Filmmaker's Diaries: Been a bit Sick - 29/01/2019

in #filmmakersdiaries5 years ago

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

Last few days haven’t been the most productive either… yesterday and the day before I a bit sick. I stayed home and tried to get better.

It was a so so day… other than the health department everything just went a bit wrong… everyone around me was an in a and mood… not the best… but what are you gonna do?

So hadn’t really had the mind to focus and do some work. Felling a bit better. Hope tomorrow I’ll be 100% and start polishing the script and getting emails lists and so on… I actually have a video that maybe I’ll make. Need to edit. And on my day off, it’s possible that I’ll go film a video for a park near me (if the weather is good)

The facebook adds are officially over… got something like 90 likes… that means that 90 people all who have their own small business and what not. Think it’s ok… my finances are not on top, but if they were I think it’s a pretty good deal. 20 Euros for 90 people to be on your radar. It’s not about the likes I honestly couldn’t care less (and I’m not the biggest FB fan either) but those people who liked it are now connected to my company somehow… they will probably see the next things I post. Plus something like 1000 people have seen my logo and name… Think it’s not too bad… as a long term thing, I think it can be quite beneficial.

It should be done step by step,. Getting more people to be on your radar and so on… however, I think next week I’ll try another adds in a more direct way. Like, “visit my website, let’s make a video “heheheh

Let’s see.

It sucks that it’s low spending /investing time of year, but I really must get one client next month. I wanted one this month… but let’s get one next month.

And next month is tax season… first time I have a company to file taxes and so… that’s gonna be something to do.

OK, that’s it. Not felling 100 %, let’s see tomorrow.

Did some work on the T-shrt company also.

As always, thank you for reading.

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