A Great Bar for Adults and Also A Great Place for Kids in Cherry Hill - P.J. WHELIHAN'S | 美國遊 : 大人酒吧,也是小孩最愛的好地方!

in #food7 years ago


HI! Steemit friends ! Today i would like to share you a great American restaurant in Cherry Hill in NJ, there's the bar which the adults love the most and also the great food that adults and kids love. It's a very great restaurant for whole family coming here.


No matter what time we come, it always fulls of people , we have to wait for 20-30 minutes. And there's a big bar for the people who love to drink and chatting with their friends.
And here's also a lot of choose of good food:


This time we choose : French Onion Soup,Veggie Burger,PL's Burger,PJ's Famous Fries,Classic and Naked chicken wings(Classic or Naked),Salad




French fries with cheese is good,but my favorite fries is still THE POP SHOP.


Burger is good, very big ,with some bacon ,cheese , onion inside, and you can choose how to cook your steak.

Because of my friend is a vegetarian, so there's no meat in his salad, and it taste also good.

The chicken wings had 3 sizes: 5 pack , 10 pack ,20 pack. And you can choose the sauce you want , i choose sweet honey BBQ, good !
And you can also choose CLASSIC and NAKED,if you like crispy skin ,that you can choose classic one. i order the classic one , but i felt tired after finishing the 5th... so i think naked will be better for me.




🍔Even though there's the place where is great for everyone, there's still the time limit for kids. It's a bar restaurant, so after 8 pm , the kids can't get in the restaurant.

Address : 1854 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Phone: (856) 424-8844

Time :
Sat -11:00–03:00
Sun - 11:00–00:00
Mon - 11:00–02:00
Tue - 11:00–02:00
Wed - 11:00–02:00
Thu -11:00–02:00
Fri - 11:00–03:00

HI! Steemit的朋友!今天想和大家分享在美國紐澤西的Cherry Hill 的一間美式餐廳,不只有大人最愛的酒吧,還有大人小孩都愛的食物!是間闔家都適合的餐廳,而且食物也很好吃唷!



這次我們選了: French Onion Soup(起司洋蔥濃湯)Veggie Burger (蔬菜漢堡)PL's Burger(招牌漢堡)PJ's Famous Fries(招牌薯條)Classic and Naked chicken wings(經典和無皮的雞翅膀)、沙拉

薯條也滿好吃的,沾著起司吃,但我覺得上次介紹的 The pop shop的薯條更好一些。



雞翅膀有三種SIZE : 5個、10個、20個 ,可以自行選擇想要的醬料,我選了甜的HONEY BBQ ,很不錯!
雞翅膀還有兩種可以選,一個是 CLASSIC 一個是 NAKED,顧名思義就是去皮和經典的。喜歡有粉粿炸的皮,就選CLASSIC, 不想太油膩的就可以選 NAKED的。而我是覺得CLASSIC吃到第5個的時候就有意點膩了,所以個人偏好NAKED 的一些。


地址 : 1854 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

電話 : (856) 424-8844

星期六 11:00–03:00
星期日 11:00–00:00
星期一 11:00–02:00
星期二 11:00–02:00
星期三 11:00–02:00
星期四 11:00–02:00
星期五 11:00–03:00

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FOLLOW ME 👉@ihatebanana


Nice picture

Thank you :)

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