Fast, Healthy, Keto-Friendly Salad

in #food6 years ago


howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas where
we love our beef in so many varieties! Today I wanted to give you a
quick and easy salad that has become one of our staples here at home.

It's super healthy starting with all organic greens of Red Romaine,
regular Romaine, Green Oak, Rosa, Radicchio, Chards and Spinach.


Then we take sour cream, a chopped up Guacamole, onions, tomatoes,
and grated cheese. We mash up the guacamole and combine it with
the sour cream. In the meantime we are frying up some Organic Beef
or chicken to place on top of the greens.


Sometimes I take all of the ingredients except the cheese and mix it
up with the greens but I chop up the greens rather finely. This
produces a moist salad mixture because I don't like dry leaves and
I don't like Olive Oil dressings. Then I top it with the cheese.


And there you have it, we use alot of our homemade gluten-free
crackers which are made with flax seed meal with this salad and
it's amazing! And amazingly healthy.

that's all this time folks, stay safe and eat healthy!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know, you might just be a redneck if:

you have a Hefty bag where the window of your car should be!


👍 nice content

howdy there @dianadora! thanks for stopping by.
yeah sometimes I get it right!

its my pleasure 😀👍

This looks like an awesome salad! I would be making mine with chicken. The beef here is tough and is really awful tasting. Certainly nowhere s tasty as Texas beef, or Alberta Beef or even Argintinian beef.

howdy today @cecicastor! I wonder what's the difference is with the beef there? I vote for chicken then, it's easy to make it taste good.

Oh yeah! You two should open a diner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw your yummy crackers right away. :)

a diner! lol. I doubt if a Keto diner would make it around here, people here eat horrible. It's that dang heat, all they want to do all summer is sit around in the air conditioning and pig out on ice cream and comfort food! thank you squirrelbait!

Avocado is very versatile and nutritious @janton. You used ingredients in your salad that I am not familiar with!

oh yeah just the different types of greens which are not very common like Radicchio lol I have no idea what that is. as long as it's organic though, it's fine by me!

Flax Seed and Chia really are staples when it comes to the ketogenic lifestyle. You can do a lot of cool things with them.

yes sir I keep reading about chia but haven't incorporated it into recipes yet but that's coming, thanks for the reminder!

There are some interesting recipes, you can check them out. I just add them whenever I do basically anything incorporating blended fruit.

yes sir that sounds good. You only cook for yourself right, so you can do any kind of experimenting that you like? lol no one to complain to.

Well at the end of the day, everyone is his own worst critic. I don't really cook that much or that diverse to be honest. Partly because I am really not good and way too impatient for it but also because I really do only eat once a day on most days, so that kinda does take away opportunities for practise.

I guess that does limit your practice time! lol. You must be somewhat A.D.D. to be able to work on so many things. That's a great thing for a creative person though.
over here if a kid has signs of A.D.D. they give him or her drugs to calm them down, it's a travesty.

You'll be pleased to know, @janton, that I haven't had a potato in weeks. I've also lost 7 pounds...

whoa! are you serious?? my gosh man that's amazing. Did you start losing when you dropped the potatoes?
It's like a modified Keto diet!

Well, I am also watching my other carbs much more closely too.

well it IS a modified Keto then, great job!

Down 10 this morning...but I haven't had breakfast yet, lol...

wow good job man!

Back up two pounds this morning. Too much watermelon maybe...?

lol! ya know I've heard of watermelon diets and things like that and it's hard to believe but they are one of THE most Keto unfriendly things you can eat, they'll all sugar! so it could very well be. I mean we don't care, in the summertime when it's super hot we eat alot of it anyway. very healthy fruit, is watermelon a fruit?

HEY, my husband finally fixed the window... and does it make me more or less of a redneck if it wasn't the name brand "Hefty" but a generic version?

(Asking for a friend, of course)

ahhaha! what a bunch of rednecks! I KNEW it! I knew there was something I liked about you guys lol. hey that makes you way MORE of a redneck if it's an off brand sorry!
you guys were really driving around with a bag covering your window?

We have driven around with bags on our windows more than once. That's what happens when you raise five kids on one income. :/ Thankfully, my husband can fix ANYTHING and usually for cheap.

You'd have LOVED his truck. The starter broke and we couldn't afford a new one, so he installed a big red button and rerouted the wires and whatnot, so in order to start the truck, you put in the key and then pushed the red button. It was pretty epic.

When we lived on the road, we drove a 40 year old greyhound bus that we converted. One time the oil filter blew out in the middle of nowhere (plus, no cell phones and very little money) he fixed the filter using a pair of my tights and a wire hanger that lasted the rest of the years that we owned that bus.

lol! oh my gosh this stuff is so funny, well looking back on it. I had forgotten that you lived on the road. The boat, the bus, ya'll had something against houses when you were younger? well the boat wasn't that long ago I don't think.

how long did you live on the Bus and where did you go?
and what did you do for income?
have you ever just written a book about your whole crazy life? lol.

I Painted on motorcycles, mostly at Gold Wing rallies and we lived on the bus between rallies for about 3 years. We traveled all over the country (except, unfortunately we never made it to the West Coast) and painted/visited 30-36 states each year.

We had lost our house and most of our belongings to black mold and the bus/painting thing just kind of fell in our laps, so we took the opportunity to explore our gypsy side. :)

*The links are just if you're terribly curious for more details :)

I imagine some day I'll compile all of these short snippets and flesh out the story a little more! We do have some interesting tales to tell.

howdy back @byn...stories to tell..yes I'd say so! nobody does the things you guys have done..well very few anyway and those that did probably wouldn't be able to write about them the way you can.
I'll check those links out, you're an artist too?
hey are you cured of the multiple thing?

Can i get some out of my computer? when is technology going to develop this feature? Stop uploading such yummy food until then please LOL

lol! like the replicator on Star Trek, that's what we need!

replicator on Star Trek or the childhood tv series about magic, whatever it takes to download food in a go lol

I agree. why don't you invent one and become a Billionaire? you'll fit right in with the elite of Dubai!

haha I wish i could, not to fit in the elite but just to be able to download and eat whatever i see online :D

hey you're young, start working on it! if you need financing that's no're surrounded with money there!

As if with money it was going to be possible, sad but we are never getting love through, no matter what the investment or backing which is sad on our part , courtesy food lovers lol

well your sentence isn't real clear to me but I'm sure that I probably agree with it!

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