5 Fun Facts about Me Challenge - D-VINE ( Denise )

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)

Hellooo Everyone !

@topkpop nominated me to the „Five Fun Facts About Me Challenge“.
I thought, why not tell you a little more about me.


1. Music Is My Life

People know me by the name DJ D-VINE / D-VINE.
To clarify, NO, I am not full of myself to call myself D-VINE. I am a joker, love to engage people, don’t judge at first glance!

I came up with this name because when I was 10 years old, I saw a video of the artist Divine, the track was „I Am So Beautiful“.
With taking the step to come forward, to stand up for what this human believes in & identifies with, even-though creating controversy & receiving a lot of hate. Divine is a hero to me!

Here a YouTube video of „I Am So Beautiful“ by Divine

I first set foot behind the decks in 1996, started out djing oldschool breakbeats / drum&bass & that is what I mainly focused on. Loving music like I do though, the fact I don’t like limitations, I started spinning other genres as well.
I began amateur producing around 1998, but my main focus was on djing, until about 8 years ago.
To really get into the depth of music production & mastering, I decided to get my certification as an audio engineer last year.

Here is a lil snippet of me djing @ Jungle Unchained in Karlsruhe.

DJ D-VINE @ "Jungle Unchained" from DJ D-VINE on Vimeo.

I djed in many places in Germany, on the Batofar a Boat-Club on the Seine in Paris ( one of the coolest locations btw ) & over the big sea in Japan.
When living in Okinawa, Japan, for 7 years, I became a Resident to the Raw Fusion Parties in the oldest electronic Club Hinotama Hall.
In 2016 I djed on the DJ-Stage at DAS FEST in Karlsruhe in 2016.
DAS FEST is one of the biggest open-air music festivals in Europe.

I’ve been featured & have played on radio shows in Brazil, Cairo, Lebanon, the U.K., the USA, Belgium & Germany, just to name a few.

2. I Love Dogs & Dogs Love Me

Believe it or not, I had 14 dogs in my house at one point, 8 of them were mine.
It started out with me adopting my moms dog Tristan back in 2007.
In January of 2008 we moved to Okinawa, bringing Tristan.
Tristan had to spend one night in a dog hotel / kennel for one night because our stay which allowed dog wasn’t free until the next day.
When we got to the kennel, our Tristan found his Isolde.

Do you know the „Celtic Legend of Tristan & Isolde“?





Little Isolde turned out to be very ill, she had the Parvo-Virus.
It was a real shock to me, 90% of all dogs that have this virus don’t make it.
I didn’t give up though., we will fight this!!
Isolde was in the hospital for three weeks, she was put on heavy medication, like Interferones.
I visited her every day & sang to her. It was so heartbreaking to see this little creature that hasn’t lived yet struggle with it’s life.
We were lucky to be in such a great clinic, the Animal Clinic 5, Dr Hayashi are my heroes, they saved my little Isolde.
So this was dog number two in our house.

In January of 2010, I had a rough time then, my mom had just passed away a half year earlier, I noticed that some people had put up a sign, Puppies For Free.
Me being me, I always had to make a trip past the house on our dog walk with Tristan & Isolde.
I wanted to make sure all was ok with them, people didn’t treat their dogs very nice. The puppies were removed from the mother dog way to early & she was going crazy.
The next day we walked past they were gone, just the mother left, tied up outside the house.
Hmm, I was hoping for the best.
When I got back that day from the dog walk I already had a few messages on my phone from my Japanese neighbor down the road.
When I called back she told me there where just a bunch of kids in her yard, with puppies, trying to sell her one. She was sure it was the lil ones I had my eye on the whole time.
I didn’t think twice, I went to go look for them in the streaming rain.
I found them in a box in the trash section of an apartment complex where the kids lived.
I grabbed the box & walked them home, five sick little munchkins.
Their names were 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 at the beginning. Because as you might understand, i did not want to keep them all!
I did though, haha. They were so sick & full of parasites, I just wanted to make sure they were healthy first before I gave them to someone.
The longer they stayed the more I grew attached & they became, Akio, Ella, Koa, Ryu & Kenta.


Akio Baby.jpg


Ella Baby.jpg


Koa Baby.jpg


Ryu Baby.jpg


Kenta Baby.jpg

The news of my house being the dog house, hahaha, must have spread. In February of 2012, Mimi a stray dog from the neighborhood, decided to show up in my yard, carrying one of her puppies.



I knew she must have more than just one because I’ve seen her around when she was pregnant.
I decided to let her go & followed her with Ryu & Isolde, calm dogs.
Mimi lead us to an abandoned house where I found five more lil fuzz-balls.
I found homes for 6 of them but couldn’t part from Lilia.



