Weight Loss Spinach & Feta Herby Salad, with Pearled Barley - An Original Recipe

in #food7 years ago

Yep, another salad, but trust me they're all so different that I'm nowhere near bored of salads yet!  As this mild weather continues I still don't feel like eating big cooked meals, so salads are perfect because there's multitudes of different flavour combinations, different types of vegetables and fruit, different herbs, different grains to use, different protein components (eg cheese, eggs, beans, etc).  

It's so funny to think when I was growing up salads seemed to consist only of limp lettuce, floppy cucumber and dry tomatoes... Why oh why serve such a boring salad to children, when really we need to serve tasty and colourful salads so that they grow up enjoying not enduring these healthy meals!

I firmly believe that if children can develop tastes for a wide array of vegetables, fruits, legumes, wholegrains, lean proteins, and all these other lovely healthy foods, they won't struggle so much with weight issues later on in life.  Me - I didn't even know the word 'legume'; the only grain I was really familiar with was rice (white crappy rice to be precise); and I had no idea how to flavour a salad with anything other than Heinz salad cream.  Thankfully I have always had a very active lifestyle so I didn't pile on the pounds like many other less-active young people, but my diet was heavy on the 'bad' carbs and I didn't eat nearly enough veg.  So, familiarity of healthy foods and a good nutritional understanding is absolutely essential, in my opinion, in order to maintain a healthy weight.  And it's best to teach the little 'uns waaaaay before they become hard lovers of stodgy processed food.  After all, prevention is better than a cure, as they say!

For a few different salad ideas you may like to have a nosey at my other recipes:

Caramelised Carrot & Red Onion Salad, with Bulgur and Cilantro Flowers 

Warm Squash, Feta & Freekeh Salad

Satiating Slimmer's Salad

Lucky Shamrock Salmon Salad


30g pearled barley

Fresh spinach leaves

25g feta cheese

1 large carrot

Handful baby plum tomatoes

Approx 10 slices cucumber

1 red onion

3 cloves garlic

1 or 2 broccoli florets 

Handful fresh thyme

Handful fresh oregano

Squeeze fresh lemon

Drizzle Manuka honey

Black pepper


Put the pearled barley into a saucepan and cover with cold water.  Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes until tender.  Drain and rinse with cold water.

Slice up the cucumber, onion, garlic, tomatoes... Grate the carrot... Finely chop the broccoli.

Finely chop the herbs.  (So fresh and pretty!)

Put all the prepared salad veg into a bowl and mix in the herbs and barley.  Give a good squeeze of fresh lemon, a drizzle of Manuka honey, and sprinkle of black pepper.  Toss with your hands or a spoon.

Dice the feta cheese.

Wash and pat dry the spinach with a clean tea-towel.  Chop or tear the leaves into bite size pieces (unless you're using baby spinach, which is the perfect size!)  

Put the spinach into a bowl, then the salad veg, and finally scatter the feta cheese on top.  Serve and enjoy!

For more healthy vegetarian, sugar-free, additive-free recipes for meals and snacks, please follow me!  

Many thanks.

For extra tips on health for you and your family, can also support me as Natural Health Mama at: https://www.facebook.com/naturalhealthmamma and https://naturalhealthmamablog.wordpress.com/

All photos in this post are my own original.


This looks so beautiful ♥ Eat the rainbow :)

Looks delicious 😋 thank you for sharing I'll try it

Great, I hope you enjoy it @fadofski! Thanks so much :-)

Beautiful, I love barley in Salads. I have so many recipes using it from salads and soups to fried rice. I am obsessed with that grain as a great source of fiber and nutrients. Your salad looks so vibrant and colorful, that is how Inlove my food. Yumm colorful and full of energy and nutrients. 🙌🏼🙌🏼👍🏼

Thanks so much @healthyrecipe and fellow barley eater haha! Yes it's a brilliant grain isn't it, so versatile and nutritional. I still can't believe how many wonderful foods I missed out on eating for the first 30 years of my life!

I try to tell every one I meet about barley and how awesome and versatile it is. I even turned my 75 year old Dad into it as a rice replacement and he has been eating rice his entire life. I made him a Barley fried rice and he was hooked lol. Now he buys the bags of barley and uses it in many recipes in place of rice. It is also much more filling as you know because of all the fiber so eats less calories when he eats it over the insulin spiking white rice. 🙏🏼🙏🏼😋

Brilliant! I love hearing about how someone's diet has been transformed into a healthier one, because much of the time people don't pay any attention to recommendations for better food and better health! Well done @healthyrecipe, your Dad's body is super grateful :-)

Thank You :) Have a wonderful week.

Mmm... How delicious it looks. I do love the salads and cheese. Thanks for the recipe @woman-onthe-wing

Thank you @lil4a, I'm very happy you like the look of it!

Yum yum! My children love the fresh salad mix I picked from garden,they can tell the differences..

Yes! Freshly grown always tastes sooo good compared to store bought!

YUM! I iwll try this!!

I went super lazy tonight...made watermelon/mint/feta...add a dash of salt and spritz of olive oil.

Oooh that sounds lovely and refreshing @gardenlady! Someone else was saying yesterday they had a melon in their salad and now all this melon talk is making me want some!

This looks like a perfect summer recipe. Never though about using barley. Thanks for the suggestion

It's brilliant for salads as it's not a strong flavour, so just adds bulk to make the whole dish very satisfying! Thanks @vegetarianbaker :-)

thanks. I've had couscous, watermelon, and feta salad that reminding me this recipe.

Oooh that sounds lovely! I actually have a melon, it's a honeydew, that I need to do something with! Have you ever tried baking with melon at all? I only recently learned some people roast it, but I haven't tried this yet.

WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is news to me. I have had roasted watermelon seeds before, but never thought about roasting the whole watermelon. I love my melons chilled or at least room temp. I don' think warm or mush melons would be good to me.


I know, it sounds strange right! But I'm going to try it, and maybe I will put it in a post and share the results!

haha now you put a post with Barley after I decided not to buy it in the shops lol.
Didn't know what to do with it, now I do, Thank you for all your great recipes @woman-onthe-wing

Oh yes, barley is awesome! Perfect for salads, soups, stews... to stuff veg with (like the way you can use couscous or rice to stuff). I even mix it up with veg or fruit and yoghurt for my little boy and he loves the texture! Very nutritious and easier on the digestive system than many other grains... I totally recommend you buy it sometimes, you'll love it I know!

Will have to buy it and give it a try now.

Let me know what you think of it! Surely you'll love it :-)


Thanks so much @isachick!

Great colour stunning ingredients !!!
Follow my salads and food @ch00fy - foodie

Many thanks @ch00fy, I will take a look at your blog too :-)

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