Check out my Unicorn Cake!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

A little special someone had a birthday recently, and a Unicorn Cake was requested.

Your wish is my command, little special someone!

I adapted the almond yellow cake recipe from Odense because I knew I wanted to incorporate almond paste into the cake batter. I doubled the recipe so that I could make this cake 4 tiers high. Also, instead of all egg yolks, I used 12 whole eggs. It turned out really moist and not boring at all.


Between the four layers, I alternated between chocolate ganache and lemon mousse.

For the chocolate ganache, I heated semi-sweet chocolate chips over a double boiler, added whipping cream and a splash of vanilla and that's it!


I used this recipe for the lemon mousse. This is actually a pretty good dessert on its own, and it was light and fresh inbetween cake layers. I replaced the lemon extract with lemon essential oil. Perfectly lemony!


I covered the tiers with a cream-cheese buttercream before covering the entire cake with homemade marshmallow fondant.


For the cream-cheese buttercream, it's basically regular buttercream (powdered sugar, vanilla, and butter), but I replaced half of the butter with cream cheese.


I made all of the flowers in the same way I did for the cupcakes, but I used different sizes and different colors to add variety. The horn was pretty easy and I formed it around a skewer. The ears are also made of fondant, and I kept them curled in place while they dried overnight. The "hair" of the unicorn is also marshmallow fondant.


This was my first time working with fondant, and I had no idea how to secure the decorations to the cake without having them fall off. Luckily, my resourceful mom did a little research and we decided to make 'fondant glue' to secure the flowers, hair, and ears to the cake.


Fondant glue is as simple as melting a bit of fondant and water in the microwave. Easy, and everything stayed secure! I did need to use a few random kitchen items to prop some of the roses up while the glue was drying.


For the eyelashes, I used food-grade charcoal powder (I brush my teeth with it sometimes.) mixed in with a bit of the remaining fondant glue, and I dabbed it on with the tip of a q-tip.


Like I said, this was my first time working with fondant, and while I love how the flowers and other decorations turned out, I'm on the fence about covering a whole cake with fondant - in the summer. I'm pretty sure that all of the 'sagging' of the fondant was due to warm August temperatures, and I decorated this cake the night before it was served. In the future, I might refrigerate it after decorating it, but this time I left it on the kitchen counter because I wasn't sure if the refrigerator would cause condensation after bringing it to room temperature.





Overall, I'm pretty happy with this cake. It made the birthday kid pretty happy AND it tasted really good too!


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please do check out my blog.

All content and images by @jaymorebeet, taken on August 25-27, 2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.


This is amazing! I love it

early morning if in serve this cake just make her drink milk coffee or milk chocolate sit while listening to music while reading newspaper menu post nice

Kind of sounds pretty interesting @zainalabidin :) Thanks!!

that looks so nice and tasty hahaha it makes me hungry , i invite you to my blog any support will be very apreciated.

Thanks @takeru255! I'll check out your blog!

That's one awesome looking layer cake and I bet it tasted great as well!!!

And I can totally understand why you didn't choose to use Gorilla Glue to hold all those accessories in place 😉

Thanks @cognoscere! Yeah I didn't want anyone to lose a tooth or vomit after eating the cake that I made. I would never be able to outlive the guilt!

These cakes can make one sell his birthright if offered in exchange.........looking sumptous......I love cakes...thanks @jaymorebeet

Thanks @da-primate. :) Silly silly :)

wow I bet that was appreciated! nice work. gorgeous details.

Thanks @sallybeth23. I think my fear of fondant is a little less now that I just dove in and tried something with it.

That cake is so adorable I'd want to hug it! lol. You are really talented! I wish I had your skills. I'm trying to figure out how to make a bear themed cake for my daughters birthday but I doubt it'll be anything close to as good as this.

Ahhh! I just got lost in a 'pinterest cake fail' wormhole. I was literally LOL-ing. Google and get ready to crack up. I have faith that whatever bear cake you make for your girl will NOT be as bad as some of those fails out there. :) Make a post about it!

Oh my goodness @jaymorebeet you are too adorable! I want this unicorn cake! I can't count how many times I asked my mom for one and she certainly didn't grant MY wish! That mom of the year award needs to be revised to BEST MOM EVER! <3

so you will betray your mom because of a unicorn cake???lol.... i must show your mom this asap.........

Don't be a tattle tale now @da-primate. @heart-to-heart 's secret is safe with me (and the entire internet forever).

Lol....don't worry , I ain't a snitch...

Haha yes, absolutely yes! My mom would understand ;)

You sure she will???

Maybe this earns me good behavior all the way until next birthday. Whaddya think?? Sounds like the start of a slipper downward spiral! Thanks @heart-to-heart :) I'll make one for you on your birthday- but something tells me it won't look the same when it arrives!

Hahahaha you are the best @jaymorebeet <3 Just knowing you would makes me happy enough! I am really craving cake now though... I wish I had an over... now into creative mode to deal with this ;) XO

Haha thanks @dabeckster :) Yum's the word!

Nice cake! It looks yummy, i want to learn how to make the marshmallows to prepare a cake like you, but i need the recipe in details.
Thank you are sharing with us adorable 🎂 cake.

I made a post a few days ago with details about the marshmallow fondant- if you have any questions that it doesn't answer just ask and I'll do my best ;)

Thank you my dear i will check it after.

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