Filmmaker’s diaries! "War of Art" and Having time to write ! 07/03/2019

in #filmmakersdiaries5 years ago

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary! 07/03/2019

Today it was a nice and productive day.

I was able to do some serious writing. Must say it felt amazing to sit down and not be worried that I only have such amount of time, or not sit down and fell completely tired… It was great to sit down and dive into the story and the world. Felt great to see that some progress was made in the day.

I did felt a bit of “resistance” before starting and a bit after I took a break… But in the end it didn’t matter. Just need to be more aware of the Resistance when I do have a bit more time. (Guess I’ll keep my “War of Art” copy nearby.

This polishing of the short script is taking way longer than expected… but usually, everything does. Especially everything worth doing.

I also took a couple of hours late afternoon to work a bit on the real estate video company. Some structuring and planning, strategizing. Some web site polishing. Then went out to dinner and now I’m gonna go watch a film with my girlfriend.

By the way… I ended up not getting up so early the next couple days after Monday… not too late, but was not able to do some creative stuff before going to the office. Let’s see next week. (I’m off from work today and tomorrow by the way)

As always, thank you for reading.

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I read The War of Art too and even listened to it as an audiobook. I don't remember too much about it besides the resistance story. Lately, I'm starting to see though ( more and more ) that struggle isn't always necessary, although it helps to go through it to know what you don't want.

I hope you're well!

Um abraco!

Think it's a good book, I usually recommend it to any creative. Think the resistance, is more (at least in my perspective) about procrastination than about struggle. A cool little book, I re-read a few pages every now and then.

Wish you a great day!!


Boa tarde!

Haha! I am a master of procrastination myself. Although, perhaps not any more, I definitely was though.

Um abraço :>)

I also used to be (and sometimes are) a solid black belt heheh


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