All of my dogs were/ are well trained, I learned a lot from the & how to find inner peace in chaos lol!
What I mean with that is, to be able to bring the best out in wild animals, they all were street dogs, with only love, dedication, but consequence. Like with my son I never got / get physical or yell.
If that happens you lost, hehe.
People even always pointed out how the house din’t look like it was home to 8 dogs!

Sadly due to a divorce, these are fun facts here so I won’t go into detail, we split the dogs.
Ella & the twins, Ryu & Kenta are still with me.

3. I Love Children & Children Love Me

I don’t know what it is, as far as I can remember I've been a magnet to children, as well as dogs!
I’ve babysat countless kids & having two cute nephews in my life I continue doing so.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a kid I know or a stranger, I seem to be an attraction <3
Just the other day in the doctors office, this little boy after smiling at me as soon as I came in, slid from his mom’s lap to come & show me his book.
I love the innocence & blunt honesty of children. I see them as small people in a learning phase!


4. Sport Activities

The first activity I’ve learned was horseback riding.
That was at a time where my parents were still together & we were living near Hanau then.
Being a military brat, we moved a lot.
I still love riding a horse & luckily my dad owns a few.

I took Judo & Taekwondo classes, but only to the blue belt.
I played volley ball, was in jazz dance & in the swim team, I made 2nd of our state one time.
After falling really badly I gave up skateboarding & started to ride BMX.
I never really hurt myself riding BMX, but I said „Hi“ to a wall once riding a regular bike, tsss.
When I was living in Okinawa & near the ocean you can imagine where I was a lot….


I like trying new things even if it’s in a ridiculous manner, like wakeboarding on my cousins wakeboard with my feet pointing backwards. I am goovy footed & he is regular.
But hey, I managed to do it ;P

5. Growing My Own Produce

Since I kicked cancer in it’s behind last year ( cancer-free 1 year exactly now ), we, @jeffleinwand & I started growing our own produce.
Our first attempt last year was funny. We used our own compost for fertilization, forgot to put another layer of sticks or a net in between the compost & the soil though.
You do that because otherwise if you have seeds in the compost, they will start growing, hahaha. Because we ate so much pumpkin we had an invasion of it.


All photos, except the ones I am in, are taken by me ;)

I hope you enjoyed the 5 Fun Facts about Me - D-VINE ( Denise )

I would like to thank @topkpop for nominating me. I love growing with a challenge, for me I did, this wasn't easy i tell ya!

I nominate, simply because I would like to read & find out more about them...
@jeffleinwand, @unicron, @onemedia, @seveaux & @mindseye-music

Ok, peeps I am finished here! Stay happy, keep smiling & stay creative <3


Mimi is crazy cute!

She is <3 Thank you @enginewitty!

Wow! I am so impressed by all of this. First off I can see how much work you put into it all and all the pictures (both ones you took and of you) are amazing! I am blown away by all that you have done, how you challenge yourself even with physical activities, and oh my gosh the dog thing (I knew snippets but like oh wow). It is no surprise that both dogs and kids love you, as from knowing you over this couple of months myself and even just from reading this, you can tell how much of a loving soul you are ❤️. I am so happy you ran with this and it really is an amazing 5 facts post. I will also say, you have very striking eyes too 😀

Oh my dear @topkpop, you really touch my heart! I appreciate your loving words & your support so much!
Life is beautiful & even more so with people like you in it! Much love & loads of huggins comming your way watch out (´ ▽`).。o♥♡

@topkpop get more @d-vine on the radio. That's a prime directive.

Good work ladies, good lookin' out.

Good read @d-vine - and yep, come do some radio.

Hey there again @sircork ;) Thanks for taking the time to read my Five Fun Facts about me.
So happy you enjoyed it :)
I am totally in for the radio @sircork, I will elaborate on it with the fab @topkpop, see how I can manage it, I am based in Germany.

It can be done. Trust me, it MUST be done.

Also. Isolde - is there a Tristan in the mix?

Yes there is, he was dog number 1 ;)

Cork, CORK, slow down pal, read moar, scan less, so many people, so many posts, so about to be posting that im going to sleep on voting for like 4 days lol, to recover from the last go-around.

It's all good, I know you are a really busy man & have a lot on your scope! <3

OH WOW! Your pups are sooooo awesome. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you @finkgraphics, they really are!
Thank you for stopping by, reading & even commenting, kudos <3

So cool how I recognize my tribe long before I get to know the details.
We have so much in common. Great article!

