Green Smoothie Of The Day: All Hail To Kale

in #food7 years ago


Though all veggies and fruits are true superfoods, kale always seems to steal the show when it comes to leafy greens.
So while Popeye ate spinach to boost his strength, should you be choosing trendy kale instead? Let's take a look at its impressive nutritional profile.

It is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C along with other vital nutrients. These include manganese, copper, calcium. vitamin B6, iron, potassium, magnesium, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, phosphorus, protein, fiber, niacin, zinc, selenium, sodium, and omega 3 and 6.

Quite impressive isn't it!

The health benefits of kale include detoxification, heart support, cancer prevention, brains support, healthy skin, healthy vision, among others.

A true superfood that deserves all its fame, don;t you reckon! ALL HAIL TO KALE!!!


2 cups kale
2 cups water
1 banana
1 organic, peeled
1 cup mango chunks
1 cup pineapple
2 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil


  1. Add kale and water to a blender and blend until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend again. Add more water or if needed. If you have a high-speed blender you can throw everything in at once.
  2. Top with superfoods such as goji berries, desiccated coconut, hemp hearts or cacao nibs if you like.

Enjoy the rest of weekend!


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That looks really tasty 😊 I just started doing smoothies again recently. I'm on a gym kick and trying to get in solid shape. Smoothies are the best way to slam some fiber and protein and get good flavor.

Thank you so much. Green smoothies have been my go-to breakfast on most days for 5 years now and just love them! Just watch your trailer of Grinder on your website. Added to the to watch list!

Thank you! It is my current passion project. We played in Mumbai last month 😊. On the smoothie side there is an interesting interaction between kale and calcium that most people don't know of. You shouldn't pair it with dairy because it messes with calcium absorption.

Not if you add a healthy oil or fat such as coconut oil or avocado to improve absorption! But I'll keep this in mind and add some homemade yogurt more often Thanks for the tip and good luck with all that you do! I'll let you know what I think of the movie once I've seen it!

Wow! Nice Post to share! :)
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Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please click on.

green? yuck! but at the end, it isnt the colour we eat right? im sure this tastes wonderful

Though I love a green taste.. This one tastes mostly of the sweet fruits that are in there! Give it a try you'll see!

This looks very refreshing and healthy! I think kale gets forgotten, but it needs to be remembered. Just look at the health benefits!

You are right about that! In the health food world, it is a true rock star! Thanks for dropping by!

Looks deliciously healthy !!

Thanks @cheffil! Looking forward to see some of your dishes too! Might give that vegan ceviche a try. Looks so good!

Green is refreshing

AK47 - Amy's Kale for 7 days?

Lol! You are in a funny mood on this lovely Sunday morning...

Glad for the laugh. Have a good sunday.

Seems very tasty! I must try it.

Go for it! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Live that green life and you'll live a good life. Live forever or die trying haha.

Hehe! The green smoothie lifestyle will help me with that...

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