Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar -- So Easy to Make - From a Spruce Tree!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

Resin in the new growth of spruce trees provides the flavor of the wooden barrels used to age traditional balsamic vinegar. This makes great gifts, too! It's easy -- with only 4 ingredients!

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I really like balsamic vinegar. I've seen it in specialty stores for $50 a bottle. That's too pricey for me, but the inexpensive grocery store balsamic vinaigrette just doesn't cut it. So what's a person to do? I say -- Start with a Spruce Tree!

Here's how I make some great balsamic vinegar from my spruce trees. It's really easy to make. I'll show some ways that I use my spruce tree balsamic vinegar to get the most out the the spruce flavor, too.

1. Start With A Spruce Tree

I pick the new spring growth from one of my spruce trees. In this case, I'm picking from an Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmannii). Picking right off the tree works best if you don't want to harvest too much. Picking the growing tips is like micro-pruning, so choose wisely! To find out more about identifying and picking spruce, you can read one of my earlier posts - How to Harvest the New Growth from Spruce Trees.

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2. Add 3 More Ingredients

This is so easy! Chop up 2 cups of spruce tips and put them into a jar. Then cover the spruce tips with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar.

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Add 10-12 peppercorns and 2 Tablespoons of honey.

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Put a non-metallic lid on the jar. Turn the jar a few times. Keep it in the dark and turn it every few days -- or whenever you remember. I age mine about 3 months before I use it.

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That's it.

3. Now Enjoy Your Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar!

Here's what my Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar looks like when it's aged for 3 months.

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I entered it into the county fair and it got a blue ribbon! The judges said it was "Delicious!"

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If you followed my blog for awhile, you probably have seen my Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar in action. I use it often on my wild salads, like my Paleo Winter Weed Salad.

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It's great mixed with a good olive oil, for dipping bread. The marinated spruce tips are great on their own, too, chopped up and on top of cheese slices.

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I also use it to marinate homegrown vegetables, like heritage tomatoes, sweet onions, and bell peppers.

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And apples grilled with the marinated spruce tips and the spruce tree balsamic vinegar are so good that I'll be making a separate post on that!

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I'll be making even more posts about how to use spruce trees. In the meantime, to see how to put all this into action, here's my video on how to make Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar:

What Do You Think?

I hope you get a chance to make your own Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar sometime! If you do, I would sure like to read about it! I'm sure that you can make some wonderful food with it!

  • Do you eat Spruce Trees in any way?
  • Would you try my Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar?
  • What's your favorite way to use balsamic vinegar?

I write about foraging because I believe that we can all have lives that are richer, more secure, more grounded, and more interesting by getting to know the plants and the land around us – in our yards, our parks, and our wilderness.

I would like Steemit to be the premier site for Foraging on the Internet! If you have any thoughts about foraging, or experiences to share, write a post and be sure to use the Foraging tag. And check out the @foraging-trail to see curated quality posts about foraging. Happy Foraging!

Plant List

  • Spruce - Picea spp.
  • Engelmann Spruce - Picea Emgelmannii

** Haphazard Homestead **

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*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


This article was so good I listed it in my new post as one of the 5 best articles I read!

Thanks, Quinn! And in the inaugural issue of Q2C2, too! Thanks for the kind and enthusiastic words in your description, too.

Yes, I have a great respect for you and that article was exactly what I want to see here on Steemit. If u produce stuff like I will be featuring you regularly.
Keep up the great work and strive for your ideals in all regards~*~

There's a lot of wonderful plants out there for us all to get to know, so there will be more on my Steemit blog, that's for sure!

This is true!
Keep up the great work!

Love this and didn't know there was Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar until now! Thanks for sharing.

Glad you enjoyed my Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar, @virtualgrowth! I don't think you will see it in a store, because there's no machine to pick those new growing tips off the trees, yet, lol. But it's easy for anyone to make!

Looks like something we'd need to try out also over here - thanks #tsufamily !

I do hope you get to try this! You surely have a lot of spruce in your area!

I've never heard of this before but i'm intrigued. Thanks for the tutorial.

