My test Kimchi Pepper grew!!! ♥ Now time to plant the rest!!

Okay, some of you may remember that I like to make Kimchi!

I LOVE kimchi! I am always trying to get the flavor of mine better. I like it a lot, but I always feel like it could be better.
Well, one of the ways I am trying to improve it, (and this will take some time!), is to grow my own korean kimchi peppers!! I actually found some seeds online on etsy!


Now spring is in the air! Especially down here in the south...

I decided to do a test run, and planted a seed in a tiny pot in my windowsill. (To test viability, but mainly because I am just ITCHING to grow something!)

It grew!!!


I picked up some seed-starting materials when we were in town running errands yesterday, and today I will be planting these, and a few other interesting seeds I have stockpiled.

I'm super excited, because I love growing things!

Now I just need to find somewhere to put them so they can grow without being destroyed by the cats...

What things are you all planting, or planning to plant this year?

I'll keep you all updated on my spring planting!

Thanks for reading, Steemians!! Have a blessed day! ♥

badges courtesy of @daddykirbs



That's cool! Maybe I should find some too. I'm going to grow Chinese cabbage this year for the MIL's kimchi. My 10 year old daughter discovered she loves kimchi. She eats it like crazy. We have a separate refrigerator (a tiny one) just for kimchi and other Korean "delights".

Good idea! I need to find some chinese cabbage so I can make kimchi with homegrown cabbage too! Ill have to look around for seeds and see if I can grow some this year!
None of my kids like kimchi, so more for me! :D

What other korean delights do you make? I am intrigued.... :D

Oh I don't make the kimchi. My Korean mother-in-law does. She makes lots of Korean dishes but I never know their names...and I usually can't eat them. I can't handle things that are too hot and I'm allergic to shellfish.
I'm going to grow Chinese Hilton cabbage. It's supposed to make super good kimchi!

Oh wow! How neat that she is around and shares her cooking with you! ♥
So sorry that you can't eat the kimchi, but at least your daughter loves it! :D
Maybe if I tone down the spiciness on mine, my kids would eat it...

I wish you good luck with your seeds, I hope the plants will grow and you got what you are hoping for :)
I have a number of posts about gardening, seeds and so on. I'm not linking them here, I don't want to be considered spamming but you can check them if you want. Now I'm going to check out your other posts :)

Ok, Ill check them out, thanks! :)

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