in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Logical fallacies, ad hominem attacks, arguing from authority, non-testable hypotheses, strawman arguments, circular arguments, dogmatism, scientism.....

Can we actually just TALK about the nature of the thing we're standing on, without resorting to all this fluff?

Respectfully? Cordially? :)

I Think It's Time. :)



Good video, im not totally sold on flat earth; but i do enjoy hearing the reasoning for it

Remember, the truth doesn't have to be bought or sold, it just IS. :)

All you have to do is take a flight to New Zeland. Do it, it will save you lots of time that you can put to a better use; like learning blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Sorry pal but the earth is round. Even the God says that trough the Bible

Outer space Is fiction. Stars aren't what you think they are.

The Earth Is Flat, It Is a closed system, with other beings entering our world from other dimensions close to ours. The Truth Is far more amazing than the fictional world the Jesuits and NASA have created. There's no curvature, the rotation of the Earth of over 1000mph has never been measured once, flight paths match the flat Earth map and the horizon always rises to eye level. When you break the brainwashing you truly are free. We are all Pure Consciousness, we are Infinite.

followed. :) we are infinite. we are all one. equals. :)

Excellent article, keep fighting. We are all Pure Consciousness, we are all special Individual pieces of Consciousness, we have to be careful about using the phrase, we are all one, because the Freemasons are trying to walk us all In to a Transhumanism, hive mind control system. Please see my article.



We are all humans. We are all equal as life. :)

We are Pure Consciousness.

yeah, wonder why argentina to australia doesn't just fly directly across south america , north america, and through alaska to get to australia, instead of flying about 2x longer the other way. Flight paths coencide with flat earth?

Yes, many questions still remain with regards to flight-paths. :)

Yes, like why argentina to australia isn't the longest one way flight, which would have to be the case by all reason from the map.

Which map is that?

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Why should we believe things such as "with other beings entering our world from other dimensions close to ours" as true? Or other amazing claims without proof when such a model requires people to consider visible spheres in the sky, as disks, and stars as lights but not light sources which can be mapped with radio waves, xrays rays, infrared, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_telescope_types) while the two spheres in your model would require an immense invisible object that would block out the light of the sun on the moon, creating a lunar eclipse? If earth was flat then how do you explain the numerous satellites observable from earth? We can observe them through radio waves, and we can observe them through lasers, or with our own eyes or even with high powered telescopes. Where are the whistleblowers with this amount of effort, considering that all nasa wistle blowers, or other people that were in charge of SPACE and came out giving up thier careers and safety and not disclose anything about earth being flat, but only that we can travel to space, we have talked with aliens, we have the capabilities, and you know what, there is evidence in their disclosures of technology and then it coincides with work being done in public but nothing not one sound bite about flat earth, and where is the evidence of dimension traveling entities, those aren't extraordinary claims?

I try to "believe" as little as possible. Proof is what we should all be seeking. :)

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Keep self voting, keep acting like it's mildly respectable to engage people through hour long videos over 5 points.

I guess you chose not to watch even the shorter video which answers your specific question. This is a good indication of the level of research you're willing to do at this point. So who is really pretending here? :)

I'm willing to have a discussion and that involves speaking about things, like i have, I talked about things, yet you spammed vidoes as answers to my specific questions to you.

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Keep self voting, keep acting like it's mildly respectable to engage people through hour long videos over 5 points.

I think your frustration comes from your refusal to investigate thoroughly yourself. If videos as evidence scare you, and my voting how I see fit offends you, then perhaps I'm not the person you should be looking to have a discourse with. :) I'm sure you have better things to do, right? :)

Yeah the flights are an interesting topic indeed :) I have spent a lot of time looking into that area, as well as cryptocurrency. (see my posts lol) ;) Thanks for the comment. :) And no need to apologize, some of us are just still undecided. ;)

Bali to LAX flight diverted to Alaska???

Yes, an interesting topic those emergency landings. ;)

My old house used to be located on a 47th floor and believe me, the shape of Earth starts looking pretty round from up that high.

