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RE: Foraging for Wild Edible Mushrooms: Chantrelles

in #food7 years ago

Arkansas has so many different chanterelles! My favorites are the tiny red ones that aren't big enough to eat, but they're adorable. We had a huge chanterelle flush in central Arkansas in the summer of 2014. Haven't seen anything like it since.


You know what I love about those tiny bright orange/red ones (cinnabar chanterelles I think they are called)? They retain their bright color very well even after cooking. My favorite use I ever made of them was throwing them in a white wine and cream sauce, the little pops of bright orange in the sauce made it look great.

Arkansas has so many great summer mushrooms, if the rain is right. The diversity is really incredible. I hope you get another great season like 2014!

I can't wait four chanterelle season this year. Last year was a bust for me because we got so little rain.

Drought and good mushroom picking don't go well together, that's for sure! It will be interesting to see if you get a great flush of them this year, because they didn't fruit last year. Here's to seeing lots of yellow all through your woods! :D

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