
Good idea, I'll just pick a few from the last post, and I'll not offer a counter-argument for now, save it for a third post:

If you don't believe in photographic evidence from the majority of the world, what DO you consider evidence?

Let me start off by saying I am not a flat earther. Photo and video evidence is easy to manipulate. I can show you countless numbers of video footage that would show a clear curve at only 100- 200 feet of elevation. Camera lenses cause major Distortion. Personally I would like someone to take an old-school Polaroid camera to space and snap a picture that way. When you can see that NASA is putting together composite images and they're using clone tools in Photoshop it makes you distrust what they put out.

Look at the J Baumgartner skydive from the edge of space, the outside cameras have a fisheye lens on them and show a clear curve but when the capsule door opens and there's a camera on the inside without a fisheye lens there's no curve to be seen.

2 - If there are edges with a huge wall of ice, why has nobody been there? of the 7.4 billion people alive and 100 billion dead, how come not a single one in human history has ever managed to actually go there?

Millions of people have boats and private jets and so forth. What makes it so impossible to visit the edge?

Your assuming no one has been to the edge. It's very plausible that people have been to the edge and the information was concealed from the public.

3 - Why are all the other planets round, as can be directly observed with a telescope, ball-shadows, rotation and all?

Is it a religious thing where our earth is somehow unique and special and non-believers around the world trick believers? so, why claim to fight science with science when it's an entirely faith-based, unfalsifiable claim?

and connected to this:

4 - where is the science that corrects mainstream science? has it been publicly available to reproduce and thus pass scientific methodology?

A circle/disc is round. Ball shadow? How is a ball shadow possible? Shadows are 2D not 3D.

For some it's religious, for some it's not.

I haven't made any claims about fighting science with science but on that subject scientific theory can be just as faith based as a religion. Science pushes big bang and evolution but neither can be tested, verified, proved and repeated. Isn't that the basis of establishing a scientific proof, the results have to be repeatable.

Where is the science that corrects mainstream science? You will have to look for that yourself but in order to do so you have to remove all bias first.

That’s not true. Evolution has been proven clinically on fish and some other smaller organisms featuring short life cycles. For more details, I recommend ‘The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution’ by Richard Dawkins.

What did the evolved fish become?

Just to clarify, you can see the shadows of planets and moons on the face of other planetary bodies. Likewise, you can see planets go around and in front, and observe the spin/angle of their atmospheres.

5 - (I think 5 will be enough, right?) Why? Why would the evil higher-ups go to such great lengths to create technology over hundreds of years designed to lie to us, science classes that trick us, amateur videos by the millions that are digitally altered, when a simple stick and tape measure, and a quick drive 200km away can prove what the evil higher-ups say is correct?

For what cause?

I do not deny that there can be a shadow I deny the fact that you can determine that a planet is a ball versus a disc by Shadow. Yes you say you can observe all these things now but could they observe those things a thousand years ago? Could they see their atmosphere like today See their rotation like we supposedly can with our modern technology of Photoshop and video editing.

A simple stick and tape and a ride does not prove what they say are correct. There are people doing chest today that prove that the knot behind measuring the curvature of the earth is wrong. There are things that we can see that we should not be able to see that have that should have dropped below the curve of the earth yet we can see them.

I am not a part of the evil highee up so I can only speculate as to why they would do that and I don't think there's any place for speculation in this discussion.

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