Finish The Story Contest - Week #65

The Well

by @Brisby


Midnight barbs hooked Sedra’s duster as she sped through the bramble underbrush atop Nox. Errant envy for her psi-meleon’s iridescent scales fluttered within her mind. Perfect. I'm going to look like a bedraggled porcupine.

Beneath her legs, Nox’s sides twitched in time to the clicks his tongue made. His right eye rolled back to meet her gray gaze, mirth shining within the amber orb.

“Har-Har, my impudent beastie.” Sedra flushed, blonde brows furrowing with disdain while kicking a thrasher vine from her boot.

“I couldn’t give a trotter’s tail if Blayne has a thing for quills. He better have a damned good reason for trespassing into our Catacombs.” It didn’t take a psionic bond to interpret Nox’s responding chortle of clicks. She snapped back with a huff, “Who taught you about that? See if I rustle up eels for you anytime soon.”

Rumbling deep within his throat, Nox tensed and sprang to the left. Claws dug into the thick ochra bark of the tree before scrambling up to the outspread branches. His tail waved, readying for a leap before easing down to lie along its length. The frustration radiating from his rider ignored to admire the back of his eyelids.

Sedra clung to her mount, her excitement to be taking the treeline route thwarted by the lizard’s love for his favorite treat. “Nox! This is NOT the time for a tantrum!” Snaking out, the psi-meleon’s tongue hung limp from its mouth, letting her know that he could do this all day.

Bristling, she channeled a fine line of energy to the tuned topaz on her wrist. A bit of rezzing would get his stubborn ass up. Threading the loop with her mind, the aquamarine gem began to spark. Before she could release the resonation to zap Nox’s toe, he slid from his perch to hang upside down from the branch. His smug clicking dared her to go ahead and try it while they were dangling a hundred feet above the forest floor.

The soft light dimmed within her topaz. Like hers, his was an empty bluff. Keeping her grip tight, her thumb rubbed Nox’s hide in capitulation. “Alright!" she growled. "Three eels before bed if you can get us to The Well and back before they notice we’re missing.”

Triumphant pride purred within the air. Nox swung around to the branch’s top, tensed and leaped the expanse to the neighboring tree. Thrilling from the feel of the wind in their faces, the two raced towards the forest's edge. Both girl and beast let the rush of the journey override their unspoken dread.

Beyond the green was a showdown with a man who had been their friend. Within moments, they'd be facing their betrayer. One who had abandoned them to fend for themselves so that he could take possession of The Well.

♥♥♥♥♥♥ My Ending ♥♥♥♥♥♥

The encounter with the traitor was inevitable, he had obtained information that only the tribe of the north of the forest knew, and Sedra had to stop him, she revealed to him the location of the well and its secrets, blinded by love, she felt safe and confident, but discovered that Blayne's heart was darkened.

She managed to catch the traitor as he hurried to the well above his own psi-meleon, a beast she had helped him capture.

"Until today you used me Blayne, I won't let you change the energy of the well"

Nox was rarefied by a mixture of anger and sadness, he hit the enemy with his tail, he fell to the ground but managed to recover. Sedra released energy from his topaz to end the traitor's life, but he hid behind his beast.

"You know I won't waste the full moon", time in which the cosmic energy of the well sensitizes to the maximum the vital energy of the undergrowth.

Blayne's darkness was evident, he wanted to put an end to everything green around him.

Blayne rode on his psy-meleon and the beast began to shoot his tongue to paralyze Nox and Sedra, these dodged their opponents and immediately Nox stood on his hind legs throwing itself on them, ending the life of the beast.

Blayne, feeling at a disadvantage, wasted no time and began to release perverse energy from his amber stone, to destroy the well or at least affect its cosmic energy, Nox ran after he to paralyze him, Blayne lifted his flight although he'd rather be over some psi-meleon, because couldn't fly for long.

Sedra saw him fly high where Nox could not attack him, spread his beautiful wings and went against him. "Blayne please don't do it" implored for the welfare of his tribe.

As he unleashed all the darkness upon the well, Sedra shot ceaselessly using all the power of her gem, plus the speed of dodging that he possessed was much higher, she saw that she could achieve nothing, she was stunned.

Nox was already on some branches and throwing himself from there with his claws he threw the traitor so hard to the bottom of the well.

Sedra climbed again upon those iridescent scales of her psy-meleon and triumphal pride purged into the air again.

Nox's eyes turned to Sedra, a dark light began to envelop the well, frustration took hold of her heart, had won Blayne, it was only her fault.

Sedra quickly reasoned her possibilities, caressed Nox sweetly and without hesitation threw herself into the well, immediately restoring the pure energy of the well.

The End
by @vida-blanca

The people of @bananafish offer us to complete the story proposed by @Brisby, full of fantasy and mystery around a well.

I invite lovers of writing to give free rein to their imagination and talent by participating in this wonderful contest.

Thank you dear friends for the support, we are in contact.


I have to say that I didn't see that final twist coming. It was an interesting sacrifice. There was a lot of action and a clear distinction between the roles. I also noticed a predominant role for the psy-meleon. The contest unfortunately got stuck (not my fault) but i will comment and reward soon ;-)

It is sad to know that we are missing the fun of writing and the excitement of waiting for the next story to complete. I sincerely love this contest, it is fascinating: the challenge, imagine a new story and have the opportunity to express through the art of writing. I hope things get better and everything is better.

Thank you for commenting.

Don't worry, we'll be back in track eventually and thanks for your support! 😉

Interesting twist. Good luck!

Thank you very much.

WoW hope it wins !

Thank you for your good vibe.

I love the romantic touch, as always.

Thank you very much for commenting

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Wow. That must be a very special well if she threw herself in like that!

If the well is very special, it possesses the cosmic energy of the forest.

Hello @vida-blanca, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so much for your support.

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