Recipe - Home made bounty

in #food7 years ago

This is such an easy recipe to sate your chocolate/coconut cravings!


I ran into this recipe a while ago and really wanted to try it. I did not change the ingredients, but I recalculated it to grams and toned down the amount quite a bit. I also decided to make things easy on myself by making them in a muffin tray.

Here's the recipe, which is good for 12 muffin cups:


  • 60g Coconut oil
  • 100g Shredded coconut
  • 25g Honey
  • 100g Dark chocolate



  1. Line a muffin tray with paper muffin cups.
  2. Put the coconut oil in a container and set this in warm water. Heat up until it's liquid.
  3. Add the shredded coconut and honey. Stir well.
  4. Divide the mixture over 12 muffin cups, refrigerate until solid.
  5. Melt the chocolate by heating it in the microwave in small intervals until liquid. Stir inbetween.
  6. Pour the chocolate over the coconut mixture.
  7. Let this harden in the fridge.


Keep them in the fridge, or freeze them for longer keeping.

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I've made these before, I find honey is a little bit too much. Very fun to make, and you can make a 'molten' chocolate to dip the combination of shredded coconut and coconut oil in. I also like to add a bit of cashew butter to mine. :)

Ooh that sounds good too! I still don't really know where I can buy cashew butter, though I guess I could order it online sometime. I see it pop up in other recipes aswell.

You could skip the honey, I think you're completely right! I'll try it without the next time :-)

Vegan / Health Food stores sell it, its just like peanut butter, but made with cashews. Its a bit more pricey, but its very, very tasty.

Well I'll have to try it sometime :D

Ooh, it is so good :D

Imma give it a try with maple syrup and let you know. Maybe sometime next week 😊 thanks!!

That sounds like a good plan! :D

Yum! My favorite combination is chocolate and coconut (but peanut butter and chocolate is a close second, lol) I'll give this a try! Thanks for posting.

Awesome! I hope you'll like it :-)

That has to taste delicious!!!

It really is :D

Looks delicious, love coconut!

Well in that case, you should definitely try this sometime! They really are delicious :-)

I love Bounties, book marking this now for safe keeping and later use.

Well done!

You've got skills to envy.

Great! I hope you'll like them when you get around to making them :-)

This is a masterpiece.

Keep sharing such content.

You've made my day.

You're a superstar!

So interesting.

@playfulfoodie, this is easy to prepare. I will try it some time.

Great to hear! I hope you'll like it :D

Tasty pics :)

Why thank you! Their content is pretty tasty indeed :-)

this sounds so delicious something I must try.. I think I need to buy some coconut

Ooh yes, definitely try it :D

Those look delicious! I'm not supposed to have coffee or chocolate for a month so, of course, anything coffee or chocolate looks scrumptious.

Awww no! that must be hard (though I can't relate to liking coffee). Please pretend you didn't see this until after your month of torture is over :-)

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