Vanilla Sky: A Tom Cruise Film that doesn't feel like a Tom Cruise film

in #films6 years ago

I am not a fan of Tom Cruise films for the most part because there are just too many of them. Sure, they are entertaining in a mindless way. However, with very few exceptions they are extremely predictable and follow the same Hollywood format of hero faces monumental task, hero faces a setback, hero rebuilds, hero nearly loses but in the end wins just barely. Vanilla Sky, despite making $100 million in the USA, hasn't been seen by most of the people I talk to. Many of them have never even heard of it.


Tom plays the role of David Aames, an extremely wealthy owner of a large publishing something or other. He lives an enviable life of luxury. He doesn't really need to work at the firm and leaves its running mostly to the board of directors while he just kind of does whatever. This isn't how the film starts out though.

The film begins with David (Cruise) in a prison cell being interviewed by a psychologist played by Kurt Russel. Aames is wearing a mask and I don't think I should reveal why as it is a major part of the film that gets revealed to you pretty early on.

The film also stars an absolutely stunning Penlope Cruz who plays David's love interest, Sophia.


as well as an absolutely terrifying Cameron Diaz who is David's slightly crazy ex-lover, Julie.

  • I never thought it would be possible to find Diaz so scary*

So what makes this film so great (for me) is probably because it is a psychological thriller and as the movie goes on a bit of sci-fi is introduced. However, telling you how would also be a bit of a massive spoiler. The movie doesn't take the usual predictible turns and at least for me, I couldn't see the ending coming. The movie is interesting the whole way through and I think that it shows a side of Tom's acting that we don't get to see very often. What I mean is that he actually is a pretty great actor, despite being a real-life nutjob.

See if you agree with me. I can't rate it too terribly high compared to all other movies but I personally believe it is one of Tom's best.

I give this one a "worth watching" rating and a 6.5 / 10


This movie consists of such great emotion especially with its outstanding soundtrack that coincides with the film. Tom Cruise is one of my favorite actors because of his enthusiasm to make films and to entertain. This movie was not the best the first time I watched it, but after about 3 more times I decided that this is one of the best films that I have ever seen. It takes place in New York, and progresses on through his lifestyle. He discovers a delimma in his life with his girlfriend (Diaz). He goes through a state of depression and then an outgoing blend of imagination. This film was beyond my expectations, and is one of Cruise's best films ever!

I forgot to mention the epic soundtrack. You are correct sir!

Hello, the movie looks interesting, I love Tom Cruise, I'll look for it to see it. Greeting

Talk about criminally underrated movies.

People ask me about movies and once in a while this movie pops up. Just to help the laymen wrap their minds on the concepts of the movie, I usually say, "It's Total Recall but they replaced the action for pain and sorrow."
And I usually get a pretty bad response. "Why would anybody want to watch a movie like that?"
Because strong emotions is one of the defining characteristics that shows the human condition.
We are all interacting with each other in real time. But in reality we truly feel like we are in an island by ourselves.
Sometimes we have to accept to leave things behind or otherwise we corrupt our cherish memories.
At least that is what I got out of this movie. To this day, I still haven't leapt off my own building.
Hopefully, one day I will (and no. Not suicide. Lol)

very nice response :)

thank you for appreciation

I always felt like this film didn't quite live up to its promise, particularly because the film it was adapted from called Open Your Eyes did a better job with the psychological drama than the big budget remake despite Cameron Crowe's cinematography in Vanilla Sky edging out the original.

I always place this film in the lower end of one of my favorite genres of film that I loosely refer to as the "what is reality?" genre. On that, the premise of it is more interesting than the film itself and outclassed by more bizarre films in the same space that makes you question reality like The Science Of Sleep or Mulholand Drive and even by some more popular films like Memento or Fight Club. It's worth a watch, but it's hard to see this film as much other than a missed opportunity to be something more. At least it introduced us all to Penelope Cruz.

I've not come across the movie too, but the storyline looks somehow boring to me from your review.

I hope I'm wrong?

I don't think I will go for this one especially with 6.5 rating

well it is much more exciting than my description. I just had to be very careful in chosing my words because one small slip and I give away very crucial parts of the movie that are essential to its enjoyment.

OK, I think it's cool that way then.

Pretty underrated movie, a 6.5 might be a little strict but you do bring up some good points. But a year before this movie mission impossible 2 came out and grossed over $200,000 in the US. I would say this is a massive drop off for Cruise.

Another fantastic sleeper from Tom Cruise is Minority Report. Directed by Steven Spielberg, this is a FANTASTIC future cop movie. They have beings that can tell them the crime before it happens and my god do things turn sideways. PLEASE SEE MINORITY REPORT IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY
I have movie reviews and updates on my blog! Feel free to check it out

i'll check out your blog pal and yes, I have seen Minority Report and it is fantastic.

Awesome! thank you for checking my blog out. You have some really great reviews, keep it up!

I fall into the category of people who have not heard about the movie despite the fact that I'm a Tom Cruise fan.
It will be nice seeing Tom Cruise in another dimension

I agree with you, but in my opinion Ton's best work was on A Few Good Men. in 1992, with the direction of Rob Reiner and the stellar performances of
Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacchus

I am a lover of Tom Cruise movies. This I have not seen and it looks fascinating.

That shot where he is the only one in Times Square is so awesome, i need to rewatch its been a while

I agree with you, that the vanilla sky movie is one of the best of tom cruise. The story is so exciting, how handsome tom cruise becomes ugly due to an accident.i think hi's a great actor.
Like @gooddream.

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