Really? Because even Google says the curve isn't visible until 35,000 feet. How tall was your building?

So, there is a curve?

That's your claim, see above. :)

How can a flight to New Zealand prove that we live on a spinning globe? I have being numerous times and try to get the window seat to see the alleged curve and I can't even see the earth spinning either. Additionally what part of the KJV does it state that we live on a sphere?

Isaiah 40:22-31King James Version (KJV)

22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.

26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

27 Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

It blows my mind to know that there are people believing this non-sense.
Are we back to the 1400's?

Lol it's amazing wow hahaha

Great post! Looks like you are getting some reasonable discussions out of it already! Maybe things are slowly changing?

Appreciate the comment. :) I hope the comments sections under my posts will serve as a roadmap for others moving forward. Pieces being put together, one at a time, for all to investigate in perpetuity, on the blockchain. :) That's the hope anyways. As far as "things changing", remember the only constant in this existence IS change, so change is inevitable regardless. The better question is, are YOU changing? And how? :)

I have no words really. I can't even believe that this is an arguable subject. Good luck!
I saw this event live BTW (Flat Earth )

Yeah, this has been debunked for years now. If that's the curve then New Mexico covers 1/3 of the "ball".

Debunked, does that include the fish eye effect, that is not visible on the foreground but only on the background, out of focus. Did you try google earth from those altitudes to compare what the scale would be? debunked, fishy.

Yes, very debunked, very "fishy" indeed. This is not even something that Heliocentric defenders use as "proof" any longer, as it is clearly a go-pro, fish-eye lens, as made very evident by the size of New Mexico below it. There's no debate here.

Yeah, fish eye lens that doesn't distort the foreground, just the background, The numerous shapes in the foreground aren't distorted at all.

Yeah, evidently they cropped up some horizon, where is the endless flat earth? Why does the horizon fall off it the plane goes on for ever in all directions?

Great question. You should really look into it, if you're interested. :)

Yeah, fish eye lens that doesn't distort the foreground, just the background, The numerous shapes in the foreground aren't distorted at all.

It's fish eye lens, the horizon is cropped because it goes on to infinity at eye level.

Look no earth rotation!!
How could this occur on a spinning ball?

Foucault's pendulum proves the earth's motion through the Coriolis force.

Agree to disagree. :)

As always the comments hold the truth:

But they don't. That "machine" usually consists on an electromagnet located at the centre of the swing area. It "pulls" the pendulum to the centre, so it does not induce any rotation. The electromagnet switched off automatically either using a timer or a magnetic sensor, so it does not work when the pendulum is swinging "out".

I like that you have no arguments of your own, nothing that you can express with your own words, time and time again. Those videos don't do anything more than raise questions of exactly what are you willing to believe while expressing that you want people to question everything.

If you didn't understand the video, please watch again. :)

Again, you can call this a respectable post, you have engaged in self voting, pandered to extraordinary claims in lieu of evidence, and hypocritically said question everything, you answered questions with videos, dismissed points with videos, and have not offered one argument of your own. It was worth repeating.

The better question is how do you explain lunar eclipse? Or the spinning balls in the sky, moon and sun, both observable and spinning.

Great question. Yes the Moon and Eclipses are not yet fully understood by either model from what I've seen. Very fascinating stuff. :)

1 Hour long video Titled 5 epic fails. It doesn't take 12 minutes to cover one point does it?

The questions are
what is the purpose, for this conspiracy, and why don't we ever hear of one person who has perpetrated this conspiracy but changed his ways?

Where are the whistleblowers.

Some are afraid to invest time into research, some are not. :) The answers you seek are all around you. :)

Where are the wistleblowers, where is the evidence, what are the names, where is the proof? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Why are they lying about the shape of the earth?

Doesn't the amount of effort necessary to maintain this massive conspiracy, require some visible, some evident benefit to the conspirators and what is the benefit to us, having learned this "truth"?

