Feel Better Formula = Workout + Water + Nap

in #fitness6 years ago

I usually feel like a pretty balanced person, and I rarely have a bad day - I'm lucky in that way, and grateful for it! I do also do everything I can think of to make sure every day is a great one, but sometimes, just like everyone else, I feel less than ideal and I get a little grumpy...

So I wanted to share with you my formula for recovering from the inevitable once-in-awhile crappy day :)

Even if it's the last thing I want to do, I go move my body. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, just to get my blood moving and some endorphins (feel-good chemicals) flowing. It's science! :) No pressure, no expectations, just move.

Before, during, and after my workout I make sure I'm taking in plenty of water. It's surprising how much even mild dehydration can affect you physically and mentally/emotionally... Even if I don't have the opportunity to work out, if I'm feeling crabby the first thing I'll do is chug a huge bottle of water - that's some old school advice I got from my Mom, and it has always helped me!

Lastly, if I'm in a sour mood, I've likely missed out on some much-needed sleep. Nowadays we all have a tendency to prioritize everything other than sleep, and to just plod along in a constant state of sleep deprivation. It's the WORST. Do yourself a favor and go back to making sleeping 8 hours a night your number one objective - for health, for weight management, for emotional balance, for mental clarity... The list goes on. If you missed the boat on getting enough sleep recently, go ahead and have a nap. Even a short one can work wonders to get you back to feeling like yourself again!

I hope this one-two(-three!) punch of suggestions helps you the next time you find yourself feeling less than your best!

Here's to hoping those times are few and far between, but if the feeling hits, try these tactics and let me know how they work for you!

The last little tip I'll leave you with is that you don't have to be feeling yucky to put these things into play... Although they're my go-to tools to get me out of a rut, I also try to incorporate these principles into my daily life as "preventative medicine" - usually, if I get a good workout in, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep, I tend to feel pretty good. Just sayin'!

Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you'd like! :)

My Post (3).jpg


I've also noticed a correlation of my mood and the mess rating of my surroundings haha. I always feel much more at ease when things are picked up so if I start getting in a bad mood I'll clean at a fast pace to get the blood flowing while also getting the dopamine from the feeling of accomplishment. I'm not a "clean freak" by any means but I think its just the random clutter or "living mess" that makes things fee chaotic.

Oh wow, that's exactly me also!!! I love this idea - increase your NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and improve sanity all at once! :D

When I don't get enough sleep I'm real grouchy. Right now it is overcast and I don't have a gym membership and I'm struggling with my Internet connection so I don't feel the best.

Dude, same... Oh no, that all sounds like a recipe for challenging times :( Let me know if there's any way I can help - at least in the workout department! I hope you feel better asap :)

Today was better because I was able to meet up with fellow Steemian @rulesforrebels at the Indiana Dunes State Park. It is like an inland sea.

Great advice! Sometimes I forget to drink water, and I end up just drinking coffee all day. No wonder I get tense and cranky!

Great advice! Sometimes I forget to drink water, and I end up just drinking coffee all day. No wonder I get tense and cranky!


Honestly, I'm a big napper... I used to do this crazy cycling class on Saturday mornings, and it would be so amazingly devastating that I'd be forced to nap Saturday afternoon. It was an amazing little tradition.

A bodybuilder friend of mine was saying most of his serious mates can't even have jobs. They work out, eat and sleep, and that's it. I totally imagine that's true working out at those extreme intensities.

Love the timings on the water bottles!

Hahaha isn't that so cute?! That puppy's name is Jack, and he very kindly helps out everyone in class by adding a little extra resistance when he feels like they need to be pushed :)

Yessss - I love the post-workout naps so much! I feel like a new person after :) haha "amazingly devastating" is such a great way to describe a workout!!! I totally get that those serious bodybuilders couldn't work... There are hardly enough hours in the day already, and working out at that level is in itself a full time job!

Thanks so much for reading and for touching base - it's always so great hearing from you! Hope all is well! :)

Thank you! I do love your blog so much!

I'm actually in struggletown at the moment... I've got an overuse injury in my right elbow which has pretty much drowned my training. It's been months, and I'm super keen to rehab it, but I have to just wait for the swelling to subside.... but injuries are a part of being awesome, so I'll work it.

P.S) Is Jack-yoga a class you teach? Asking for a friend...

This is a formula for success! I love the metered water bottles :)

Yay! So glad you like it! :)

If one has a pet, to workout with,
thers is no need gym or gym buddy.

I totally agree :) plus, they're so much cuter than most gym partners ;)

That’s how you get major gainzzz lol... I hate planks but it works the core. I should do some 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hahaha right?! Puppy planks for maximum gainzzzz :D

Excellent formula

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, friend!

This is great advice! Any time I'm feeling a bit blue I just put on some jazz-flute and hit the weights or get out for ome jogging.

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