Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #39 WINNERS!

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)


Hoist the colours, proud story-travelers!

Welcome to our renowned playground of the fantastic, brave and bizarre creatures of the Bananafish Realms! The judging for this week was difficult as you all led us on terrific journeys through imagination. Now, I know everyone is eagerly awaiting the results but first, let me put on my sport coat and grab my microphone so that I can bring you: The News.

What's boiling in the bananafish kitchen (the news!)

  • Congratulations to @Amirani, @Dirge, @Gwilberiol and @Sarez for the well-deserved Curie votes that they gained during this ongoing creativity workshop!

  • Let's raise our mugs in gratitude to @Cyemela for increasing his delegation and support to the tribe. Cheers and thanks for the sustain!!

  • Don't forget to join the Realms, where you can promote yourself and meet all of us strange creatures!

  • Prepare for enjoying an intriguing 40th edition by @Theironfelix (one with a distinct dialect and who is armed with the cutest and creepiest GIF's). We're charging ahead with an enhanced pot of 5 STEEM for the 1st prize + 5 SBI. @Brisby will again be at the helm, raiding F3nix's snack drawer and pressing all of the buttons.

  • Curie factoid: we have been supported by the amazing Curie community with 44 upvotes in 39 editions.The rate is increasing lately..we have now more than an average of 1 curie upvote per edition! @Brisby leads the pack, closely followed by @Cyemela, @Marcoriccardi, @Calluna and @Tristancarax.

Did you vote for @Curie as a witness? If not, what are you waiting for!? I know that voting for witnesses often takes a backseat but don't forget that they're the backbone of Steemit. Our votes have the power of shaping the platform. Let's all vote for @Curie, a witness that enriches Steemit by rewarding quality.

  • Last but not least: the prophet and knights started working on a unique project. A treasure hunt where you will be able to choose your destiny through a labyrinth of stories and death-life choices... in the end, a rich reward of 20+ STEEM will wait for one lucky participant like a pot of gold under a double rainbow! Don't miss our next updates!


..And the winners of this special-enhanced-pot fantastical edition are:

  • GRAND PRIZE - 5 STEEM: @Amirani. In this thought-provoking story, told from the perspective of Vartan's family, we're shown how his change in character following long journey and dreams forever changed the lives of the people of Yerevan. Instead of being cast aside by a village full of those focused only on physical needs, they learned the value of not dismissing dreams (and the inner truths they reveal) as mere frivolity. If you haven't had the chance, click the link and treat yourself to this marvelous tale!

  • SECOND PRIZE - 2 SBI: @Gwilberiol: His story gave us a rich delve into a fantastical dream setting. Vartan's merchant greed carries into the wonders of the dreamworld. This ultimately leads to his realization that within the story, he's not the character that he thought he was. As always with Gwil's writing, this is a story not to be missed!

  • POPULAR VOTE - 2 SBI: @Dirge once again shows his mastery with his tale. He gave the people of Yerevan a distinct feel, elevating them above being carbon copy 'villagers' that could be randomly placed into any story. With a practiced and subtle hand, he led us into a dream that reflected the inner conflicts that haunt Vartan's conscience. Make sure that you don't miss the opportunity to read this terrific piece!

  • SPECIAL MENTION - 1 SBI: Thanks to @F3nix, @Raj808's ending could not go unrewarded. (Had the word count been lower, this would have taken one of the top prizes, Raj. But alas, preference must be given to those who put in so much effort to keep near the 500 word limit.) To quote F3nix's comment - "With your unique blend of poetry and prose, you took the reader hand in hand until a final cathartic fusion between the different perspectives of the two characters. You also gave a deeper meaning to Vartan's lucid dreaming. Amazing." If anyone has not yet had the pleasure, I urge them to go read Raj's story!

  • BEST COMMENT - 1 SBI: @Theironfelix for not only commenting and re-steeming the marvelous stories of everyone in this round but for the wonderful poem that Felix wrote for @Amirani on his post! You are truly one of a kind, Felix!


