in #food6 years ago

When @papa-pepper has a "salsa party," it's not so people can dance.

Along with the rest of our garden harvest preservation, salsa is a canning job that is always on the list. As you might have suspected, I'll go through a decent amount of salsa over the course of a year, and salsa making is one of those tasks that I really enjoy. Last night, it was time to crank out another six quarts quick.


Yesterday a neighbor offered up some free jalapenos at a gathering we attended. Before they all disappeared, I had @mama-pepper snag some up to use later on. I've got a lot of great peppers still on the way, but the tomatoes are cranking it out so hard right now that I figured it'd be a great opportunity to get some additional salsa made up.

After a late night tomato harvest after dark, we had the supplies ready to go. Some of the tomatoes were under-ripe, but they'll ripen on the counter for us. The rest went into the batch of salsa along with some lemon juice, onion, salt, and the jalapenos.

A lot of times super big batches are really worth the effort, but I'll turn out a smaller batch whenever it is convenient too. Smaller batches can be easier to fit into the day, and between tasks I can still work on other things. Every jar of salsa I make now is one more that we can save for the winter!

This batch was six quarts, which was a fine enough batch for me. with what a quart of salsa costs on the street, I'd rather make up my own whenever possible. This salsa was also blended and then cooked, because I like a salsa that is "thin" enough to run out of a bottle. After all, "salsa" means "sauce" anyway.

When they are fresh out of the hot water bath, you can actually see the steem rising from the lids of the jars. There's nothing like some steemy salsa!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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Salsa gardens. They're fun to do. That's what I started with. Grow what you would like to eat.

Man, me too! Then when we had children I began to grow other food too, but salsa was where it started.

I just made hot sauce too!
Great minds think alike.
Hot Sauce.jpg

This batch has habenero and roasted hatch chilis.
The secret to this one is carrot instead of tomato.

On Saturday I'm going to slow cook a pork shoulder in this for a big carnitas taco dinner!

Roasted hatch chilies are always great, and carrots can rock in a salsa! I hear you there!

It ended up losing some heat and being a little too liquidy but i'm positive that those carnitas tacos are going to be great. I'll let ya know. :)

So I slow cooked a shoulder all day. The "broth" was the salsa I made and some sweet liquid. Ok i'll admit it...7up.

It actually turned out great! Nice and mellow like carnitas always is...Mmmm

Here's to Salsa!


You've cooked very well. Everything is very good - everything is fresh and fresh. Photography is very beautiful. Hopefully, there is great taste.

How nice!! I never knew 'salsa' also means 'sauce', all that come to my head when i hear salsa are dance moves. I'm glad i learnt something new today, though i'll love to know how u use them.

Yeah, I'm more about eating salsa than dancing the salsa.

Wonderfull recipe

It looks delicious... Makes me want to try it....

Handmade sauce nothing better Then that

I agree! Gotta love it!

Good for you Papa, I can't afford what they get for KILO's on the Street either anymore..............@papa-pepper

LOL - You noticed that, did you? I guess it's just some of my past showing up, but at least people know what I mean. Thanks!

I bet it's damn tasty. Down here in San Antonio we love our Salsa ;)

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