Authentic Chinese-Style Steamed Sea Bass / 传统粤菜 - 清蒸鲈鱼

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Steamed fish with ginger and spring onions is an authentic Cantonese dish which is considered both a tasty and healthy choice.

This dish reminds me of meal time back home in China when my mother used to freshly prepare and cook it for our family. So, I know first-hand the benefits of steamed fish. This method also retains the original shape of the fish and holds moisture well. If you are on a fat-reducing diet, this is a great recipe for you.

Chances are ingredients needed in prepare it are already in your refrigerator. Therefore nothing should stop you from creating this delicious cuisine and enjoy the soft, melt-in-your-mouth, buttery smooth texture of sea bass. I have decided to share with you a Chinese-stylized variation of cooking it. So without further ado, let’s begin!

Ingredients (serves 1):

1 sea bass fish (gutted and rinsed out)
2 tsp of soya sauce
2 tsp of Chinese rice wine
2 tsp of fresh root ginger
1 tsp of sesame oil
2 spring onions
2 tsp of sunflower oil
1 clove of garlic
1 red chilli
Zest of 1 lime


Step 1: Chop the spring onion, ginger and red chilli into thin slices.

Step 2: To make the sauce, stir the soya sauce, rice wine and ginger in a small bowl, set aside. Prepare a 2-tier steamer, add water and bring it to boil.

Step 3: Make superficial cuts in the fish (not to the bone) on both sides. Then, marinate the fish with sesame oil and salt inside and out.

Step 4: Scatter half the spring onion onto a ceramic dish, then place the fish on top and pour the sauce over it.

Step 5: Place the dish in the steamer and cover. Steam for 10-12 minutes (depending on size of the fish). Remove the cooked dish from the steamer, get rid of the spring onion and the sauce. Keep warm and set aside.

Step 6: Heat the sunflower oil in a separate small saucepan on high heat setting. Scatter the fish with the remaining spring onion, garlic, chilli and lime zest. Then drizzle the sunflower oil over the fish and serve.

And voila!

A delicious fish cuisine that nutritious and burst with goodness. You may even use the method above to cook fillets which will also be just as tasty.

I personally like to stir fry a side of green beans to add as the perfect compliment. Any questions, please feel free to leave me comments below and I’ll be more than happy to answer them.

Hope you enjoy my recipe for Chinese-style steamed sea bass. See you all soon!





2 茶匙葱




步骤3:在两侧的鱼表面切口(不要切到骨头)。 然后将盐和芝麻油均匀地涂在鱼的身上。


步骤5:将鱼盘放在蒸锅里盖上盖子, 蒸煮10-12分钟(视鱼的大小决定)。取出蒸好的鱼, 弃掉蒸鱼的葱和汁,盖上保温。


瞧,这既美味又有营养的清蒸鲈鱼就做好了。你也可以用同样的方式来蒸鱼块。我个人喜欢配上个小炒豆角,那就更完美了, 呵呵!如果你们对这款菜谱有任何问题,请随时告诉我。



That looks really good - can I taste? ;-)

Lol.... If they ever make interactive screens then maybe. :)

Yum! I love fish.

Thank you, @billykeed! Nutritious and delicious! :)

Simple way to cook a fresh fish to preserve the freshness and taste.
Love the dish you have for the fish.
Is it expensive to get the sea bass there?

Thanks for that lovely comment, @ace108. It's not too expensive, similar in fact to the price of salmon... :)

You're welcome and thanks for the info.

I love sea bass - awesome photos once again. All this awesome food photography makes me hungry lol!

Lol, I'm sure if you were taking the photos, we'd all be a lot hungrier! You're the photo connoisseur!

I don't think I could take them as well as you and I'm being 100% serious. Food photography is not easy and I don't think you realise how good your photos are.

Well, let me tell you that you've just made my day, I'm blushing now, lol! That's really so sweet of you to say. But I'm also serious when I say please feel free to give me any tips or advice if you see any areas I can possibly improve on. Your input would always be warmly received.

You're a sweetheart, @thecryptofiend. Thank you. :)

@rea that looks freaking delicious I want one !
I've been looking for that rice wine for my Kung Pao Chicken sauce the toko store doesn't have it here so I improvised with rice vinegar and honey.
I found one in a local grocery store but it has MSG so I didn't buy. Sighs.
My pure rice wine was used up :*(

Thank you, @englishchrivy! I'm quite lucky to have a Chinese supermarket very close to where I live. Really hope you can find some rice wine. :)

Nice! My girlfriend loves sea bass, so I showed her. She says she prefers it without the head haha. Doesn't bother me though ;-)

Thanks for the great comment! Well, if your girlfriend doesn't like that, fillet is the next best option. The taste should be exactly the same, meaning delicious! :)

It certainly looks delicious! Sign us up.

Beautiful food post

Thanks, @gringalicious. I try to take after the best! ;)

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