Carbohydrate Cycling For Fat Loss & Muscle Building

in #food8 years ago

Carbohydrate Cycling: What You Need To Know!

In this article I will explain how to cycle with crabs. Personally, the best way to remove body fat without losing muscle mass or gaining muscle without accumulating fat. Let's start from the beginning. There are two basic principles of diet plan depending on the aim.


1. To increase body mass you need to consume more calories than you burn.
2. To remove the fat you need to consume fewer calories than you burn.

Obviously, the type of food that we consume will have a significant impact on the end result. If most of the calories come from junk food, it is likely that you will gain more fat than muscle. Also if on a diet when the calorie intake low consume foods of poor composition chances are that you will lose more muscle than fat. So the quality of food is as important as the amount of intake of food you eat. However, total food intake still remains of paramount importance when trying to either gain muscle or lose fat.

So, what can we do?

To stimulate maximum muscle growth you need carbs, and a relatively large any weight that you lift in training. Without a high calorie intake and carbohydrates you will hardly get a bunch of muscle tissue, even with a high protein intake. However, eating too much can lead to accumulation of fat.
The first method used by bodybuilders was to divide their diet plans and training throughout the year to stage mass and definition phase. Consuming large amounts of calories and a lot of carbs during mass and then drastically reducing calories and carbohydrates during definitions.

This allowed people to get to a lot of size, but most of them would have lost most of their newfound of musce tissue over definitions. Not to mention that those who have poor insulin sensitivity, gain a lot more fat than muscle during weight. Also losing 10-15 pounds during the definition is not very healthy. Such a waste of wegiht leaves a lot of stress on the body that can lead to the outskirts of some healthy problems.
At the end of the aesthetic perspective inflating with 10 pounds of fat for the sake of gaining 5 pounds of muscle is not the best thing to do. Ideally we want to look good most of the year and not just during the summer or other selected period.

Then came ketogenic diet that has worked well with some drawbacks. This diet is based on a relatively long period of avoiding carbohydrates, it is allowed to enter up to 50 grams of carbohydrates for 5 days and then one or two days of carbohydrate loading.
Such a diet is very effective in stimulating fat loss or long period without carbs is not conducive to maximum preservation of muscle. In fact, the second and third day you're pretty tough in a catabolic state. Of course there is an anabolic recovery during the day charging. I'm not sure whether it can be enough to compensate for the losses of muscle by the end of the week. It is possible that this is enough to prevent muscle loss on a weekly basis, but not enough to stimulate muscle growth.

Finally, a third approach. This dietary approach is based on not consuming carbohydrates and fat together, and carbohydrates are consumed only in times of increasing insulin sensitivity (in the morning and after training). Basically we had a daily three meals with carbs and three without.

This approach is very suitable for gaining muscle with minimal fat accumulation. However, this may still improve in order to get the best results.


Carbs Cycling

Finally, I will explain what is it cycling of carbohydrates, also could be called calorie cycling. It contains the basic theory of the above principles, carbohydrates are consumed only in the morning and after training. The only difference is that the amount of carbohydrates and calories changing every day. What will it accomplish?

  • This will allow maximum fat burning and best gain muscle during each week.
  • This will prevent metabolic slowdown by providing frequent caloric intake.
  • This will result in long-term success, because it is relatively easy to follow, especially compared to the more restrictive ketogenic diet.

The first step: Calculation of the basal metabolic rate

Second step: The factor activity (daily consumption of calories. Basal metabolism + activity)

Basal metabolism is the amount of calories that your body burns every day, even if you're not doing anything all day. It is obvious that you are more active you will burn more fuel. Therefore, energy consumption will increase when your activity level increases.

To get an adequate assessment of how much you need you need to multiply your BMR with the entry of activities:

Activity level

  • Minimal activity - 1
  • Very light activity - 1.2
  • Light activity - 1.4
  • Moderate activity - 1.6
  • High activity - 1.8
  • The extreme activity - 2

For minimal activity, we do not do anything all day (sleeping and watching TV). Under very light activity we mean doing nothing physical. Working in the office or on the computer and do not perform or track type bodies' activities throughout the day. For easy activi think non-physical job (work in the office or on the computer) or in addition to perform some kind of bodies' activities during the day but no hard training. Under moderate activity consider non-physical job, performing some sort of physical activity during the day, including daily exercise following your training plan. This is the amount of activity where the most people. For high activity we mean either training plus a physical job or non-physical job and twice-daily training. For akstremne activities we think of hard physical work and daily hard training.