    Sustain the @Bananafish project through your delegations! We're a selfless inclusive and decentralized community, we put our heart in what we do and a lot of passion and everyone will be abundantly rewarded for their generosity as the @Bananafish will keep growing. Here you may find a guide by @marcoriccardi on how to sustain this project.

A special thank to @Gwilberiol, @Dirge, @Theironfelix, @Raj808, @Brisby, @Maverickinvictus, @Cyemela, @Marcoriccardi, @Calluna, @Oivas, @Anixio and @Ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality!
If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!


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Congrats to the many finished stories and the winners as well as having had all the comments. I found this round particularly interesting as the beginning had nothing to do with torture and horror. ;-)

Though I was not active so much I still enjoyed to read and to comment here and there.

Your insightful comments were wonderfully encouraging to the writers, Erika. Our tribe is something special here on Steemit and it's because of how caring and supportive our members are. Thank you for journeying along with us and here's to hoping that we can read another of your stories soon! 😎

Wow, I can't believe I won! This is fantastic, again I should thank you for such a marvelous initiative. You help me keep writing regularly (I'm not very good at picking up routines), and I have so much fun participating in contests.

Looking forward to next activities!

To everyone who reads me, come join the realms, we got all the support, all the comradery and the all the nice imagination-fueling contests!

Well done @amirani! You deserved it.. your story reminded me of Siddharta by H.Hesse.
About the 'come join the realms', I'm very happy of your enthusiasm.. maybe you can help me with some of your Venezuelan friends who know English and write wonderful poetry and fiction (I know there are). The word of mouth is very important for us and the Bananafish is here to upvote reward and encourage every writer!

How did you figure out I was actually @amirani @f3nix? (I’m not, yah replied to the wrong person.)

I always suspected that @amirani is one of your multiple personalities.

And Amirani has earned....Jevil!!

Have yet to give this out yet:


Thanks for giving us a great story! We're glad that you joined the Bananafish Tribe and happy to be helping you keep up a writing routine.

Congrats to the winners. I thought mine was pretty good this week but will just have to shoot for a spot on the list next week.

Your ideas are always so creative Steve! Keep it up!

Your story was very good. Just look at the responses to what you wrote! People like reading your work and that's something to be proud of. Our next edition will be out today and there's another chance to win. 😎

congrats to winners and folks who got a curie vote. happy to participate with all of you.

Congrats to you, Magister Dirgelius.

Congrats to all the winners.

Congrats to all the writers! 🤓


With all this good will around here, we should break out the rum...

Congrats to all winners and entryists!

Be prepared for me prompt now, ye chops!

{Photo below of G&W Ashley fistbumping at the end of a level. I simply found a video containing that nice easteregg.}


I am foretasting the Magna Editio Feliciana!

I'm picking out my hat and fastening my weapons pouch!

Congratulations to all winners and participants!

Contributing to this contest has been a challenge and a joy for me each week. I feel the 500 word limit forces us to be ruthless with our excisions, decisive and sure, like the sharpest knife. We all, my friends, are the knives, and with each round, we sharpen one another.

Wow. Your appreciation means a lot and I'm not just saying it rhetorically. You understood that the limit has a purpose beyond the mere precept, linked to make everyone improve and work on their writing style. Maybe here we're truly building something unique and no one can copy it or take it away from us. Cheers!

Glad I wasn't choosing. You had some brilliant entries.

Brilliant and wondrous like Vartan's dreams!

Thank you for your terrific comments on the stories! 🤗

(I'll be happy to hand back all of the responsibility to F3nix. Shh..Don't tell him.) 😉

I can't resist the writers. They bring such energy to this exercise. It's hard for me to think of it as a competition...I think everyone would struggle to do their best without the "prize"...although that helps :))

It certainly doesn't hurt. 😉 (Side note as to prizes: There's a squirrel who would be very competitive if the reward was an order of kung pao chicken delivered to her door. 😁)

What you've said of the writers is true. Despite how quiet the blockchain has been in the last couple of months, our Tribe is going strong! Their creativity, fun attitudes, camaraderie and respect makes this group one of the best on Steemit!

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