Vegetarian Quiche with a Sesame, Linseed & Hazelnut Crust - An Original Weight-Loss Recipe

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Since beginning my weight-loss mission and avoiding carbs I've been playing around with ingredients to create interesting things to eat.  I adore vegetables and eggs and all those wonderful things, but being a vegetarian and avoiding carbs means meals can get pretty 'samey'.  If I don't enjoy eating it, I don't enjoy cooking it.  So it's gotta be interesting or I'll get bored very quickly!  Some people who aren't into legumes often say they're too bland, but I love legumes and miss them in all their carby glory!  At least they're the 'good carbs' though, and thankfully I will be re-introducing them into my diet again soon.  

But until then a woman's gotta eat, so I made this experiment quiche and oh my goodness - it's soooo tasty!  I thought it would taste good (because how could it not with those ingredients) but actually it's really really really tasty!!!  I'm very happy with this recipe, and will be making this many more times for sure.  With a few adjustments it would work very well with a sweet filling too, so there'll be more recipes to come when I get chance!

I'm not 100% sure if this quiche would meet the 'rules' for the ketogenic diet, though I'm hoping it does as I'm still determined to provide @katdvine with at least one interesting recipe for her keto diet!  I'm pretty sure the ingredients are fine, but I wouldn't know about the calorie count and all that.  Perhaps a small slice along with vegetables etc would be OK.  I will be asking her anyway once I post this!


For the crust:

200g golden linseeds

150g sesame seeds

150g ground hazelnuts

25g coconut oil

1 large free-range egg

25g sundried tomatoes

2-3 tblsp dried oregano

1 tsp cinnamon

For the filling:

2 large free-range eggs

120ml milk (any kind inc. non-dairy)

1 small red onion or 1/2 large

1/2 pepper or mix of peppers

2 tsp parsley

1/2 tsp chilli flakes

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

15g cheese, grated


Finely grind the hazelnuts and 2/3 of the amount of seeds (I used the coffee-grinder attachment on my blender).  Put into a bowl and stir in the remaining 1/3 of seeds.  It's nice to have the texture of whole seeds in the crust.

Chop up the sundried tomatoes into small pieces... Using scissors instead of a knife is easier I find!

Add the sundried tomatoes to the bowl, along with the dried oregano, cinnamon, coconut oil and egg.  Squeeze the mixture with your hands until it's all blended together nicely.  It will be quite sticky, since the nuts and seeds are oily too, which makes it easy to form the crust.

Press the mixture into approx 8" tin or pie dish, which you should line with baking parchment and also grease well (with butter or coconut oil).  Keep the sides of the crust fairly thick so it won't crumble when removing from the tin later.  

Pop into a preheated oven at 190 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes until firm to touch.  It doesn't brown too much as you can see below, but the tomatoes end up slightly charred (in a tasty way not a burnt way!)

Dice the onion and peppers (or your choice of veg) and put them in the base of the crust.

Lightly whisk the eggs with a fork and add the milk.  Mix in the parsley, chilli flakes, salt and pepper.  Pour the mixture into the crust over the vegetables, sprinkle with cheese and also a final sprinkle of herbs/chilli to make it look pretty.

Pop back into the oven at 190 degrees Celsius for 25-30 minutes until golden looking and firm to touch.  If the filling wobbles when you poke it, give it a little more time in the oven :-)  Allow to cool for 5 minutes or so before removing carefully from the tin.  Serve with vegetables... or whatever you want depending on your diet!!!

For more healthy vegetarian, sugar-free, additive-free recipes for meals and snacks, please follow me!  

Many thanks.

For extra tips on health for you and your family, can also support me as Natural Health Mama at: and

All photos in this post are my own original.


That's some delicious artwork!!! ;)

What a compliment! Thanks so much @realmeandi!

Andrea, my mom Paula, and I have been on a Keto diet. It's been a challenge to come up with new things to eat that are keto friendly.

Oh my goodness yes, I never realised how tricky this diet is (unless you're happy eating the same kind of meals again and again)... I have a new respect for those of you who follow this diet, I really do! Do you and your Mom create your own recipes @roswellrockman, or do you follow some kind of meal 'plan' like I've seen online? (If you don't mind me asking). I would be interested to know what your favourite keto meal is too!

My wife Andrea and My mother have been researching different ideas that they come up with. It 's been an enjoyable adventure. Both are good cooks, but eliminating breads and pastas has been a challenge for them. still figuring out what would be a favorite. They've been doing a lot of things with chicken. Andrea made a pork stir fry that was pretty tasty.

Just fantastic food photography. Excellent execution, great, great food post!!

Coming from you @gringalicious that's a HUGE compliment and I thank you very much for it!

Weight-Loss Recipe! Just what I needed now ! Thank you for sharing

You're welcome @emilymichelle! I will post more weight-loss recipes as I make them :-) Thank you!

Look forward to it!

@woman-onthe-wing I rediscover vegetarian food with you, as always, gorgeous presentation :)

My waist may be getting slimmer but you'll give me a fat head with all these compliments @kotturinn!!! :-) Thank you, I really do appreciate your words :-)

You're very welcome! It's all you!

I think as long as I don't eat all of it at once yes it would be OK. It looks so yummy. Alternatively I could just make smaller ones. (I live on my own)
I am going to get the ingredients on Friday and try it....can't wait! 😀 😋
Oh, and I'm glad you like my post.

Oooh that's great to hear, I'm so pleased I managed to come up with something Keto friendly! Hooray! It's super filling with all those nuts & seeds so at least you wouldn't even manage the whole thing haha! Yes, it would totally work as mini quiches... and easier to freeze too... good thinking :-) I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Please let me know if you remember to!

I will, I promise. 😀

Great food post.delicious .thank you..resteemed

Thank you so much @germanlifestyle, I really appreciate your words and your re-steem! All the best to you this fine day!

It's nice to see a good use for flax seeds (your linseeds) beyond mixing them with other grains, on salads, or in smoothies, which is where I see them use most often. Your basic crust looks really adaptable to a lot of different uses. Thanks for the idea and inspiration!

Just wow! Beautiful food and pics! This looks so good! I am definitely trying this! Btw, I totally get you, food should be interesting to cook, that's why I like cooking vegetarian and vegan dishes! Lots of creativity goes in there! Resteemed ;)

Thanks so much @amy-goodrich! I just noticed your re-steem about 5 minutes ago and appreciate it very much! Before I became vegetarian I always thought the veggie diet would be less exciting, but I was so wrong! I enjoy cooking and eating waaaaaay more now than I ever did with meaty dishes :-)

I just posted your vegan main theme btw - I'm now eagerly awaiting the entries! :-)

You are so right! Vegan and veggies dishes are so interesting! We still eat meat or fish in 2 meals a week, but always prefer the veggie dishes.... but my hubby still needs his meat or fsh once in a while... it has already been a huge metamorphosis.... for the biggest meat and fish eater I knew to mostely vegetarian.... You are so right! Vegan and veggies dishes are so interesting! We still eat meat or fish in 2 meals a week, but always prefer the veggie dishes.... but my hubby still needs his meat or fish once in a while... it has already been a huge metamorphosis.... for the biggest meat and fish eater I knew to mostly vegetarian.... ohh and I'll have a look at the new post! Can't wait to see some creative new ideas :-)

It's very tasty and delicious

Thank you @ijoel... I enjoyed it very much!

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