Another Day -- Another Training / Project Update

in #fitnation6 years ago

The people around me in my life are inspiring me.

Yesterday, @caitycat went out and got some nice new running shoes. Over 13 years together, she's never really shown an indication that there might be an interest in running... The times are changing, and I'm trying to keep up -- but I'm super excited about it. I'd be hard pressed to say that I'm not motivated by it, and it's inspiring me to work on my side projects, as well as my running training. I managed to get out for a couple decent runs last week, and a bit of a micro-run last night to test out her new shoes and see how her ankle pain is doing.

Pretty legitimate success!

I spoke above about side-projects and motivation. Generally, I'm talking about @RunBurgundy (codename for now -- real name to be revealed once ready for rollout). I've spent a fair amount of time the last few weeks trying to learn a bit about Django and web development -- something that is more or less completely new to me. It seems to be pretty powerful, and I'm pretty jacked up about numerous built in features (such as the GeoDjango GIS capabilities).

I figure that, if people can get paid to contribute to open-source coding projects -- why can't people get paid to compete / train / other-wise enjoy physical activity? One part running-group, one part steem-community, one part sport specialists, one part social media feed ==> What have you got? A big sloppy mess of code that barely functions.

There has been about 12 people experimenting in the @RunBurgundy group project so far, and I thank them for their patience with all the bugs / hiccups that have happened. I plan to have an alpha roll-out of the upgraded version of the project by October 7th (my upcoming half marathon date)! Once the skeleton architecture is out, I'll probably try to toss it out to the utopian crowd (or otherwise interested capable devs out there) and see if anyone else other than @jkms is interested in helping.

I've recently gotten an HTML5 template interacting with my Django project and steem-python.

Next few steps I need to flesh out:

  • Implement SteemConnect so users can log in;
  • Add support for users to upload files / photos (everyone loves a shamesless selfie from mid-run);
  • Add support for GPX / TCX file parsing;
  • Create maps / splits / running data;
  • Update payout system.

The savvy reader will see the above and be like, "Wow... that really sounds like you have to do everything still...";

I wouldn't disagree. I'd say that @runburgundy is the v0.1alpha version. A proof of concept, if you will. We've been up an running for something like 12 weeks now, and a couple dudes have made a couple bucks just by running. I've changed gears from tweaking RB to learning about Django and web development and it has been a wild ride.


Source: Pixabay

I've got some pretty cool ideas regarding how to make this a lot more than just a feed of how far and how often people are running -- and I hope to launch these eventually. Gonna try to pump out some updates as they happen. Those of you that are already in the @runburgundy group -- I'll give you an invite to the new version once it's functional and you can help me test if you're interested. Those of you that aren't in the group yet -- stay tuned!

Your time will come.


:) I honestly never thought I would be running either! But here we are.
I'm inspired by your commitment to learning these new things... it all looks like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me, but I'll help any way I can (currently working on your new logo)!

This sounds awesome. I'll stay tune for updates.

Edit, autocorrect.

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