I knooooow @paradigmprospect that is why I am following you!!! I was intrigued when I came across your account & read this ...
Explorer of diverse and often contradictory worldviews, dogmas and techniques. Philosopher. Psychonaut. AudioWizard. MediaShaman. Connoisseur of unpopular ideas
Especially this..... Connoisseur of unpopular ideas ... won me over completely, hahaha!
Are you on discord? I am d-vine#9336
You are located in Germany too, voll witzig Mensch!
Danke vielmals für deine Aufmerksamkeit, Zeit und deine netten Worte! <3

Awesome, so that headline works well then^^ It pretty much describes this weird project of mine down to the details.

Been wanting to go to a good d'n'b party forever, your sound of that short snippet was glorious and it has been way too long!
Legst auch Psy auf?^^

Na gerne meine liebe, und bis bald - wir treffen uns ja eh noch aufm floor <3

Totally does, very rebellious, I like it ;)
Uh, that would be so rad to meet you on the dancefloor ;)
Psy lege ich leider nicht auf, hab aber viele Freunde die es tun & auch produzieren.
Du musst mir mal verraten wo du herkommst, ich hab dich auf Discord angeschrieben ;)

That was a lovely read, d-vine! Those dogs are really sweet, and great to get to know more about you!

Yes I know that can happen with pumpkins, they spread very quickly...

Love and light

Oh, hey @verbaldancing! Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate you taking the time to find out more about me.
Yes, my dogs are the sweetest actually, hehe.
Yeah pumpkins lol, I know better now :) Life is nothing but a learning cycle <3

whoa, that's what i call a post!
the only bad thing i can say about it is that you actually nominated me 😜 (it is not that you wouldn't know me...), but it has one good thing to it, though: you can totally assist me on my post when i come by next time 😉.
until then: huggins!

Exactly @unicron, I do know you & I find more people do too! You are magnificent & the world needs to know! This is a nudge of love & like me, i know you have to tackle a challenge put in front of you, I am happy to help you anyway I can my friend!
Thank you so much for your never-ending support & love, ee you soon & until then ... Huggins <3 hehehe

Woo now this is a proper post! ;) And a very nice read, great to get to know you a bit better. I'm especially impressed by the 8 (!!) dogs...I love dogs but I've never had more than two at the same time. And at the moment sadly I have none at all! Every single one in your photos is very cute though :)
It's great to see you love the ocean too! Was it just snorkeling or have you also tried scuba diving? Is the snorkeling good around Okinawa?
I'm very much a fan of growing one's own veggies and fruits. Looks like you guys are doing pretty well! I've read up a lot about companion planting lately, since I keep on having bug problems on my veggies.
Also I'm slightly jealous of all the places you've djed ;)

Soo I can already promise that my entry won't be as long as yours...I'll never be able to match that, but I'll do my best to write down some interesting facts! :)

Well thank you very much @mindseye-music! I really appreciate you taking the time to find out more about me, thank you for kind effort & words!
We do share a few things in common as I gather, that is so cool!
I did scuba dive as well, how can you not in a place like Okinawa. Plus I was fortunate to have a few diver & surfer friends :)
Thank you for the props on the the veggies & fruits, I have to pass that on though, I am only the helper & eater, lol, the man with the green-thumb is @jeffleinwand, he has a way with plants you wouldn't believe.
We also read up & got a few tips on companion planting we want to apply this year. But to be honest we still haven't decided what to grow, lol.
All the berries are a given they are there, we planted them last year & the humongous cherry tree has been in the garden for over 40 years.
We have to really start contemplating on that sooon, that so exciting though, hehe.

It's kind of crazy reading it myself, hehe, I can't think of being any different though! I do what I do because I have to, it's my way of expressing myself through music, my preferred language <3 It's nothing spectacular to me, it's a need <3
I think you understand that well!
& hey, i am slightly envious of you living in NZ! I could kick my butt not making over when I was in Japan :(
I know, knowing me though, I will set foot in that beautiful country one day!

I am totally looking orward to be reading more about you! Thank you for accepting the challenge :)
Huggins coming your way <3

You're very welcome @d-vine :) I have to admit I don't know much about Okinawa but I just looked it up and it does look pretty amazing! I may have to put that on my scuba bucket list...so many islands there to explore.
Hehe well helping and eating is important too! But yes if you want to do the planting and maintaining properly, it really is quite a science. And sometimes there simply aren't enough hours in a day! I'd love to have a cherry tree as well though.
Yeah I know what you mean about expressing yourself through music. It is at times very much my preferred language as well :) Plus it really gets me into a special mental state...very calming...
Oh yes you should definitely come to NZ someday! I'm very lucky to be living here, I sometimes have to pinch myself a litte. I'd like to visit Japan too though, even though I've heard talk of radioactivity and the government pretending all is fine...not sure how much is true about that though?
Huggins back at ya :)

Yeees, you should & think, the flight isn't only half as long from NZ, but half as expensive too.
You are right though, the government sadly has not been & is not telling the truth about the situation in Fukushima.
Okinawa is the most southern island to Japan though & it is closer to Taiwan then to the big island chain.
Do keep me updated on your plans if you ever are going, I have diver & surfer friends there. Kazu the surfer rents out a guest house.
Music does the same for me, I am in my own world where I can relax & let go <3
I wish you a great week <3

Very true @d-vine, it wouldn't be too bad to fly to Japan from here. I'll definitely contact you if I decide to go! So many places on the bucket list...I think I'll need another life after this one :)
You have a great week too!