Where's your evidence? Please share. :)

1 Hour long video Titled 5 epic fails. It doesn't take 12 minutes to cover one point does it?

I found the discussion under the video far more interesting, this pwerson ended all sensible conversation:

+Hendrik-jan Monshouwer - If you want 'nitty picky' which twilight do you mean - civilian, nautical or astronomical?

Venus was amazingly bright and relatively high in the sky, even after astronomical twilight, early this year in January. Mercury, I think, is too close to the Sun for it to be easily, if at all, observed after astronomical twilight.

By the way, these observations fit the heliocentric model, considering planets orbit more or less along the plane of the ecliptic. I can bring up Stellarium and go to any location, date and time and check its predictions against what is actually in the sky, and guess what? It's correct 100% of the time and its calculations are based on the heliocentric model.

The fact of the matter is until FETs actually develop a comprehensive and consistent FET model of the universe (you know, 'draw it out') that makes predictions that can be tested against reality there really is nothing to discuss.

Oh, and while we're talking about 'magically woven' what exactly in FET explains how the Sun & Moon stay up? How about what makes them move across the sky? What powers the Sun? I can go on and on because FET has no - zero, nada, nil, zilch - physics or maths behind its magical workings.

The observations are not exclusive to the heliocentric model.

Is that what you got from that post? That it somehow said that the observations are exclusive to the heliocentric model?

Why and how?

Your evidence of a spinning ball please? :)

Eclipses are understood by the heliocentric model, and predicted with extreme accuracy.

Is this video supposed to replace an actual retort to "Eclipses are understood by the heliocentric model, and predicted with extreme accuracy."? Because it's not, and the facts are obvious, Eclipses and tides are predicted and explained in extreme detail based on the heliocentric model.

Why make a conspiracy around this? That doesn't require a video to explain. Why make a conspiracy so grand for no benefit, and how does a conspiracy so grand can ever hope to scale in terms of human factor, where no such feat has ever been done, at least smaller feats have failed and there will always be the threat of defectors, but not one such defector from the largest operation, which has no discernible reason or method for such a conspiracy.

You're free to believe whomever and whatever you choose. :) If you think that there is nothing left to see here, no inconsistencies in the model you defend, then I guess you're just easier to convince. :) Where's the curve?

In a post about "respect" you self vote, you follow a user who makes extraordinary claims and offers zero evidence in spite of promoting "question everything", then you provide hour long videos with 5 points, and have not answered the crucial questions but instead dismiss them. Despicable behavior.

I support the posts with value. including yours. :)

You self vote because you're despicable, you abuse something while calling it adding value. Yeah, you do understand that you can also curate other people and get value, because if everyone did what you do there would be no more curating and no more value, there would be no more society actually, if everyone supported themselves at the expense of community, because you realize that voting power doesn't come back, and those shares you apportioned yourself from the community cost others a little bit, and you and others doing this amounts to QUITE A LOT, in effect you masturbated when you could have had sex, and you masturbated again and again and again and again, and again and again, when you could have chose sex with another.

The best part is that you are so removed from reality you cannot and will not see the clear detrimental effect on the community, and believe you are actually increasing the value and not giving certain impressions about what is ok, like it's ok to self vote because that means curate content, because value, and yeah, community, including yours.

You are a walking talking contradiction, you apportioned rewards for yourself and tell me that you've added value to me. You have not made one comment worthy of critical thought or respect, you are despicable.

Ad hominem's, assumptions, errors in logic. :) I still love you though :) You've taken up enough of my time, however. lol All the best on your quest for truth, if that's what you're interested in? Thank you for helping me challenge myself and for helping me realize that I'm proud of where I stand and the work I've put in. :) Thank you again. :) -CJ

OMG.. You know that there are more than one layers in the atmosphere right?
You won't see the earth spinning unless you are out of the earth's atmosphere.
Guys, please come back to your senses and focus on what is important. Learn blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Stop wasting your time in nonsense theories. Do it for your children and for yourselves.

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