More Proof Steemit Is Pro Censorship

in #flaggot8 years ago

I checked my computer and seen dan responding to my question on why he was flagging me. here is his reply.

So Dan and steemit are pro censorship of "Crude language (Crude to who?), hostile tone(tone in text?), anything considered disrespectable (could be anything) or anything someone considers inappropriate (could be anything).

So anyone saying steemit is anti censorship or saying that dan doesn't support that stuff need to wake the fuck up and realize Steemit and the creators of it are pro censorship.

Here is the original post dan made about how we need to bully everyone into self censorship or ostrizice them from society.

Here was my original response that he never replied to pointing out how he is pro censorship and asking him to elaborate.

Here is the comment I made to jeff about it asking why he is supporting censorship.

Here is the post I made about them flagging me and how dan is supporting this kind of censorship.

and as you see above that was dans response to it all.

So if you want to lie and say steemit is about freespeech and anti censorship expect people to call you out on your bullshit.

Dan obviously feels This is ok, So pro censorship steemit and the people that try to defend it with lies about how its not because the proof it there if you want to see it.

I want to add, I find all language crude and all tones hostile, I also find anything online as disrespectful and inappropriate. so under the rules of steemit and dan himself I have the right to flag anything and everything.

Do you not see how it is stupid excueses to flag things you disagree with?

Also dan has not defended himself in any way only pushed harder. he flaged the post where I say he could explane why it isn't pro censorship but he would rather flag me to hide the truth.

I kind of wish I closed the tab earier when I made the last post about dan flagging me but now I think im happy I didn't as it gave me an opertunity to see dan prove me correct once again.

Cheers steemit, im now closing the tab and ill be back in a couple days, maybe.


I have noticed your post was flagged by R4fken, well known steemit hater.

I am for justice and I am here with all my Steem Power to help you resist his hate downvotes and let your post be visible for steem users. Upvoted!

Steem Drama :)

Yeah I can see how the term flaggot is bad. Seems like a very negative connotation. But I don't know the whole story, I've been trying to stay neutral on Steemit. Too many posts to keep up with and I don't wanna start a war :)

Join the Neutral Zone, my friend.
We don't take sides.
That's doesn't mean we don't defending ourselves.

what is the point of saying that steemit is censorship free, if you can't say what you want?

seriously though, anyone can learn logic, and then go through the posts, and see for themselves the inconsistencies.
double seriously, ANYONE, learn logic, verse yourself in BASIC philosophical thought, and then try to read this without your face falling off.

Is call a Double Standard. People Flag others because they of different opinion.
I said just move along if one doesn't like it.
Luckily, the population in Steemit is not that many.
Think about the World we live in. Everyone would press the Nuke Button by now already.
This start with the Top ie . Dan the man.

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