Travel Super Food #3: Pomegranate in Laos!

in #food7 years ago

Pomegranate, heart-healthy and delicious. This super food is native to Iran and Northern India near the Himalayas; but it's made it's way across the world. For hundreds of years it's been commonly grown in the Mediterranean and dryer parts of South East Asia. I'm pretty sure it's not too dry where I am, but regardless I found a vendor in Luang Prabang Laos selling this tasty treat for about 75 cents each.

Don't bite into it like an apple! You have to crack this baby open and pick out the juicy seed encased jewels of delicious goodness! I cut around the circumference of the fruit, then twist and pull it apart. Then I remove chunks of the white pithy stuff that you don't eat and I pick out the red juicy pieces of fruit. They're great eaten as is, but many people add them to salads, yogurt, and cereal. They have a sweet, juicy, crunchy kind of thing going on. They are tasty and real good for you!

Pomegranate is an incredible super food. It features three times the amount of antioxidants than red wine and green tea. It's packed full of vitamins and nutrients. It's anti-inflammatory, which means it helps prevent and reverse all diseases related to inflammation from asthma to diabetes as well as arthritis, joint pain, and more. It's good for your memory! It's also anti-cancer and anti-heart attack as it regulates blood pressure. If that isn't super, than I don't know what is!

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!


Pomegranates are indeed a really great food and so iconic to my town (Granada) :) Right now it's harvest time and I can get it from any fruit stall in the streets, for something like 2€ a kilo! Not bad!

Wow, that's a fantastic price. Where I'm from in New York I think that buys you maybe one! It's a main reason I choose not live in the states. High quality produce is often so so expensive. It's often out of reach for the average citizen. Thanks for stopping by my page! -Dan

If it's imported, yes, it's gonna be overpriced :-( South of Spain has the kind of weather which is perfect for a lot of exotic fruits.

Sounds like a great place to live. I should be visiting that part of the world next year. I'm looking forward to it!

Forget all the chemos, just drink pommegranate juice regularly and you are safe!

Amazing! Will be eating them after reading this post :) Gladly we bought pomegranates yesterday :D

That's great. I think they're really tasty too!

That's great. Enjoy your pomegranates! They certainly are tasty!

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