So, if we put a 90-pound and 180 cm high bodybuilder as an example it will have your basal metabolism 2050 kcal / day and if moderately active his daily energy consumption came to 2,050 x 1.6 = 3280 calories a day. This is the amount of food you need to consume in order to maintain current weight.
Step Three: Adjusting caloric intake depending on order

To gain muscle and should consume more calories than you use every day, and if you want to lose fat you need to do the opposite. 20% increase or decrease in calories seems to be ideal for most individuals. This is not a drastic increase / decrease, so it should not lead to excessive muscle loss or unwanted fat gain.
If uzmemeo our sample bodybuilder's daily consumption of calories je3280kcal / day. If you want to gain muscle mass should raise the calorie intake to 3940 kcal / day, and if you want to lose fat he should reduce calorie intake to about 2620 kcal / day on average.

Please note that depending on your body type and metabolism, you may need to adjust these figures. Ectomorph will need to increase caloric intake more than 20% of maximum gain muscle (about 30% is best for them) also should decrease less when trying to lose fat (by 10% instead of 20%). Endomorph should increase by 10% when trying to gain muscle mass and reduce by 20% if you want to lose fat.

For example, if a heavy 90kg bodybuilder is an endomorph he should ingest 3610 kcal / day while trying to get the muscles (instead of 3940 kcal / day).
Step Four: Setting nutrient intake for the "moderate day '

Protein intake should remain stable during all three types of days. At least 1.5 gram per kilogram of body weight is necessary, but I recommend the 3.5 g / kg body weight for better performance (315 g / day for a 90kg heavy individual).

When trying to gain mass levels of carbohydrates to "moderate" the day should be the same protein intake. Thus, in the case of our heavy 90kg bodybuilder 315 grams of carbohydrates.

So, he now spends 2520 kcal / day (1260 from proteins and 1260 from carbs). Let's say he's an endomorph if you want to gain muscle mass of his calorie intake should be about 3610kcal / day. So, he has 1090 calories to consume in the form of fat, preferably good fats. Since fat has 9kcal / g, this comes up to 121 grams of fat a day.

To sum up, our endomorph bodybuilder of 90 pounds who want to gain muscle mass should consume the following in the "moderate" days:

  • 315g protein
  • 315g of carbohydrates
  • 121g fat

If he wants to lose fat, carbohydrate intake on the average days should be set at 2.75g per kilogram of body weight. In our sample of a man who comes up to 250g per day.

Protein intake is kept around 3.5 g / kilogram of body weight (315g in our example), and the rest of the calories are from fat.

In the case of our endomorph bodybuilders should consume 2620 kcal / day to izdefinirao. Entering his 2260kcal of protein and carbohydrates, so he has about 360kcal input in the form of fat, or 40g / day.

Our endomorph bodybuilder of 90 kilos which is to be ripped should consume the following on "moderate" days:

  • 315g protein
  • 250g of carbohydrates
  • 40g fat

Step Five: Setting nutrient intake for the other days

Protein and fat intake remains constant during the week only carbohydrates vary up and down. During dnan high carbohydrate intake is increased to 125% of moderate days. During the days of low carbohydrate intake is lowered to 75% of the moderate days.

In order to continue with our example, our 90-pound bodybuilder should consume:

  1. when trying to gain weight:

Days of high carbohydrate intake = 315g protein, 395g carbs, 121g fat

Days umijerenog carbohydrate intake = 315g protein, 315g carbs, 121g fat

Days of low carbohydrate intake = 315g protein, 240g carbs, 121g fat

  1. When trying to lose fat:

Days of high carbohydrate intake = 330g protein, 310g carbs, 40g fat

Days umijerenog carbohydrates = 330 g protein, 250 g carbohydrate, 40 g fat

Days of low carbohydrate intake = 330 g protein, 185 g carbohydrate, 40 g fat
Step: Adjusting intake as the diet progresses

When trying to lose fat you will need to constantly reduce the intake of calories is the body gets used to the level of food intake. With the cycling of carbohydrates is less of a problem because changing the carbohydrate intake and the intake of calories varies. But still every 3-4 weeks you will see a bit of the carbs and calories to continue losing fat.

