Boiled Watermelon Seeds Have Health Benefits, DESIST From Disposing of Them!

in #food7 years ago

Watermelon usually has a high content of water, which favors its consumption as a juice and sometimes as a smoothie. When taken, watermelon contributes significantly to the vitamins and minerals of the body. Other than the watermelon themselves, watermelon seeds are profitable to people’s health in many different ways. However, individuals who are unaware of the importance of the seeds usually dispose of them after taking the watermelons. This should not be the case with the watermelon seeds.


Watermelon Seeds


The nutrients that are associated with watermelon seeds are discussed below:


The protein content of watermelon seeds is considerably high. When the seeds are dried and filled in 1 cup, the weight of protein obtained is usually 30.6 grams. Arginine is among the various amino acids that are found in the protein that watermelon seeds contain. Undeniably, the body directly produces arginine. On the other hand, the watermelon seeds add some arginine that could aid the body in functioning properly. Some of the functions of arginine are the promotion of hair growth through its vasodilating effect and the regulation of blood pressure. Other than arginine, watermelon seeds derived protein comprises lysine, glutamic acid, as well as tryptophan.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are also a vital component of watermelon seeds. In line with the American Cancer Society, the transformation of food into vital bodily functions as well as energy is readily achieved with the help of B vitamins. Watermelon seeds majorly contain niacin, which is categorized as B vitamin. When watermelon seeds are dried to the amount of 1 cup, the weight of niacin recovered is approximately 3.8 grams. The volume comprises around nineteen percent of the recommended bodily consumption per day. Niacin plays the crucial role of maintaining the health of the skin. In addition, niacin comes in handy improvement of both the digestive and the nervous system. Watermelon seeds contain various other B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, folate, as well as riboflavin. The other worth noting B vitamins in the seeds are pantothenic acid and thiamin.


Another important health benefit of watermelon seeds is the minerals. The most readily available mineral in watermelon seeds is magnesium. In most cases, the magnesium in 1 cup of watermelon seeds that have been dried usually surpasses the recommended daily value by 39 percent. The National Institute of Health recognizes blood pressure regulation as one of the major roles of magnesium. The metabolism process that produces energy is also made possible with the presence of magnesium in the body. Other than magnesium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, and manganese are vital minerals in watermelon seeds. At the same time, copper, potassium, and iron are vital minerals that are present in watermelon seeds.


Watermelon seeds comprise an amazingly high volume of a quantity of fat. When considering 1 cup of watermelon seeds that have been dried, the amount of fat to be expected is usually 51g of which eleven are in saturated nature. Other than the saturated fats in watermelon seeds, the fatty component also contains some amount of omega-6 fatty acids in addition to both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. In line with the American Heart Association, the most important role of both poly and monounsaturated fats is the reduction of blood cholesterol. In addition, for those who have high blood pressure, it is recommended to use watermelon seeds considering that the omega-6 component is known for its blood pressure reduction. However, you should be aware of the disadvantages of taking the seeds, one of which is the associated high-calorie count. When you eat the entire cup of watermelon seeds that have been dried, the quantity taken in would be, surprisingly, 600 calories.

Making a tea by crushing and boiling watermelon seeds is the other way through which you can benefit from the seeds.

How to Prepare Watermelon Seeds Tea

Begin by crushing into powder fresh watermelon seeds. Measure approximately four tablespoons of the grounded seeds, add to two liters of clean water, and then boil for about 15 minutes.

Recommendation: You should utilize the mixture above for two consecutive days followed by a one-day break. You can follow the same procedure for the subsequent weeks to enjoy the full health benefits of watermelon seeds.


Free Image on Pixabay - Watermelon, Summer, Sweet, Berrie. (n.d.). Pixabay. Retrieved from Pixabay
STOP throwing away Watermelon seeds and boil them to get this surprising result. (n.d.). Danified. Retrieved from Danified



Water melon has many benefits. Now we can eat more as we know both taste and benefits.

Upvoted and followed :)

@musclenerd thanks for dropping by my friend!

wow ! Who knew !?!? LOL! Thanks for all the great information ! Does the powder desolve when its boiled !? Or do you need to put it through a sieve or something ! ? Im thinking it wouldn't taste like anything , have you ever tried it !? 😏

Hi @karenmckersie thanks that you like my article. Anyway, yup I have tried it myself. When I boiled it, all residue remains at the bottom which allows me to transfer the juice with no worries. It taste like a tea for me and I dont like tea lol, I add some sugar so I can enjoy it lol

OK thanks ! It sounds good , might try it sometime!👍

very nice and interesting post with a beautiful pictures.


Thanks @thaokhanh, I'm following you :)

Interesting and informative! :)

@poetrychik thanks for dropping by. im following you :)

You're welcome. Following you too :)

That's a great post. You know other than that, watermelon can increase testosterone levels. That works great as a pre workout meal. Loved the info.
checkout my article. I'm sure you'll like it.
benefits of watermelon

Woah! Really!? Perfect! I'll check your blog. @rahul516 following :)

Thanks for sharing this informative piece on watermelon seeds. I normally throw mine away! It is high time I started making good use of them.

Me too buddy! I use to throw them away lol never thought this kind life hack :D I've tried it myself and the taste aren't bad at all

wow its pretty cool!

thanks buddy!

Thanks for sharing this bit of information. I wasn't aware of the nutritional benefits of the seeds. As they say 'knowing is half the battle.'

I totally agree with you! Anyway thanks for dropping by @wthomas

most seeds are good for you containing B17 , bitter almond seeds are even reputed to help cure cancer , they contain a form of arsenic that is quite safe but is activated when they come in contact with cancer cells ,
apple seed taste the same as almond seeds so must have a similar content

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