12,056 Reps From 10 Steemians After 31 Days - The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge - 50 Push-ups & 50 Squats - Day 32 (9/15)

in #fitnesschallenge5 years ago (edited)

Day 31: 410 reps from 4 Steemians that completed the challenge.

Day 31: 410 - Sun EST, 9/15.

Talk is cheap. Actions matter. Thanks to those who are sticking with this.

My New Reps & Daily Report: 55 push-ups & 45 squats

  • I played 2 baseball games from 9 AM-2 PM. I spent almost all free time stretching, on a foam roller, and doing breathing exercises to loosen my lower back and keep it that way during the games. After being almost completely locked up with a terrible knot the night before and considering missing my first games in 3+ years, I was able to get most of the knot out to increase my range of motion and allow me to play. I pitched 3 good innings, allowing 2 earned runs, and striking 3 out. My defense let me down with some bad plays. My lower back is still very sore, but it'll recover. The main issue was getting my range of motion back. I can endure the pain.

  • I had a long day, but did my reps at around 1 AM.

  • Dinner was chicken in thai chili sauce and some "protein macaroni" with 20 grams per serving.

What's the challenge?

50 push-ups (modified if needed) and 50 air squats. If you want to do a different ratio or split, that's fine. Just reach 100 reps from these options and reply below with an affirmation, pic, link, or video. We're on the honor system.

If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved!

To people new, see the kickoff post linked below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page.

This is for your health. Why not try to join us just once to see how it goes?

Today's Highlights:

Net Participation: 10 Steemians from 8 countries for 12,056 reps

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22:

Day 23:

Day 24:

Day 25:

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 28:

Day 29: 598

Day 30: 320

Thank You.

To any interested Steemians who want more info/background: *Please see this link from the kickoff post for details.

Everyone please support and encourage the team here. They're working hard to build a community the hard way. It's about the bigger picture.

Make sure you go 90 degrees with your elbows and legs, with your back straight, on each rep. Don't have your elbows too wide on the floor. Feel free to help others if they look like that can use some advice.

Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you.

  • Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise.

  • We don't always need an app and tokens for everything, or to worry about things we can't control.

  • Worry about what we can control. Let's put the human back into fitness here, and you will see and feel results.

Rep on,

P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.


I just did 3x10 air squats :-)

No, that's not the full assignment but @steemmatt knows I'm a bit of an exception ;-)

Also did an hour of Pilates this morning, first time with the magic circle and some of the tougher exercises were suddenly pretty easy (as others became undoable, but still :D) so I feel really good about myself today.


MASSIVE SMILE. This is why I keep doing this challenge. I love seeing people feel good like this and am so happy to hear that you took the first step here.

100 is a lot to ask, but it's about starting to challenge oneself to grow. I was sore for 2 weeks straight every day and it wasn't fun, but now I'm not even a drop sore and can do my reps in 50% less time as well.

It starts with 30 here, soreness for a few days, and then maybe it'll lead to some more reps and confidence/self-satisfaction as you find it just a little easier to add another 5-10 reps. Some people are afraid to even try, or they assume they need to do all 100 (same logic as they think they need to buy a whole bitcoin), but you get the picture.

You also have your foot issue, enough to be plenty of a valid reason not to try, but you did... and you feel good about it. Just do what you can and feel is safe. The rest will fall into place as it's greater than none - and that helps your body and mind out.

Breaking them up during the day also helps so it's more casual.

You are the best, always.


I can build this up to a 100 - breaking it up is a good idea actually. I have crazy strong upper legs and if I hadn't already spent all my leg power at Pilates I probably would've gone to 50 in one go. But I noticed after 3x10 my balance was off and I almost fell over :') so I stopped.

(And that's actually something I'm proud of as well as I used to always go from zero to 100000000 in one go :'))

I'm probably going to build up to 100 reps by adding KettleBell Swings to my routine. It's the thing I've been postponing but after 1,5 years of strength training and now a few months of Pilates mostly, I'm still so so looking for a way to get some cardio done :-/ I've done KettleBells sporadically over a few years but I always end up with back pain. So if I'm going to do this I'll start really slowly and really try to build it up. I actually would love to use this 100 rep thing to see if I can in a few months maybe do Kettlebells for 5-10-15 (?) minutes every day so I feel my heart beat again :-)

I miss that.

Anyway, thanks, I literally saw this post this morning and was like: Yeah let's do some squats and join in :')

I need resting days more than others so I'll probably do every other day in the beginning :-)

Cheers! You're having a positive impact with this, keep on going <3

Hello! I'm your new stunt butt. I'll be here to do a few reps for you in the background while your feet find their... er, feet. I just did 50 air squats and then was going to do 20 pushups but cricked my neck after 16, so 54 squats it is! (I'm a stunt butt, remember.)

Tag me in when you have a challenge day and we'll complete them together. You'll have to handle the kettlebells though, since I have longterm sciatic damage no hands to swing them with because as I've reiterated, I'm a butt.

Hahahaha - great message to wake up to :')

You're the best stunt butt I've ever had! (I never had one before :D)
54 squats is huge! Yay you. I'll definitely tag you on days I need your butt to fulfill my butt tasks - and I'll do all the Kettlebells for you <3

Big hugs for both @crimsonclad and @steemmatt for motivating me <3

Challenge done in 1:38.6

Went for 20/20,30/30

Second Workout

Deadlift ladder

  • 70kg-10 reps
  • 80kg-10reps
  • 90kg-10reps
  • 100kg-10reps
  • 110kg-9reps
  • 120kg-8reps
  • 130kg-7reps
  • 140kg-6reps
  • 150kg-5reps
  • 160kg-4reps
  • 170kg-3 reps
  • 180kg-2reps
  • 190kg-1rep
  • 200kg-1rep this is for @steemmatt and his challenge!

Total Volume 5360kg

Wow man. That's not a workout. That's a training session for 10 people.

I'm back from shooting rhinos!
...with my camera

I hit my time goal, barely!
Time: 2:59
Pushups: 15 - 15 * 10 * 10
Air Squats: 25 -25

An opener like that in my comment previews makes blood boil no matter what, but I knew that camera line was next.

Well done on the time. That's the sound barrier. I was about 3:13 last night, a regression post 2 baseball games and with a sore back. I'll rebound back.

Where is home base when not touring the world?

I hear you. I just saw the last 2 northern white rhinos in existence, both females. They are functionally extinct now.

I live in the northwest, Oregon.

Posted using Partiko Android

I got mine done between sets with grippers. I did a few sets of rolling handle pullups, vertical handle pullups and rows with a Holle dumbbell too.
6x18 squats, 6x18 pushups.
216 reps total.

Weight doesn't stand a chance against you now in full force. Good to see you rolling again and doing the extras.

I'll get it done in a few hours! <3
keep the fire going!

I'm about to do my reps too. Make your entire country proud.

hahaha! feeling a nation on my shoulder right now! :D

Whereee arrrre youuuu?! I did mine like 8 hours ago.

well I did mine yesterday but I report every other morning just as on my even days I do yoga. :)

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