Bitcoin Kettle Corn Food Porn Photo Shoot

in #food7 years ago

Almost every day since the Bitcoin fork, John's said something along the lines of "Where's the popcorn?" in reference to how entertaining the market has been to watch these last few weeks. As Bitcoin cash and segwit duke it out, it's been at the very least an entertaining show for those who love to watch markets like John does. I finally got sick of it yesterday and made him some popcorn, in the form of chai flavored kettle corn. Here I share the photos, later I share the recipe.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Lily Gobs Marshmallow Madness Recipe
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes Recipe
Lily's Laptop: Misadventures of Saving a New Laptop Purchased with Steem from Windows Spyware


It makes me very hungry. The photos are beautiful and gives envy.

Chai flavored popcorn?! Yum. Looking forward to that recipe. And I see you're a glass blower. Do you have other glass artworks to show?

I shared this post recently with literally all of my posts on glass up to this point. I post em as I make em and I've got plans to blow glass tonight, but that won't be shared until tomorrow.

How fun! Most often, when I see glass pieces, the colors are more subtle until the smoke brings them out, but your colors are outstanding right from the start. Nice work! BTW, I tagged you in a post Top #11 List, because I like your post here. :)

You are, of course, in the land that invented popcorn.

Mexico: the land that brought us popcorn, chocolate and the oral contraceptive but never thought of combining them.

Need source on oral contraceptive thing :O I'll say, it was hard to find not toxic contraceptives here for decent prices.

Oh, this is a can of worms. Various people came up with ideas, prototypes, yadda yadda. Some people would credit the Miramontes/Djerassi team in Mexico, others might go for Sanger/Pincus. Depending on what you consider the finishing line to be, the Mexican team was the first to get a US patent for oral contraceptives and Syntex, the company financing their research, then brought Norinyl to market.

gooood and nice post upvote ;)

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