Steemit Culinary Challenge #30 - Lemon Lavender Tart.

in #food7 years ago (edited)

So tarts!

To be honest, I've never made a tart before and it took me some time to do a little research and get an idea of the basic things to know before making one. I've gone through quite a lot of recipes online to figure out what I want to make and what I have available to me, that was fun. I think in the nearest future I am going to make tarts once again maybe experimenting with some berries or chocolate too?

Unfortunately, I don't bake often, or as often as I would like to because I gotta keep my carbohydrates under control, but I love to bake for other people and share food. I planned on taking the tart to my friends house, but my husband @matt-a ate a half of it, you can still say the food was shared though :).

So yesterday I had a dinner with a friend of my mine, a new steemian @chernern and her husband @rahulyadav, check them out! She loves to cook and is going to try and take part in SCC from now on as well, I'm pretty excited about that and looking forward to seeing what she's gonna make.

Lemon Lavender Tart

Ingredients for the crust:

  • 50-60 g butter;
  • 100-120 g flour;
  • 2-3 tablespoons nuts (I'm using walnuts);
  • 2-3 tablespoons honey;
  • 1 teaspoon lavender;
  • 1 egg yolk.


In a high speed food processor or a blender, combine flour, butter, honey, lavender, nuts, yolk and pulse.

Take the dough out of the food processor and let it chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Like I mentioned earlier, it is my very first time making tarts, so I don't have a tart baking pan yet, so I decided to use my bread pan, place a sheet of parchment paper on the bottom of the pan and form a nice looking crust.
Preheat your oven to 380 degrees F or 190C, bake the crust for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown. And then chill. Chill the crust, I mean haha.

Ingredients for the lemon filling:

  • 1 egg;
  • 70-80 ml lemon juice;
  • lemon zest from 1 lemon;
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • 20-25 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch.


In a medium bowl, whisk together lemon juice, lemon zest, honey, egg and cornstarch. In a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly. The mixture will thicken pretty quickly, add in the butter and continue to stir for another minute or two, cool the mixture down.

Evenly spread the lemon filling on the crust, decorate with fresh lemon slices, lavender and powdered sugar. Serve cold.

Overall I was pretty happy with how this tart turned out, even though there are still some things that need to be worked on it was amazing. Thanks @biglipsmama for coming up with a fun topic for the challenge and letting us all taste the sweet things sometimes!
And of course another thanks is going to Ireland to our great host @woman-onthe-wing.
Thank you @smooth and @sirwinchester for being our kind sponsors!



I ate . . . all of this. I'm a complete fat ass. It ruled. I want more . . . NOW. GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!!!

Man... we were supposed to get some too :p

Toooooooo bad! I literally ate all of it . . . with absolutely zero shame!

I'm gonna force her to make about 5 more. It seriously ruled to death. A+, big time.

lol I'll be sure to sneak some before you get to it next time!!

Come double down and create 5 of them with Ann . . . so I can eat them all.

@matt-a You have talented wife!!! You must be happy. )

Haha, SHE is talented! I am lucky!

Just a moment . . . haha :)

give me you postal address ill send more!

Awesome pics as always! Especially the cat!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! The cat is my little princess of Bosporan Kingdom Lenorka, she's also known as the queen of all cats haha

WOW @kotturinn just when I think you can't surpass yourself again you go and prove me wrong!!! What a fantastic post - not just the recipe but the photos too, they're so artistic and bring everything to life. And your featured cat gave me such delight! I think he's become your trademark :-) Now I'm going to share this recipe with my Mum because she just adores both lemon and lavender and will just LOVE this I know it! Good luck

Aw! Thank you very much, I'm happy I got to impress you once again :).
All of my kitties are girls, by the way, I don't know why but almost everyone thinks they are boys haha, I wonder why?
I do hope your mom likes this recipe, it's nice how easy to make it was too, maybe substituting the baked crust for a raw one would even be better?

