🍚Let's Have Some Delicious Chinese Food in China Town, Philadelphia!- Nan Zhou Pulled Noodles. | 星期天一起來吃好吃的蘭州拉麵吧 !

in #food7 years ago (edited)

HI! This sunday is such a great day with the warm sun and comfortable temperature, and this time i wanna take you to go to have a good Chinese pilled noodles(Chinese Ramen)!

Nan Zhou Pulled Noodles | 美味蘭州拉麵 🍲🍲🍲


Today i came to China town in Philly to visit friends, and we had a table in a famous Chinese restaurantNan Zhou Pulled Noodles.There's full of customers in the restaurant, and they have a lot of tables ,too, so we had our table very quickly.

We order Fried mini bum, Scalion pancake, Peanut sauce noodle, Cold sesame noodle, Tomato with egg and fungus noodle, Beef tendon noodle soup, House special noodle soup

This is my favorite one! Fried mini bum! Crispy mini bum smells so good because it was fried,eat it with condensed milk , taste soooo good! No matter Asian or American love it! I hope i can eat it every day as my snacks....haha :p


Scalion pancake is also very crispy, and not feel to much oil and over salty sauce, you will wanna take a bite and bite. But it's smaller.


Peanut sauce noodle taste little like Cold sesame noodle, but it's hotter. I like the Cold sesame noodle more, the noodles are chewy,and the sesame sauce smells so good, not over sweet, cold flavor very good for hot summer time.


👆Peanut sauce noodle


👆Cold sesame noodle

If you like lighter flavors or you are an vegetarian, you can choose this Tomato with egg and fungus noodle.


👆Tomato with egg and fungus noodle

I like this Beef tendon noodle soup,but i think this soup flavor is too light for me....but i love the Beef tendon very much.


👆Beef tendon noodle soup

The House special noodle soup has a lot of stuffing inside , a lot of beef , mustard and parsley, the soup flavor is heavier , and there's some fleshy on the top. i like this one , and its size is pretty big!


👆House special noodle soup

After done your meal , you can go for a walk in China town, there are a lot of good food there, and feel just like in China, and most of the people there are Chinese, some the language is not a big problem for me there, let me feel safety. haha





Address : 1022 Race St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Time : 11:00–22:00
Phone: (215) 923-1550

HI! 今天星期日在費城是個好天氣,沒有太熱的大太陽,氣溫滿舒服的,這次想帶大家跟我一起來吃好吃的中國拉麵店!

Nan Zhou Pulled Noodles | 美味蘭州拉麵 🍲🍲🍲


今天點了 香酥炸饅頭蔥油餅拌麵芝麻涼麵本樓麵牛筋麵西紅柿木耳蛋蛋麵(其實就是番茄木耳蛋蛋麵)

我的最愛香酥炸饅頭,酥酥脆脆的小饅頭炸完之後更香了,沾上煉乳吃,實在是好搭阿!! 不管是亞洲人還是美國人都很很合胃口的一個點心呀~真希望每天都能吃到!哈哈

蔥油餅也很酥脆,沒有過多的油膩感,也沒有過鹹的醬油,也是讓人一口接一口呀! 只是分量相較小了一點。

拌麵 口感和芝麻涼麵口感很像,只是拌麵是熱食。我個人比較喜愛芝麻涼麵,麵條不但很有嚼勁,芝麻醬非常香也不會過甜,涼涼的口感在夏天吃也非常適合。





地址 : 1022 Race St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
時間 : 11:00–22:00
電話: (215) 923-1550

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FOLLOW ME 👉@ihatebanana


麵看起來口感都蠻不錯的 口水直流...


wow!!! 看見炸饅頭讓我想起炸銀絲卷~ 對了!! 你回台灣也可以去吃Kiki,那裡也有不少可以做素菜的,而且可以有蔥蒜,不過因為那是創意四川料理,所以你們可能需要一個能吃辣的胃喔!:D


師大還有素的鹽酥雞! XD

哈哈 我可以帶他去吃素的,我自己再去買正肉的哈哈:P

哈哈!! 所以夜市是個很好的選擇!
喔! 另外你們可以碰碰運氣, 在臉書上找一個喬治漢堡的人, 他很酷!! 他做全台的美式餐車巡迴, 你們可以看看他每週一會PO這禮拜的行程, 他們家的素漢堡很好吃, 連吃肉者也很愛, 老闆也是從美國回來的華僑! :D

好的!查看了一下評價非常好啊~希望到時候也有機會遇到來嚐嚐看哈哈 :p

不客氣 XDD

ThosE noodles look so slurpable. Yummy

yummy yummy!:p

deliciousss yummy gift some to pakistan hehehe

afterall china and pak are best friends hahaha

i upvoted your post plz upvote me back !!

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