A space battle - A tell me a story entry

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

The proximity sensors had started screaming forty seconds ago. @calluna the officer on duty barely roused the @bananafish to battle readiness when seven Armored Multi-Combat ships (AMC) materialized in a blistering corona of light followed after a second by the Destroyer- the command ship. Seven messages flowed almost in the same instant to the destroyer. "We have visual confirmation of the blockship @Bananafish. Shields online, awaiting orders."

Aboard the destroyer the Master Hacker looked at the various plans set up by the op-sec computer. On the blockship the on-board computer-@crowdmind had gauged the threat even as the AMCs emerged into normal space. As a general alert for lockdown went out @bananafish had launched missile decoys and defensive pods all around the ship. @calluna dipped from the current flight plane using the directional thrusters in an effort to gain distance enough to warp away. But the smaller and more agile AMCs were sticking close. Fight or flight she thought. "Prime the lasers." It was Captain @dirge. "@f3nix the array is all yours. We need time. @calluna send out the signal." "But we are in Steemit space, we have no pact with anyone with the amount of firepower.."

"Send the signal @calluna!" @dirge reiterated. "Yes Sir!"

@f3nix shouted out " I need one salvo Sir! Forward motion at 0.3 Gs please." The blockship shuddered, changing direction suddenly. All the crew suffered a mild disorientation as the sudden change in gravity jolted their senses. Three AMCs closed in, trying to hem the blockship. "STOP AND SURRENDER! YOU CAN LIVE. WE WANT @BANANAFISH" This message from the destroyer was answered by @f3nix with multiple blasts of the fully charged laser cannon at the destroyer. The shots were aimed at the only weak point @f3nix could find- the communications array. Of the twelve shots fired in one second, the blockship had to veer away defensively after that, one shot found the target.

"We have about twenty seconds before their secondary systems come online." @dirge declared. "All gunners attack. @f3nix hold the laser for emergency defense."

For the next thirty seconds violent chaos ensued. As @bananafish let loose all it's might against the attackers. Damage lights burned amber and then red, breach sirens wailed as @dirge received reports of damage to the ship and the personnel. Two AMCs were vaporized while one was left drifting and dead. Yet the situation for @bananafish was grim as the destroyer and the surviving AMC's pounded the blockship. There was no way out of this one, the blockship could not stand such a beating. @dirge was about to give orders to abandon ship when he saw the proximity sensors. He stopped and brought up the view of the space few kilometers away, something big was coming.

Master Hacker saw the same disturbance and tuned his sensors, pausing the attack temporarily. The swirling arms were the first to emerge into view. "RETREAT. Full retreat at once." Even as the weapons were powered down a blue bolt shot from the now emerged entity vaporizing two AMCs. It's second shot took out the remaining AMCs but the destroyer managed to jump away.

"@curie this is @dirge from @bananafish. Thank You for the rescue. We see that you still pack a punch."

"@bananafish no thanks needed Steemit is our space and we like to keep it clean. Standby, launching the shuttle with repair techs and medics."


Sorry to all the team members and supporters of @bananafish not mentioned and sorry to those mentioned ( if they did not like it.)

The Contest: https://steemit.com/contest/@bananafish/bananafish-a-story-and-poetry-contest


The wit and ingenuity in this space action adventure is outstanding, from the attack of the AMC's trying to plunder our precious bananafish, to teaming up with crowmind! This is just wonderful... and in a way.. a true story! This is so much fun, and i sincerely appreciate the little quips about us all in there, dirge taking the captain's seat while our fearless leader f3nix gets stuck in on the front lines. He is after all our big guns! Haha and i love the role i got, taking orders is very much my pro skill ;)

As highly entertaining as this is, there is a deeper message here that couldn't be more appropriate. We band together, fight to protect what we love, and no AMC can take that away from us, armored or not. Awww you have got me all emotional, I love that the crew woould sooner abandon ship than our beloved bananafish, standing our ground against all the odds, even in the face of a battle we couldn't win we won't give up, and then, in the end, the wider community - inspired by f3nix and his crews dedication, came through <3

captain? you're god damn right...

(I will be saying this on all entries, these comments were remade in a quickie after realizing I had not only left them on a different machine but that I didn't import them. So sorry if this is not the usual you expect of me :c ) The only sad part about this story was the lack of pirates like me directing the cannons while canting some dark song with the rest of the crew. But that can wait another day when we meet a bigger foe where the purified void magic is necessary to squash any individual that dares step on us and tries to splinter us, one by one. Otherwise, the NANA comment stole the words from my mouth!~

Good One! my dear @sarez!

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