Catching film you should watch!

in #film6 years ago (edited)


It is not my plan to stay back in time but I truly believe we should learn from history.

"There is no other way to describe war than it being Hell on earth, but the effects of war do not stop once you leave the battlefield. I have written on my blog about my story of PTSD, but I want to share the story of a special man. His name is Lynn “Dobie” Gillies. He was a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War and one of his first missions as a brand new pilot was to rescue a group of Marines that were pinned down by heavy enemy fire."
That is how #derangedvisions starts his blog: My first feature film is now LIVE!! War-torn: The Story of "Dobie" Gillies.

To be honest I am no longer interested into wars.

They are never ending. All these world wide fights. Mainly a way to force people into life styles they do not want for the own benefit. All the (sexual and child) abuse.

If it comes to it nobody cares in the end.

You join the army for? You end up as a nobody forgotten by...
If it comes to it you simply do not count! Life goes on. No need to recall the past or mention what did happen.

Every war started is one based on lies, based on fake news to get what someone (the Cabal) wants and to spread hate against certain people.

War is business, big business, over the (dead and broken for life) bodies of many people.

Too many and it will always be.

Still... this post and this film did catch my eye. I wanted to know what #derangedvisions was driven by to make it (and now I know).

I must say, I am very impressed (by him and his film) and yes I do need time to think it all over.

l hope you will have a look at his blog as well.
Will watch the film. I can assure you it is not a waste of your time!
vietnam-memorial-2417450_1280.png(picture: Pixabay)

Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.

A good friend nearly died because medical help is refused

My family is not "flattered" by me. They say I am a monster

My dad run out of us and left me with a psychopath of a mom to take care of

I turn out to be interesting for scamming

My pen-pal is in prison, in a few years he will be free again.


War always is cruel and i never want to be a soldier. I only, maybe want to fight for what I believe in, not what the government want me to believe!

I wanted as a teenager at marva or so. But soon I changed my mind.

What exactly is marva?

It once was the marine for just women

O, ok. I think people get bored at the marine...

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