Cow-Funding To Meet Grass-Fed Consumer Demands

Overall consumption of beef in the US is said to be on the decline, but the same cannot be said for grass-fed beef.

The grass-fed beef market has been thriving and it's expected to continue to grow steadily in the years to come. You can now find grass-fed items in many different grocery venues, served by popular meal delivery services, and also sold at different restaurants around the US.

The grass-fed beef consumer market has been fueling some growing interest with many consumers, for finding quality, local, and grass-fed meat. They don't want to buy their meat from some big chain, they want to know where it's coming from directly.

And that's given rise to a new way of trying to meet the demand, by way of cow-funding.

One startup known as Crowd Cow has helped to introduce the concept to consumers, by establishing a platform that creates an internet crowdfunding operation for individual cows that will come from a variety of different independent ranchers.

The consumers will be able to claim a share of the cow and once all of the shares have been claimed, that is when the cow is going to be processed and the meat properly packaged and shipped to the consumers who held the shares.

The creators of the company say that the platform is akin to having a farmers market on the internet; it allows people to buy the meat directly from the independent rancher.

And Crowd Cow isn't only selling grass-fed beef either, they are also going to be looking at selling other products as well and one of them is Japanese A5 Wagyu that will be coming right from Japan and it's expected that it will be sold for around $80.

When it comes to meeting demand in the grass-fed consumer market, Crowd Cow prides itself on offering grass-fed and grass-finished products that haven't been saturated with antibiotics.

They say that they are finding more consumers these days are willing to buy in bulk when it comes to finding a good meat product and sometimes they will get families that order 200 lbs or more at a time.

Aside from helping families to find a good price on quality meat, Crowd Cow is also helping independent ranchers by enabling them to get more of the cow sold, rather than just the popular cuts that might easily get picked up by a variety of vendors.

Not The Only Ones..

There are also similar business ventures to Crowd Cow, that are looking to crowdfund food products in the same way, they are companies like Farmable, Crowd Carnivore, and Meatme. These creative ideas have helped to establish a new supply chain by combining crowdfunding technology with the ranching industry.

20th Century Fox Television / via


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The Grass-Fed Beef Market Is Thriving


I try to understand what you write, actually for quality meat, we must know how the diet is given.
I think a quality cow is the one whose food is mostly grass, even if there are other ingredients such as concentrates that are just vitamin supplements and for fat formation.
Concentrates also should not be excessive, because it will accumulate fat, so the quality is not good.
Grass is a great source of protein for cows, usually food should be well maintained and there should be a certain dose.
I can not explain it here, but in my last post I've mentioned. I love we can be friends so we can share, I love this article ..! Thank you very much for helping me and visiting my profile at steemit.Thankyou @kardevis

Before I got into the fitness industry I was a butcher for 10 years, and even in that short time I was gathering from people that everyone was slowly buying less beef because of the quality, but the ones who continued went for grass fed, organic, free range, etc.

I think "meat" will always be a dominant thing especially in the US but it will slowly switch from QUANTITY to QUALITY over the next 10-15 years. Less people will eat it because it will become more expensive as people realize quality sells better at higher prices then crappy cuts for cheap.

@doitvoluntarily -This is quite an innovative concept on crowd funding. Crowd funded projects will ensure that the popular food items will survive even if the economic viability is a bit low for that business Thank you for bringing this innovative idea to the notice of Steemians. I am sure it will give rise to some thoughts about Steem funding some projects like this.

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The more people get educated about what they are eating the better
Cows were never meant to be fed cereal or crazily ground up dead cattle (led to mad cow disease).
Cows were meant to eat grass and graze in fields not be locked up in barns eating god know what.

Grass fed is the way to go
Grass fed cows = healthy meat, healthy fats, healthy milk and a nutritious diet
Grass fed chickens = healthy meat, healthy eggs

Lets hope this initiative works out

It should be 'boo' and not 'moo' to cows. Cattle farming is literally eating the planet, clearing forest for farming until that land is worthless and then repeating the process elsewhere.

If you have to eat beef, buy locally!

I come from a background of agriculture and domestic farming so this post is really interesting for me. Crowd Cow seems to be an amazing start up and I hope that it helps farmers a lot.

good concept, using the internet to crowd fund grass fed cows.

@ doitvoluntarily
You are right. Indeed the grass-eating beef is sweeter and softer than factory-processed beef eater

Good article, but it all seems to be a Cowspiracy Theory to me!

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