Challenge Completed - Core and Cardio Day 240 reps on January 23

So I have decided to add another day into my 6 day cycle, which focuses more on core exercises and cardio.
@khufu and @lordcarlo297 have both motivated me to do this day :)

Wow my core strength is not very good, I was doing some planks and realised I should focus much more on core strength.
My cardio is not too bad but could also do with some extra work.

On a positive note it was good to give my body a day off from the heavy lifting.

If you would like to join us for the 100 rep challenge started by @steemmatt please do. Would love to see more people making a commitment to better themselves.
Here is the original post

☠️ The Workout - Back Day ☠️

💪 20 seconds * 5 sets Plank on toes and elbows, hold body off ground

💪 12 mins walk, 3 mins @15 degree gradient, 3 mins @10 degree gradient, 3 mins @5 degree gradient, 1 mins @0 degree gradient

💪 10 mins ride

💪 12 reps * 5 sets seated abs crunch, @10kgs

💪 1km fast jog/slow run

💪 5 mins ride

💪 8 reps * 5 sets standing pulldown focusing on activating core, @19kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets golf swings @3.75kgs

☠️ Meals for the Day ☠️

Breakfast I had scrambled eggs and toast

Morning tea I had some nuts and a shake, with 10 grams of essential aminos + branched chain aminos and 2.5 grams of creatine and 2.5 grams of glutamine.

Lunch I had my meal pack I prepared in the wok and a health bar and some fruit cake.

Afternoon meal was just a shake, with 2.5 grams glutamine, 2.5 grams creatine, protein 50 grams.

Dinner I had chicken parmagina with a plate full of veggies.

During my workout a shake, with 10 grams of essential aminos + branched chain aminos and 2.5 grams of creatine and 2.5 grams of glutamine.



The ab work will surely be an asset to your overall strength development.

In the words of Pavel Tsatsouline
"The two easiest ways to get stronger overall, ab work and grip work, it's ridiculous how easy it is to increase your strength in anything by doing these two things"
What is the easiest way to get stronger overall?

Hmmmm. no more than 5 reps for strength?! I guess I haven't trained for strength then since college!! Whoops..

There are different types of strength @steemmatt Pavel focuses on mostly 1RM development mostly when he's making statements like that.

It's true in a sense but not as essential as he'd have everyone believe. He sells a system that breaks that rule anyway.

For 1RM strength it's not a bad rule to stay around 5 reps but 1RM strength isn't always optimal for athletic performance. Some sports need strength endurance and some need power as their primary focus.

Both strength endurance and power are normally developed at higher rep ranges.

I posted that mostly for his perspective on the value of grip and abdominal strength.

Yeah I like to focus on endurance and strength, that's why I can pump out higher reps at a heavier weight.
5 reps just doesn't feel like it's enough. but when I chuck on the real heavy 3rd set sometimes I have to stop at 4 otherwise I lose form.

Yeah in order to have good strength, you must have good core strength. Also it you can't grip the weights properly you can't lift heavy either. Two areas I battle with.
Core strength is always a battle with my back injury, as the natural reaction of the body is to deactivate the core when the mid back is injured.
Also my left arm was really badly damaged, so building back grip strength was a real battle.

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