You should know your NEW MEMBER is a monster!

in #cps6 years ago (edited)

Good people have good lives, it is what Karma says and what they always told me. It is clear. I am not a good person. From the moment I, the unwanted one, was born, my life was full of violence, abuse and I have been molested day and night.

For sure I can not be a good person. I am a monster. That monster that needs to be destroyed. They all agreed about that. My mom, the whole family, church, their friends, the neighbours, school and CPS.

They all knew what was going on. They even saw it happen. They have seen the marks, blue spots, the fear in a little child its eyes. Saw its behaviour. The way it walked, did hide, seldom spoke, made no friends.

No one cared. They all felt comfortable in their lives. They agreed, even gave a hand to finish the job, to kill that monster or at least lock it up, preferable at a place where she can never escape out of again! A kid that tells such a bad things about her mom, a wealthy person, educated and even a famous midwife, must be a monster. Can only be crazy and needs to get out of the way.
A child that tries to commit suicide at the age of 6 already is for sure not "quiet right" in her head.

The mom is right, school is right, CPS is right, the family, including siblings and the neighbours are right: the kid makes it all up, it is a cry for attention, it is jealous. It is lied.
There is no room in society for children, people, like that. Liars, crazy people do not deserve help! They do not belong in the society.

I escaped from a horrible life. A life you can not even imagine. I did it myself, at a young age and payed a very high prices for my right to live. Just to be there.

I am not asking you to believe me, to be my friend, to feel sorry for me. There is no need any longer to comfort me nor comfort the child inside of me.

Everybody did let me down during the biggest part of my life, already a long time ago. CPS, the doctors, hospitals, school(teachers) and family and friends most of all.
I made new friends. They are inmates, are my pen-pals. They do believe me, do not say I am a crazy liar and became a big part of my life.

Now you know who I am. A molested child, a molested adult (no it did not stop my husband was a molester too) but I did escape from it. I did escape from the bad people who even dare to say it is karma!20171126_070736.png


wow.. wow... wow.. your story really so beautiful dear friend... thanks for share your post dear friend...

It depends on what you call beautifull I guess. Thanks for reading it

wow.. wow... wow.. your story really so beautiful dear friend... thanks for share your post dear friend...

Well I am glad you did not succeed that attempt of suicide.. because I am very fond of your posts on the Dutch platform. And I am happy finally you arrived here. It is smart to change your tags for your first post, or you can make another one where you call it introduction or something.. the tags introducemyself and introduceyourself are always trending so you will get noticed hopefully.. just a tip :) and if you want to write in dutch, you can use the tag alldutch in the tags.. and if you write english and you use the tag alldutcheng the dutch curators will also see your posts.. :)

Agree with you, but rather use the tag "alldutchenglish" ... that's what the dutch curators be looking for ;-)

thats what I said the last scentence :)

I totally missed that update it was alldutcheng and now its indeed alldutchenglish so my bad!!

So alldutchenglish it is?

Are you sure it is: alldutchenglish or is it: alldutchandenglish? Enrique-dutch says it is

No it is really alldutchenglish and NOT alldutchandenglish.

Thanks for your tips and I changed the tags partly :) I consider you as a great friend (you already ( knew that). The attempt was kind of "useless".. it did not kill me plus it would not have made any difference to those left behind.

Hopefully you get a bit more visible now, but if not, don't give up. Steemit is full of useful tags and you have a great package of knowledge so it will be fine in the end.. Thank you by the way, this is likewise :) I am happy you finally got "in" the steemit community.. Why it did not work before? No clue :)

Visible or not I stay and drop (posts). I have time :) It took long perhaps there are just too many people to join?

I don't know, could be, but then again there were thousands joining every day too when we joined steemit. But at least you made it :) Just keep dropping posts yes.. If you want to join the dutch community you can install discord on your telephone.. I can send you an invite to their channel then..

Welcome here at steemit, and no I won't feel sorry for you ... that doesn't help you at all. All I can do is let you know that there is a place for you on steemit and give a little support.

Thanks for reading and welcoming me :) Still a lot to discover and find out up here. Nope I am not a wizkid at all

I do care! You know i consider you a friend! xxx

I know you do, thanks for reading and helping me out in so many was. And you know we are friend!

Thanks, you helped me a lot too! We're helping eachother i guess! ;-)

You know what they say: one hand shakes the other!

That's right! Haha. ;-)

I think we are a part of something truly special here, and I welcome you! Another early adopter to this amazing technology.

Thanks for reading my post and welcoming me! I hope to find out how it all works soon :)

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