I was wondering if you knew of that Divine ! ;-) I sure would have liked to see more of your live DJ gig at Jungle Unchained there! ...and that fresh produce is absolutely irresistible !!!

Hehe, we are on the same wavelength <3 I will post some more DJ vids soon <3
There is nothing better than growing your own produce, you can taste the love that was put into it, that is pure positive energy & not only nourishing for the body, but your soul <3
I believe people think to little about what negative energy they put in themselves, look where the food comes from... GMO, pesticides, hormones & so much pain & sadness in the meat industry.... no wonder our world is overflowing with bad energy.
I refuse to participate & put bad energy into me <3

I myself need to get back into a gardening habit, I miss eating fresh produce 'off the vine'. Yes, and the difference from that sort of fresh and 'store bought' ... well it just doesn't compare. Some might say the 'life force' is diminished since its time on the shelf ... There's probably a more scientific explanation, but the idea is accurate, according to taste and probably nutrition. As far as factory farming, my diet's been vegetarian for thirty years now, and it's been a while since I had eggs or dairy, so, 'almost vegan' ... I can't resist ice cream, whip, or Pizza for that matter ... but even dairy is at most a few times a week ...

Yes! I would love to see more of your DJ videos!

I love this post! So good to learn more about you, @d-vine. You won my heart with your stories about the dogs. I might still be crying. lol! I've rescued a handful of animals, but never entire families of them. Thank you for being you. You're wonderful and the world is a better place for having you here. ((hugs))

Yaaayyyy, I love that you love it & that you stopped by <3 It is always a beautiful feeling to know people make an effort <3 That said, I will be stopping by your page after I finished answering to the replies ;) You are on my radar lovely woman <3
Now, I am tearing up because of your wonderful words <3 Thaaaank youuuu <3 Huggins coming directly at ya <3

This was absolutely beautiful! I came here because your post was pimped today :) I opened up the link, but I wasn't able to read it until I just sat down a few moments ago. I thoroughly enjoyed this! You drew me into your life with each new thing revealed!!!! Lovely :) and congratulations on kicking cancer!!!!! :) wonderful post :) thank you for sharing your life with us!

Hello there @dreemsteem!
Thank you so much for this beautiful comment. You don't even know how much it means to me, that you took the time to read & then come over & let me know you enjoyed reading about my life, to have drawn you in like you said, ooohhh you wonderful soul you, my heart is jumping from joy!
Thank you also from the bottom of my jumpy happy heart for the well wishes! Cancer didn't stand a chance <3
A humongous hug is coming you way so be prepared @dreemsteem <3

Whoa!!!!!!! I FELT that hug!!! You are more powerful than you realize. You almost crushed my ribs!!!! Lolol (ahhh the best kind of hugs... Right?)

I love the steemit community! I love reading REALLY good writing ... But I think even more than that... I love when people use this platform to send a piece of themselves out into the world and wait for the connections to happen :)

And I was absolutely attracted to your beautiful spirit!!! Especially because it was a hard thing for you to share!

And "cancer didn't stand a chance".... How I love the unbreakable spirit!!!!

I wrote a children's book for a little princess warrior friend of mine who victoriously won her war against cancer last year ♥️

I celebrate every cancer warrior!!! I hope you do write more! It seems as though the ones who find it hard to write... Often have the most poignant things to share when they do!!!

So I, for one, will be waiting 😊

Hehehe, yeah they totally are the best kind of hugs <3 <3 <3

@dreemsteem you are totally making me blush & I am humbled by your kind words.
I truly appreciate your time, open & honest interest, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for that, it means loads <3
I would really like to read & see that book, that is such a heartfelt & genuine act of you <3
I just recently started writing on a children's book & now with your encouraging words I am so much more inspired to finish it!!
#Steemit is a beautiful place, I have been absolutely blessed with the encounters ( you too <3 ) I had so far & I am looking towards the future with an even brighter smile then usual
& be warned, NOW, their is a super humongous cuddle hug coming right @ you <3 <3 <3

I would be happy to send this book to you! are you on discord? if you find me there, (@dreemsteem) I can send it to you as a gift from me to you! :)

and the cuddle hug was much more gentle... thanks for sparing my ribs hehehe ;)

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