However, you should not make any drastic cuts, as this is the reason why most people lose muscle during phase definitions. I suggest reduction of around 20g of carbs per day every 3 or 4 weeks. If fat loss has not slowed down, there is no need to reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

When trying to gain weight and if after 2-3 weeks you did not get muscle mass, increase the intake of protein and carbohydrates, each of 25g. Initially add that amount to your post-workout meal. If after another 2-3 weeks there is no change, add the same amount to your breakfast. If you still do not get the muscles, add some more to your post-workout shake...


In order to increase the absorption of food and muscle gain and fat deposition izbijeglo should consume 6-7 servings a day. Three of those meals should contain carbs and proteins (breakfast, directly after a workout and meal 60-90 minutes after a workout). The remaining 3-4 meals should be made up of protein, good fats, and green vegetables.

The ideal time to train is around 10:00. This gives us the following eating schedule:

Meal 1 (upon waking up): Carbs + protein
Meal 2 (after training around 11.00): Carbohydrates (glucose or dextrose) + whey proteins
Meal 3 (00:30): Carbs + protein
Meal 4 (15:30): proteins, fats, and green vegetables
Meal 5 (18:00): proteins, fats, and green vegetables
Meal 6 (21:00): proteins, fats, and green vegetables

Obviously, not everyone can work out in the morning. For those who have to train in the evening (around 5:00 or 6:00 pm), suitable following schedule:

  • Meal 1 (upon waking up): Carbs + protein
  • Meal 2 (10:00) carbohydrates, proteins and green vegetables
  • Meal 3 (00:30): proteins, fats, and green vegetables
  • Meal 4 (15:30): proteins, fats, and green vegetables
  • Meal 5 (after the workout, around 18:00): Carbohydrates (glucose or dextrose) + whey proteins
  • Meal 6 (21:00): Carbs + protein

Nutrients per serving

Each meal should contain proteins, it should be evenly distributed. For example, if you consume 315g of protein a day, 6 meals should contain 50-55 grams.

Fat intake in 3 of the 6 meals should be equally divided. So if you need to eat 100g of fat, this comes up to 33g of fat in each of three meals.

Carbohydrates are raporečeni in 3 installments. About 50% of your carb intake should be consumed immediately after training, 25% in the morning and around 25% of 60-90 minutes after training. So, if you need to enter 250g of carbohydrates per day, 125g and 75g after training in the morning, and 75g about 60-90 minutes post-workout.
food choices

We talked about kioličini nutrients at certain times and now we talk about kvaliteti.kako To maximize your results you need to bring the right things in your body. Here is a quick list of the appropriate foods for each type of food.

Breakfast (carbs + protein)

  • Source of protein: egg whites, tuna, chicken (foods with a lot of protein and little fat)!
  • Sources of carbohydrates: fruits, oatmeal, potatoes, cereal muesli.
  • After training (proteins + carbohydrates)
  • source proteinia: whey powder
  • The carbohydrate source glucose or dextrose
  • 60-90 minutes after training (proteins + carbohydrates)
  • Source of protein: chicken, fish, shrimp, lean meat.
  • Sources of carbohydrates: potatoes, brown rice, whole pasta, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms,
  • Meal protein + fat
  • Protein source: all cuts of meat, fish, chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs, low-fat cheese!
  • Sources of fat: protein foods above, fish oil, flaxseed oil or seed
  • Green vegetables: 100-200 g


If this article was somewhat more complex previous articles I apologize. But to make the most out of your diet can not be easy. Attention to detail is important and will certainly pay off in the near future.

This type of diet has been proven effective in most individuals. In the long term will lead to a lot more muscle and less fat. It takes work, but your efforts will be rewarded!

Thanks for reading, you can follow me here for more interesting articles: @luka.skubonja


Interesting post, and very informative and comprehensive in its content. I was intrigued by "cycling with crabs" but managed to work out that "cycling with carbs" was intended. I was a bit disappointed actuality.

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