Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #31!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)


A contest with a pot of 3 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares? You're in the right place!

139 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now (plus 22.558 SBD and 19 STEEM) through the contest in 30 weeks!

Here are today's yellow finned prize cathegories:

1st place : n. 3 STEEM

2nd place : n. 2 steembasicincome share

popular vote: n. 1 steembasicincome share (remember to vote your favourite!)

Best comment to the stories: n. 2 steembasicincome shares

F3nix writing here, your Bananafish mouth. Think of me a bit like that adorable and friendly Mouth of Sauron, just to give you an idea.

I'll be brief because: 1) I farted around with @brisby and @theironfelix in our discord Realms too much (we had a nixorama party over there); 2) I have to go and play Shintiara with Marco, who's the author of this amazing RPG game.

What do we have here? A slightly different dish is served today for our Bananafish acolytes. Not a sci-fi, nor a horror or a fantasy story but something that's taken directly from real life, an experience that one of my old friends recently lived. It's a bit of a moral dilemma the one you'll face, but I won't add more and let your minds roaming free. Enjoy!

Map of the Bananafish Realms from a squirrely perspective!

  • tell to a friend about the contest!

  • join the Bananafish Realms discord chat.

  • vote, vote, vote your favourite story (and win 1 STEEM)!

  • use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment (or after the results! argh!)

  • Respect the 500 words limit.

  • help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

And now.. let's dive into today's story!


What goes around, comes around

by @f3nix

Barnard Hall, in the heart of the west wing of the medical school, the Asclepius sancta sanctorum. The light of the sunset dripped from the dusty double-glazed windows and mixed with the cedar scent of the wooden stalls, arranged in steep theatre. A visitor who had passed the heavy double door would have undoubtedly caught the note of animal musk mixing with the wood essence. Smell of anxiety. Smell of hunted prey. Smell of university student exhausted during a long, endless session of exams.

"I strongly advise you to think carefully about your next words," Prof. Angelus said to the student.

Spread over several rows, set in the narrow space between the back and the table top, the remaining students were crossed by the icy scalpel blade of that voice.

"Here we are," Luke thought in a flash of conscious resignation.

It was the sixth time he had to repeat that exam: after five fails in a row his whole life have been interrupted and swallowed up in that black hole. By now he knew every detail of "At Heart of Cardiology", the three volumes treatise written by Prof. Angelus, a widely recognised eminence of cardiology.

For an eternal moment his thoughts dissociated from the scene and flew to that day three years earlier when, at the head of a handful of fifteen other students, Luke had decided to protest the decisions of the seventy-year-old professor.
"Do you mind if I ask you.. do you really intend to graduate in this university?" A stunned secretary had told him at some point, after the insistent protests of the student committee showed no sign of blurring.
And at what levels could the power of an old ordinary professor, close to retirement, ever come? The answer did not wait and, just two months later, Prof. Angelus was acclaimed by the unanimous council as dean of the faculty. Luke was instantly fire-branded and he would never graduate from that university.

"Well?" The assistant, the professor's guard dog, broke the silence.

"The... the... commissurotomy can only be performed if the flaps are not calcified and the subvalvular apparatus is preserved. With a left anterior thoracotomy, the chest is accessed through the resection space of rib 5. Once the pericardium is opened through the left auricle, a diverter is introduced into the mitral ostium which, opening, forces the valvular flaps to separate the merged commissures." Luke answered almost without breathing, tense like a Vietcong in his tunnel paved of sleepless study nights.

The professor's nose had disgusting bright red veins, Luke did not know if he was breathing - or alive at all. He looked down at the white, protruding knuckles of his left hand, clinging to the arm of his chair, and waited for his fate.

"Twenty-six, do you accept?". A note of irony in that electric scalpel voice.
"Yes. Sorry, I'll take the transcripts." Luke stumbled into his bag, looking through the notebooks for the grade transcripts. He had not even brought the booklet with him since there was so little hope of passing the exam.

The professor absent-mindedly drew a twenty-four and a signature in cuneiform spelling.

The cold light of the Pentaled surgical light-head outlined the instruments neatly aligned as efficient soldiers ready to execute his orders. It was almost pleasant to the watchful eyes of Dr. Luke Richards, a promising cardio-surgeon and head of the famous Royal Brompton Hospital in Chelsea, London.

"Doctor, we have verified that a serious heart attack is going on. The frequency is 207 bpm. We administered 50 mg of protamine sulfate, the patient did not react. Furthermore, his wife informed us of a complication deriving from senile cardiac amyloidosis."

"A very normal case that could be safely entrusted to the Mako-bot" Dr. Richards determined instantly by glancing quickly at the operating table, automated and managed by the hospital central A.I.
He snorted slightly. Evidently the patient had enough influence not only to obtain a human operation, but also to have the Chief Cardiac Surgeon out of bed at three o'clock in the night.

"Who do we have here, doctor?"

"This is a certain Prof. Daniel Angelus".


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  1. An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  3. WIN 3 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best endings and comments.

The result will be out on Tuesday 16th October, 14:00 PM GMT+7 avg. (U.S. West Coast time zone). Submission and voting deadline: Monday 15th October, 12:00 PM - noon GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone)

A special thank to @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality!

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



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This post has been rated by the user-run curation platform CI! In this platform users are able to manually curate content. This is done regardless of Steem Power, for both rewards and vote size calculation.

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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.9944227959521427
This post was voted: 69.77%

Vote your favorite story here!

I'm also going to have to vote for Cyemela. His character using forgery was a complete surprise and so was his ending!

I'm going with @cyemela for sheer audacity. He had me at the peg-legged lady :)

My vote goes to @oivas. I find it respects the most the theme of comeuppance, keeping it at the center of the story and resolving it in a positive way, with a final apology. An apology that the doctor graciously accepts, because his old teacher might not deserve peace of mind, but his new patient does.

My Vote is for @maverickinvictus

My vote goes to @agmoore. Lots of great stories as usual only felt like this one really took on the theme of a moral dilemma and went FTW.

Wait... Could it be? This time I'm posting first, instead of dead last!

Here I go!

Good one. Love that show, they still play it on Sunday nights. Think it's also on Netflix. Would vote on the post only its on that other platform.

Bravo! Welcome back!

The return of the gwilber-jedi!! It's great to see you Ale, how's life?

Irreplaceable. 😄

Weeeeee! Brisbina in the house 😎

I hope I get across what I was attempting to do with this one. The medical stuff was difficult to talk about because I couldn't find the right language, but I think the angle I approached this one was somewhat successful.

I know.. only St. Google can help you with medical stuff. Glad you did it!

Here be me submission: Final Destination for this contest here.

Final Destination.. the mega condo-post is here!

Reluctantly I have to skip this edition. I'm sorry, the story is great, but I have to focus on other things. Good luck to all the participants!

It happens.. give your due priorities to life stuff and don't worry.. Luke ended up quite well in the stories.. tell him.

Squeeze it man! Glad you're with us 😉

It's always the season for a horror story.

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