You're welcome! It's worth making this. Here's some comments on my YouTube channel from someone who made the Spruce Tree Balsamic Vinegar, following my directions: "OMG! OMG! OMG! I just sampled some, absolutely divine! Wow I am so imperessed! Thanks so much for your postings, my taste buds will forever thankful!" and "I shared this vinegar with a half dozen friends and all were amazed and shocked at how scrumptious this recipe is! I was the hit of the party, oh and they also loved the pine pollen and spruce tip cookies too!" So I do hope you get a chance to try making it yourself!

It looks really delicious. Does the aged vinegar/spruce retain the aromatic qualities of the spruce? I'll bet it is delicious. I am going to look your other posts about gathering spruce. I'm not big on balsamic vinegar but I like the flavor of aromatic plants.

It smells more like balsamic vinegar than spruce. Just like oak barrels would have a nice aroma, but the flavor is what gets transferred to the real balsamic vinegar, not the aroma. I've got posts on Spruce Tree and Pine Pollen Cookies and Spruce Tree Sorbet, too. Spruce trees have a lot to offer! I hope you get to try some!

I so have to do this in the spring, I just saw it and love it! I am resteeming it so I have it on my feed too. Great JoB!

Thanks, @sunscape and thanks for resteeming my spruce tree balsamic vinegar, too. You have plenty of great conifers for eating up your way! I think you will like this vinegar with the springtime spruce growth!

I am going to remember that in the spring. I have spruce trees around the neighborhood I can glean fresh growth from.

Congratulation for the blue ribbon! It seems to be delicious as the judges said! Other dishes look excellent, as always!

Thanks, @tangmo! I was surprised the judges tasted it. It really does add nice flavor to other food. In Thailand, do you use rice vinegar or some other kind of vinegar?

You're welcome! Yes, we add vinegar in our foods in Thailand, too! But, I don't know what kind of it.

Maybe that is a challenge to find out, lol! ; ) Maybe the person with the wonderful Mobile Fruit and Vegetable Shop, that you had in your nice post, would know!

Yes, good challenge! Great idea! I'll ask him accordingly! Thanks for your nice words and mentioned my link in your blog! ;)

You're welcome, @tangmo!

wow this is a truly FANTASTIC post!
I am grateful I came across it and it has inspired me to make sure to actually check in on your posts and not just happen to see them or not in my over crowded feed.
For now you have a real follower and you are now one of a few for me.

Thanks, @quinneaker! I get what you mean about over-crowded feeds! So many plants are so good to eat -- and your crew could do wonders with every one of them! :D

Yes we are feast masters thats for sure!
We eat wild foods EVERY day, its where I get all my nutrition so I can drink as much beer or coffee as I want ;-)>

haha -- you notice what's on my plate, lol! ; )

Of course!
Observation is one of my specialties!

Folks that deal with wild plants have to be good observers!

hahahaha truth!
Oh man I have a really good/bad wild mushroom story that just happened and I am wanting to make a post about it.

If you make a post about it, use the foraging tag so I will see it for curating on the @foraging-trail!

Great post @haphazard-hstead, that meal in the parting image is to die for. As always, love the knife and fork!!!

Thanks, @cognoscere! I'll post about making those grilled apples, they are so good! Those skinny peppers are a Corabaci pepper. They are great for grilling and the plants are so productive in the garden!

That's amazing!! Congratulations on the award btw. Your two last photos are pretty good in making me hungry! :)

Thanks, @liliana.duarte! Those photos made me hungry, too, lol. I'm glad I took those photos, because they were good meals. It's helpful to remind myself of some good things to eat sometimes!

Yes, that will be a good helper for sure. I use to have the same problem. Sometimes I try new recipes and never repeat it because I forget! With SundayCooks registries I'll probably repeat some of them, because it's here (and on my pc)!

You have some nice meals with your Sunday Cooks! When I scroll down my blog page, looking for something, I like seeing your Caldo Verde - Sunday Cooks that I resteemed! :D

I remember that Caldo Verde pretty well, It was prepared to add to you icicle party! It is great in winter season :)

That was a fun Steemit party, lol. I'm glad you brought the Caldo Verde! : )

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