
Heading into the void... once again.

Loved it. I, as Cael, wouldn't doubt for a second before stepping into, in order to save my family! Really loved that ending!

I have a thing with the "void" and the "nothingness", sometimes "oblivion" also :D It just comes out ~ I would probably doubt... but step in anyway. Far more cautiously than Cael did, that's for certain.

Thank you for reading and enjoying! :D

Well, it's nice to know that (although it may sound weird...); so do I—the void, the abyss, the heart of darkness... I have a thing with them all. There is this quote I like a lot from Poe, about how us, mere mortals, shouldn't be willing to explore those places... it might be enjoyable due the subject is on the table:

There are moments when, even to the sober eye of Reason, the world of our sad Humanity may assume the semblance of a Hell -- but the imagination of man is no Carathis, to explore with impunity its every cavern. Alas! the grim legion of sepulchral terrors cannot be regarded as altogether fanciful -- but, like the Demons in whose company Afrasiab made his voyage down the Oxus, they must sleep, or they will devour us -- they must be suffered to slumber, or we perish.

You're welcome, it was my pleasure to read your story.


I had not read that quote; I'm not familiar with Poe apart from the one poem everyone knows - The Raven - but I do enjoy it! It's fitting. :)

Powerful stuff there @kaelci What curse did Cael overcome I wonder?

Thank you! :)

Knowing Cael (he's one of my already existing characters), the curse was probably recent and thanks to his father, a sovereign who disdains anything supernatural. He likely offended the wrong magic-doer and now it's up to Cael to put things back to rights before he ascends to sovereignty himself.

Ah right ok, thanks for the insight 👍

Nicely done! Like @ablaze, I have questions. This story definitely seems like a portal to more. Have you considered launching a longer story from this one? I'd love to know what the curse is, what the "field of madness" is all about, how Cael thinks he is going to cause her demise, and how stepping into the void will make that happen. Oh the intrigue!

Thank you! :)

I have to admit, it is tempting to do a little side piece now! :D ... Cael is one of my existing characters. Technically he doesn't actually have a curse to break free from in his story, though there is a different type of curse shrouding his lands and affecting his people... and this does give me a little idea I can add to the story to flesh it out a bit more! Hmmm!!

Courage in the face of danger...

Nicely done!



Thank you :D

I don't envy Cael... he's overconfident. Inevitable failures await.

Oh, good idea using an existing character! It adds a lot of unsaid story in the same way a haiku can by using specific meaningful words/phrases.

I like to think if I use him in such a concise fashion I'll become more ~ in tune ~ with him :D

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