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RE: Feel Better Formula = Workout + Water + Nap

in #fitness6 years ago


Honestly, I'm a big napper... I used to do this crazy cycling class on Saturday mornings, and it would be so amazingly devastating that I'd be forced to nap Saturday afternoon. It was an amazing little tradition.

A bodybuilder friend of mine was saying most of his serious mates can't even have jobs. They work out, eat and sleep, and that's it. I totally imagine that's true working out at those extreme intensities.

Love the timings on the water bottles!


Hahaha isn't that so cute?! That puppy's name is Jack, and he very kindly helps out everyone in class by adding a little extra resistance when he feels like they need to be pushed :)

Yessss - I love the post-workout naps so much! I feel like a new person after :) haha "amazingly devastating" is such a great way to describe a workout!!! I totally get that those serious bodybuilders couldn't work... There are hardly enough hours in the day already, and working out at that level is in itself a full time job!

Thanks so much for reading and for touching base - it's always so great hearing from you! Hope all is well! :)

Thank you! I do love your blog so much!

I'm actually in struggletown at the moment... I've got an overuse injury in my right elbow which has pretty much drowned my training. It's been months, and I'm super keen to rehab it, but I have to just wait for the swelling to subside.... but injuries are a part of being awesome, so I'll work it.

P.S) Is Jack-yoga a class you teach? Asking for a friend...

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