How to Make Beautiful and Tasty Mayonnaise Easily (An Original Recipe and Photoshoot)

in #food8 years ago (edited)

“Parce que la vie, c'était un peu comme la mayonnaise. Faite de choses simples, comme des jaunes d'oeuf et de l'huile, et qu'il ne fallait surtout pas brusquer mais qu'un effort régulier transformait en le plus savoureux des mélanges.”
― Romain Puértolas, La petite fille qui avait avalé un nuage grand comme la tour Eiffel

(“Because life is a bit like mayonnaise. Made of simple things, like egg yolks and oil, and that should not be abrupt, but a regular effort turned into the tastiest mixes.”
― Romain Puértolas, The Little Girl Who Swallowed A Cloud As Big As The Eiffel Tower)

Wonder why making mayonnaise at home? Just look at the label of your favorite brand. Canola or soybean oils (both hydrogenated, high in trans fats), calcium disodium EDTA (toxic to cells), potassium sorbate (genotoxic to white blood cells), and high fructose corn syrup (can be harmful to liver), ―this is yet not the worst combination your money can buy as a product they call "mayonnaise". On the contrary, homemade mayonnaise is much easy to prepare, tastier, and way more healthier than any mayonnaise bought from the store.


  • 6-12 quail eggs (which is better) or 1-2 chicken eggs (need special treatment);
  • 150 mL vegetable oil (better sunflower or olive (mayonnaise might have a little bitter taste);
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon mustard (dry mustard);
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • a pinch of black (or red, cayenne) pepper.

First that you need to know is that all the products should be fresh (especially eggs) and of room temperature. Second is that if chicken eggs are used (instead of quail eggs) they must be processed in a double boiler to avoid risk of potential poisoning (salmonella).

Put the eggs, salt, sugar and pepper into a deep bowl, add mustard. If you use chicken eggs, stir the mixture with a whisk and process in a double boiler for 1 minute up to 150F (65C), then cool to room temperature. Optionally you may do it only with the yolks, but add a little water (1-2 tablespoons and also add 1-2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar).

The best way to make mayonnaise if to use immersion hand blender or a whisk. Add oil to the mixture gradually, blending the mixture all the time.

Continue to add oil and blending the mixture until it gets color and consistency of mayonnaise.
Some tips: if it’s not dense enough add one more yolk, you may also add more mustard and/or vinegar, so it would be more rich in taste. Keep in mind that olive oil adds some bitterness, so I would recommend using sunflower oil or mixing it with olive oil 50/50.

Ready homemade mayonnaise can be stored in the fridge sealed for up to three days.



(Even homemade mayonnaise is not the healthiest food on Earth!)

You can find a lot more various food recipes in my blog.
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Cheers and have a great day!

Sincerely yours, @richman

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Thank you for posting @richman.

Beautiful photographs....lovely intro....and tre simple recipe. At last a recipe using quail eggs.

Thank you very kind of you to bring such good things to Steemit for us to enjoy.

Thank you for your support. All the best. Cheers or should one say in light of the intro....A bientot.

Thank you for commenting @bleujay!
To be honest I don't really speak much French, since I had only one class of it :D
So, the intro might be not the best translation, but I really loved that quote.
All the best and cheers! A bientot!

Nice pictures on the subject,
then add some ketchup, little bit of whiskey and you have perfect cocktailsauce for crab and lobster dishes(some bread, some salad, some cooked lobster, some tomatoes and the sauce).

Lol thank you!
Might try your recipe since I have some more mayo left :D

Very timely as I was looking for mayonaise last night and this particlar store was out and they told me come back Tuesday to get the sale price. I was looking at the labels of everything else to avoid chemicals, what I have in the fridge right now is organic from Trader Joe's but it has a funny sharp taste. I'm going to go the homemade route like I do most everything else! Thank you :)

I'm really glad that my recipe was timely :D
I hope you won't regret and at least it will be some fun experience.
Try to add more yolks or whole eggs and mustard/vinegar to get the density/taste you like.

Gorgeous pics as always. These are top notch! I will enjoy responsibly, maybe.

Thanks a lot for your kind words!
Your photos are way more gorgeous and stylish :D
Please, don't argue!

mycket fina bilder lol tack

Tack för din kommentar också!

The only way is the homemade way, @richman. Thanks for posting with such beautiful pictures. What is the difference in taste between chicken and quail eggs? The quail are so beautiful. We buy eggs at our farmers market that are the lightest blue. They are so beautiful. I have never cooked or used anything other than chicken eggs, though I see more and more varieties lately.

Thanks much for your comment, Johanna!
Many people say that quail eggs are more delicate and more healthy compared to chicken eggs, not sure about it though.
I'm proposing to use quail eggs in this recipe simply because it's safe to eat raw quail eggs.
It also concerns the desserts like tiramisu and such.

Thank you so much!
I'm in great company :D

Thanks a lot for sharing :)

Thank you for your comment :)

I love your recipes! I follow you! =) @richman

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