A Subscription Delivery Service For Grass-Fed Beef

in #food7 years ago

Subscription delivery services have become increasingly popular with consumers these days, it seems like you can find a subscription box delivery service for just about anything that you want.

There are subscriptions for flowers, meals, clothing, craft projects for children, coffee, cannabis, diet-specific snacks and meal products (Paleo box etc), and a lot more.

They've got a variety of “manpacks”, which will deliver numerous essential products on a monthly basis, things like socks, underwear, and razors.

For those who are interested in coffee, you can get coffee box subscriptions that will send you a variety of samples to try every month, of different coffee from around the world. There are popular subscription box options already established for things like tea, chocolate, sustainable products, artwork, beauty supplies, and books. What are you interested in? They've probably got a subscription box already out there that's related it.

Aside from general shopping and subscription services through things like Amazon, where people can choose their favorite products to be delivered to them on a routine basis, there are much more niche-centered subscription services that consumers can go with. Many businesses have been built around sending a monthly box to their subscribers, containing a variety of consumer products for them that are all related to one specific niche.

It's estimated that by 2020, at least 30 percent of all consumer purchases will be made via some sort of subscription service.

With these delivery subscription services, the consumers aren't only getting the products in the box but they are also getting a mix of both shopping convenience and a little bit of a surprise; they usually aren't aware of exactly what products will be in the box.

At least 2000 different companies have allegedly already gone about introducing some sort of subscription delivery service to date, some have been introduced for companies that already existed, while other companies have been created just for that subscription service and specific box.

And one farm in Kentucky, Foxhollow Farm, is looking to expand its consumer base by introducing a grass-fed beef subscription delivery service.

The owner of Foxhollow, Maggie Keith, was looking for a way to help consumers to support local farmers in a more convenient manner. Keith wanted to improve the shopping experience for them by providing them with a subscription grass-fed beef delivery service. Those who are signed up have the options to choose between two different boxes, the Crew Box or the Crowd Box.

Each month the customer will get their box of grass-fed beef delivered right to them in a cooler and it will come with a recipe.

The Crew Box has things like premium steaks, ground beef, and other marinating type of steaks, while the Crowd Box has options like hot dogs and ground beef. Keith seems eager to receive feedback from the consumers and willing to adjust her strategy, providing different box options etc, depending on what the consumers want and what works for them and their families.

Aside from grass-fed beef subscription services like this, there are also a number of grass-fed cowfunding opportunities available for consumers. As popularity grows for grass-fed beef, we have also seen an increase in the number of food products in this area come to market and it's an industry that is expected to grow in the next few years to come.

Other popular grass-fed beef delivery options that are out there now are things like Greensbury Market, Butcher Box, The Grass Fed Guy, and more.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

The Mantry via images.askmen.com/entertainment/guy_gear/best-subscription-and-home-delivery-services_1426019081.jpg
WhatCounts via whatcounts.com/2016/04/3-ideas-adding-dynamic-content-email/


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These services often look very attractive "on paper," but most of the time I have found them to be horribly price UN-competitive, once you add shipping. Until it can sit on my porch within "shouting distance" of what I would pay at my local organic market, I just don't see the attraction... unless the service offers something that's simply impossible to source locally.

But still, interesting to know about!

I agree, on paper just about any idea can sound good. Once you get into the logistics and operations of this...then you see the issues. I'd rather have Tofu delivered to me than beef. Way more safe.

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing this! This is definitely a service that I would use and then promote more :)

:) thx for checking it out

haha "instabuy" Thanks for sharing this. If I wasn't so scared to cook meat, I would totally support this. :)

GMO free right to the door.,I'm assuming they don't use antibiotics! Good service never knew about this.


Grass fed beef taste the best! Better for the environment too, let them roam and graze as nature intended.

Look tasty @doitvoluntarily thanks for sharing.. i'm following you please follow me and give me upvoted brothers

This is really interesting. Never even heard of such subscription stuff. I can see how this will grow in the future.

Really interesting. I suppose this is beneficial to farmers to distribute their products in new ways.

I get almost everything I need in my home for cleaning and paper products from Amazon no shipping fee, and I buy almost all Christmas presents online. I've never had a problem, I did get the coffee service for s year but I stopped doing that, here where I live they are talking about closing alot of stores in the mall due to online shopping its crazy thanks for the post enjoyed it

I've seen some of hear monthly subscription services to get things like grooming kits or some healthy food.
I currently have one that supplies some nuts, fruits and other healthy stuff every month for not too much
I wouldn't be surprised if they get even bigger

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