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RE: Honeymoon: A story in 50 words

in #fiftywords7 years ago

Ouch!! In so many ways. But wow, this is really good.

Just as excellent as your story is the comment thread, which made me laugh out loud multiple times.

I have to agree with all the Pollyannas... maybe she will magically be okay. At the very least, if she must die, maybe she will instantly be transported to paradise and wonder why she didn't check out that action sooner!


No. I'm afraid she won't. Allow me to state definitively that she is brown bread, a goner, deceased. No magic, no paradise, no bugles. Sorry about that. Maybe next time.

Wait, wait, wait, because you're the author you get to say whether she gains access to paradise too? What are the rules here? Ha ha ha. Okay fine, you win. :-)

p.s. I'm commenting but only upvoting in a limited fashion at the moment because of a user error that caused my SP to drop below the required level to control my upvote percentage. As a result, all of my upvotes are at 100% (including upvotes on all comments) until I can fix it.

My blog, my rules and since this is the only narrative over which I appear to have any control, I'm afraid her doom is firm and irrevocable;)

As for upvotes, you have already given me at least a fortnight's quota, but the fact that you felt the need to explain speaks volumes. My thanks again for the challenge, the support and the laughs.

Well, you'll be happy to know that a) I figured out my user error and how to fix it by setting your VP percentage on, b) I wrote a post about how to do it, and c) I forgot that I was not on just now so I accidentally upvoted your comment 100%. Hee hee.

Oh no, it was accidental? I thought my comment was of such depth, such wit and perspicacity as to warrant a 100% upvote at the very least;)

Well yes, that too. And for that reason, no regrets!

I have to say it girl, I really like your style.

Why thank you!! Back at you!!

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