My first KIMCHI PEPPER!! ♥ Whoops... there it goes... :/

in #food6 years ago

I am super excited today to share with you all that MY FIRST KIMCHI PEPPER HAS RIPENED!!!

Oh yeah, go ahead and check out the seasoning on that pan. You'd better believe that baby fries eggs like a dream...

A while ago, I showed you guys how I make kimchi at home. It is actually not particularly difficult. Well, except for the waiting part. It is a fermented food that takes time to work its magic.

Just making it on my own was not good enough, however! I want to eventually grow the ingredients it takes to make kimchi! I started off with the Korean kimchi peppers! Well, those little peppers have grown quite a bit and I am happy to say that the first one has ripened and I was able to pick it!

Shown with an ink pen to give you an idea of size. Of course, I wanted to use a ruler, but my crafty children make rulers disappear almost as quickly as scissors... Also shown with its buddy, the 'unripe-pepper-that-I-accidentally-knocked-of-the-plant,' because green contrasts red so nicely.

Anyway, after taking lots of photos of this bad boy, I decided I had better taste the pepper so I could let all of you know what it tastes like! Yeah, I may have been getting hungry for lunch... so what?

The first bite tasted just like a sweet pepper. I started thinking perhaps I had made a mistake. Started frantically going through the list of pepper varieties I have planted in my head. What kind of pepper was this?! I took another bite, complete with seeds. Hmmmm.... same tasty flavor, but with a little kick to it. Interesting. Better take another bite.
Ahh the heat is coming now! It still tastes fantastic, but with more spice!

Well, I may have accidentally eaten the whole darn pepper. It was GOOD! The point of growing these peppers was so that I could dry them and grind them into powder to use in kimchi.... but I DO have a pound of kimchi pepper already in my cabinet that I ordered online... and I really want to eat more of these delicious peppers...

Did I do the smart thing and save those seeds to make more pepper plants?! NO! I ate them all like a pig! Ugh! Next time I will for sure save some seeds!

I hate to say it folks, but I don't know if any of these are going to make it into the kimchi. It depends on my willpower, I suppose.

An idea that occurred to me is that perhaps they would be good if put RAW into the fermenting kimchi. I wonder what difference that would make? Who says they have to be dried? I bet the raw pepper rings would look super pretty in there. You know what? I think I'll have to try it.

I have loads more green kimchi peppers coming on and should be ready before long! Super excited about them!

I planted quite a few varieties of pepper, and these are the first to produce for me, even the plants that are in terrible need of transplanting! I am quite impressed with these plants, the hardiness of the plant and the production so far, not to mention the fantastic TASTE!! These will definitely be on my permanent 'grow-list'.

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you all have a lovely day!! ♥


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This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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I am not big on peppers I am a plain eater, but will be cool using your own peppers for Kimchi I bet

I love spicy food, and fresh veggies. :)
This pepper was a nice mix of sweet pepper flavor with a kick.
I am staring hungrily at all the green, unripe peppers hanging there. I cant wait for them to ripen so I can use them for kimchi, and maybe eat a few more raw. ;)

@squishysquid My Wife would love the peppers or I should say used to love them, she cannot have peppers or most spices now so is so frustrating for het

Oh no! That must be super frustrating!
I hope that day does not come for me! I thoroughly enjoy eating my spicy foods. ♥

@squishysquid Ohh yes it drives her nuts and I hope you never get anything like that

I love your idea for using the raw fresh peppers in your kimchi - I bet it will be really good. Have you shared your kimchi recipe?

Your posts always make me smile, you tell a good honest story and I love it.

Thank you! That is so sweet! ♥

Yes, I did! I posted it as an in-text link in the post, but maybe that is not the best way to go about it, haha.
Here is the link to the kimchi post I made a while back:

no that is perfect. I just gapped out completely. My mistake! Thank you. I would really like to make kimchi - it's been on my "must do" list for a while.

Awesome! I hope you try it!
Kimchi is fantastic stuff, and chock-full of probiotics. ♥

I thought you were going to say that you took a bite and your face melted off. Glad it was a tasty pepper! I know it will be nice to have some yummy peppers growing...whether you just eat them or actually replant the seeds, dry the peppers and grind them up. :) Kind of makes me want to try one!

Melted my face off... hahahahahaha!
You know, I had no idea what to expect, honestly. I was kinda afraid that might happen! I was pleasantly surprised though.
Now I just have to wait for all those green, unripe peppers just hanging there to ripen so I can use them and eat them!!

That little one surely had a kick in it...
So cool you can make your own kimchi :)

Thanks! It was delicious! ♥

Peppers look delicious. I planted some and hope they turn out as good as yours. The growing season here is behind yours...way behind!

Good luck with yours! It seems peppers are pretty hardy plants. At any rate, I don't generally kill those off, and I am not the best gardener around... haha!

Our growing season starts early and ends late here, which sounds great, but there is a large length of time in the middle of summer when it is SO hot that it is hard to grow all but the most heat-tolerant things. Pros and cons, I suppose....

sweeet post, or spicy...anyways I dig it highly
giphy (26).gif

Haha, thanks!
I like it spicy!

Great stuff! i just checked out yr kimchi recipe post and it was a lot easier than I thought. Thanks for clearing the air. I heard it’s good for the gut too.

Thanks! Yep, full of probiotic goodness!

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