It's funny I was thinking along the same lines about a raw crust, because I too made a baked crust the other day from seeds and nuts, but it could be raw like a cheesecake base, so I'm going to do some more experimenting this week! My Mum LOVES the sound of your recipe by the way... she thought the photos were amazing too!

What is the name of your 'crazy' cat? She totally looks like a fella, though perhaps her personality is feminine if I met her in real life haha!!! She's awesome... I want a crazy looking cat someday too, but I can't get another atm because we have an un-neutered male and no vets in the area to perform the snip!

I'm happy to know your mom liked this recipe! I didn't have a tart recipe on hand, but I've looked through a lot of them and kind of just picked whatever I liked from each recipe I saw and substituted sugars for honey except for powdered sugar, it was an interesting research, I had no idea there are so many variations of tarts until now.
Her name is Lena, I named her after my mom because in a weird way I think she kind of looks like her, also the breed is called Scottish Fold and all cats of this breed have one ancestor in common - one barn kitty that was once found in Scotland, they can have either straight or folded ears due to a cartilage mutation, but overall they're healthy cats and have a regular lifespan, you should get one!!! Oh yeah they all sit like this too:

I LOVE this photo! It makes me want to laugh like hee hee heeeee!!! So funny :-)

Nice haha! They are funny pets!

I hope you don't mind me calling your cat crazy... I mean it in affectionately as I love how she looks!

I don't care, no worries! She is a crazy looking cat after all! :)

Hello my friend Lovely food Simple recipe I liked the image of the cat in the picture

Please my friend I would like to get your support here your vote great honor

Sure! And thanks!

Thank you my friend for my support

Wow, what an amazing tart...great pictures too! I never know Lavender can be eaten and make such yummy thing. What a great surprise ...

Thank you! I had no idea about lavender's use in cooking until last year, one of our friends treated me to a lavender pie she made, it was pretty good, but this is my first time preparing lavender myself.

Looks so tasty!! And you have a cuteee cat :D

Thanks a lot! Yeah, it is a Scottish Fold kitty, they are too cute!

Wow, that looks great, and the pictures ear equally as nice looking! and I cant believe you cat looks like that in all the pictures hes in. Its so epic! Thanks for sharing, keep doing what your doing!! and I will look at yours and @matt-a ' s friends and say hi and give them a welcome!

Thank you, so nice!
The cat is a girl, by the way! Little princess kitty :)

Dually noted and remembered :) ! And dont you guys have one other one? Are they both girls?

Actually we have 3! And they are all girls, 2 of them grew up together, and the 3d one came to the states from Russia, and thinks she's a human hahaha

Baha, one of thooooose cats. Well nice. I can call all them her and get away with it :) ! But Little Princess Kitty takes the best pictures though!! Watch you, you will become a cat lady. I don't know what the number is but with 3 your on the verge haha!!

To be honest, I wouldn't mind getting another cat, but @matt-a doesn't want to have anymore cats hahaha. Princess kitty is the cutest lil' thing!
So do you live in the states too?

Yes yes, west coast. Close to Las Vegas. @matt-a has the fear I would have of becoming a full fledged cat person probably haha!! But if you guys ever make it out here and have time I would gladly buy you guys dinner or show you around.. Zion is one of the sweetest places on earth and I live really close!

That's awesome, I've never been to west coast! I only came here a little over 2 years ago, there's a whole bucket list of exploring to do, America is so big, there's so much I would love to see. Also, if you ever find yourself in Detroit, we will gladly show you around, it's getting prettier every day :)

I love tarts! Thanks for activating my taste buds and make me crave for this! Great photos as usual, and nice cat! :)

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed them! :)

Looks very tasty :) Good luck with the challenge!!

Thanks! I like how SCC brings people together!

Totally agree!! It is a lot of fun to make and share recipes, learn new ones from others and read some personal notes about the dish they made :)

nice post...

Glad you enjoyed!

Of course I am happy ... may we share in the post...

I'm a little confused! Share in the post?

Surely we are rating each other good post upvote, resteem and so on ...

Oh, I see! Sorry for the confusion haha

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