Intermittent Fasting (IF)

in #fitness7 years ago

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What is Intermittent Fasting
This means you are required to perform fasting with certain time limits. But fasting here is different from fasting in general, we are still allowed to drink water or other drinks on condition that the drink does not contain any calories.

For example, water or fresh tea.

So you are allowed to drink water when fasting, and this will certainly keep you from the danger of dehydration.

Understanding the above I think is pretty clear to you understand. Now let's look at some important points in doing Intermittent Fasting (IF) :

You Can Eat Dinner, But Do not Eat in the Morning time (Breakfast)

Intermittent Fasting stresses you not to eat breakfast. The reason is quite clear and it makes sense because it is accompanied by research evidence from experts.

Maybe some of you think that dinner will actually make a person become fatter and that’s not true.

Eating dinner making you become fat was just a myth. Having no Dineer will only reduce the number of calories that enter the body.

For example, I needs around 2000 calories per day for losing fat and build some muscle, well in the morning and noon I eats 2000 calorie and having no dinner. It's the same as 2000 calories in, even I do not have dinner.

In conclusion ..
What is really matter is the number of incoming calories, when you taking those calories is not matter.

As for the reasons why it is not recommended to take breakfast is as follows:

#1 Breakfast does not increase the body's metabolism

Breakfast will not increase your metabolism, having no breakfast will also not reduce body metabolism. So having breakfast or not, it has absolutely no effect on the survival of the body's metabolism.

#2 Breakfast has no effect with muscle building

Who says breakfast will help maximize the Muscles Building. Breakfast will not affect the process of muscle formation. On the other hand,having no breakfast also will not make you lose your muscle.

#3 Breakfast will not help control blood sugar level

Breakfast does not significantly influence blood sugar control. However, by avoiding breakfast, and performing fasts, insulin sensitivity will increase dramatically, it is very good if you want to diet and start losing some body fat.

#4 Breakfast will only make you hungry

Probably you will feel sleepy and even get hungry faster after you have breakfast. This happens and it is a result of the breakfast itself. Breakfast only makes your brain and stomach addictive that ultimately makes us want to eat again as soon as possible.

#5 Eating breakfast does not mean you will be more healthy

Breakfast does not benefit your health directly. Recent studies prove that breakfast and health have nothing to do directly. So, breakfast or not, it will have no affect to your health significantly.

#6 Breakfast will decrease the concentration during the activity

Body needs time to rest after eating. 2-3 hours after eating is the time when food digested by our.

In these crucial times a person will usually be sleepy, lack of concentration, and even unproductive because the body is concentrating on the process digesting the food.

#7 No breakfast is much better than having no dinner

Many say that not eating breakfast can actually cause various diseases and health problems, but in fact all of this has not been any medical evidence either through research or case studies that are detailed and reliable.

Stop Eating Breakfast and Begin Fasting

The second important point is to stop the breakfast habit and then start training yourself to fast. Fasting time given is 16 hours, 18 hours, and 20 hours a day or to the extreme you can fast for 24 hours. You can choose the one that suits your ability.

Keep in mind that fasting here is just calories fasting.

That means you are still allowed to consume water, tea, or even candy with one condition, 0 calories.

Caloric Fasting with time limits

Let us discuss in more detail about fasting time given above:

Fasting 16 hours, that means you should not eat / put some calories to the body for 16 Hours.

For example, you want to start fasting at 10.00 pm, that means you should not eat or put some calories into your body until 2 pm, counted from 16 hours – 10pm = 2pm. So, in a day your time to eat is 8 hours, 24 hours-16 hours = 8.

Fasting 18 hours, that means you should not eat / put some calories to the body for 18 Hours.

For example, you want to start fasting at 10pm, that means you should not eat or put some calories into your body until 4pm, from 18 hours-10pm = 4pm. So, in a day your time to eat is 6 hours, counted from 24 hours-18 hours = 6.

You just adjust according to your ability. And from my experience star with 16 hours first for a couple day to week and after your body can handle, you can move into the 18 hours and so on.

What’s really important is listening to your body, since everybody is different. Do not force yourself by following someone’s diet literally. For example I need 2000 Calories a day just to lose body fat, someone else probably need 2500 Calories a day to lose body fat.

One other thing, you should combine this Diet with some sport to achieve a greater result.

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