How I've Used Intermittent Fasting To Lose 30 LBS So Far AND The 3 Ways You Can Implement It

in #fitness7 years ago

Hey Geys,

It's Collin here. I've been doing intermittent fasting for about 3-4 months now, and every time I hear people on social media talk about it, there always seems to be one person that thinks it doesn't work. I believe the reason they think this is because they think that it's some sort of "magic pill" technique that some "guru" made up when in reality it's a real thing, it's just they don't understand what it means.

When I tell people I intermittent fast, they automatically think I'm fasting for days on end, tell me that it's not good to starve myself, tell me fasting doesn't work, ask me what religion I am fasting for and on and on. It drives me up a wall. So to clear up the confusion on what exactly intermittent fasting is, I have made a short video explaining what it is, how it's helping me reach my fitness goals a little bit faster, as well as the 3 different ways you can use it to help you reach your personal fitness goals.

A big thanks to those of you who took the time to read this post and watch the video. If you liked it, please feel free to leave a comment, vote, and follow my channel here. I will be documenting my fitness transformation and posting daily so that hopefully it can help you reach your fitness goals as well.

So without further ado..



Until Next Time,

Collin Schreiber

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