Planta deliciosa sustituta del esparrago

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Hoy les comparto un increible y espectacular sabor a esparrago que descubri al hacerme una infusion con los cojollos de ñame una planta de la que anteriormente les habia hablado aqui vinculo a dicho post.

Habia leido sobre que de los cojollos tiernos se podria preparar una deliciosa infusion
Muy saludable para los dias de frio, lo describio Masanobu Fukuoka en su libro La Senda Natural del Cultivo.
Pero no habia tenido la oportunidad de probarla hasta hoy aqui las fotos de la planta, colectada con Carlitos mi sobrino :)


Cortamos los cojollos y luego hervimos agua y los ponemos a cocer para preparar la infusion.




I almost missed this post because the #foraging tag is not spelled all the way correctly. Just add a G on the end of it! : )

It looks like you will have a lot of this plant to eat, now that you have planted all those tubers! Thanks for putting the link to one of your older posts in here, too. The two posts together show how these plants grow so well on their own, even in rocky areas. You have a lot of good eating ahead of you with all those greens!

Yams - Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea esculenta

Yes, oh sorry for the mistake i corrected it, it is true the plant is very well and growing up in every kind of yard, this year i prove to put some plants in a rocky area and they are growing very good, i think the yame break or move some little a rock because the bullbs inside of soil is very very strong
I am very happy because a lot of plants are grown righ now i remember when i move one little plants and it grow near a tree and was very dificult to get the bulbs because are between the tree roots and was very dificult for get but right now i have plants in a specific parts for only retire a little soil and get the food, and the asparragus similar flavours like this
Thanks for read, by the way today i see some plants and the bugs are too enjoy this itbis good signal to know how good is a plant do you agree with me.

It sounds like your Yams have really taken off and are doing well!

I don't watch the animals or bugs to know if a plant is good to eat. I see animals eating plants that I know would make me sick -- like poison ivy and even poison hemlock. So I have to learn from other people, but that's OK.

This is a great example of the kind of plant that @kate-m was talking about in her post on plants in the backyard. A plant that we can let grow close to us, wild, to provide food for us. You will have many years of good greens with these Yams! Yay for Yams! (Dioscorea alata and D. esculenta).

Thanks a lot exactly it was a good endible plants very nice
And just you say you only move the litle potatoes of this plants and put it on every parts and the
Nature make the work very faster, i give this potatoes to my neiborhood and someones plant its in his yard but when i know a person dislike the plants i put the potatoes in his yard and them growup very very fast and they do not how it grow ji ji ji ji.
And you have reason i am really happy for have a lot of sources with this potatoes for eat a lot during a much year, we need to learn about how indians in peru save potatoes (desidratadas) whitout water during some years.

and the most important is it is free, it is foraging thanks for your comment.

Q rico se mira esto! Gracias por compartir 🌱

A la orden lo es realmente deliciosicimo yo mismo me quede sorprendido del sabor y textura de la planta
Yo dije guau ya no necesitare comprar caros esparragos para preparar una exotica crema
Puedo utilizar estos retoños
Gracias por verlo.

Leí también lo q escribió anteriormente acerca de este tubérculo, se lo enseñaré a mi madre tambien. Gracias y lindo día!

Me hace un gran honor saber que lo compartira
Hay cosas deliciosas que tenemos a la mano pero
A veces no les damos la importancia debida.
Saludos a su madrecita :)

Muy cierto y mil gracias!

esparrago..mmmm...gnam gnam! love it! 😃

Exactly my friend esparrago very expensive in the super market for this reason when i tasted this plant, i say guau it is similar that sparragus oh my godness until today i continued cuting and preparing delicious tea and eat the plant with lemon and salt or in a delicious soup.
Thanks for reading i am very happy because this is the porpose of this red for sharing our knowledge and plant that we have in our garden.

Unfortunately I do not have a garden and I have to buy at the supermarket. Stuff full of pesticides that I have to try to take off with water & bicarbonate , at the same time I am lucky to live in a place where there are several things produced by local farmers ..So sometimes I can get it, unfortunately they are expensive but better than nothing..

What thanks for your comment i am doing seeing the foragin trail post.
I really really enjoy the foragin it is a good style of life, but there is always option, you can have some plants in pots if you have a small sppace and access to a little sun, you coyld have some .
But it is not possible thats good if you support the local producers, that is the best we can do it because the farm work is very hard and underpaid, so go ahead thanks for the comment

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