view of current state commitments and CO2 emission trajectories, it was "extremely unlikely" to achieve this goal.

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Not really. You're still not all that smart. You're still just learning.

Good post....

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