Falls of Eternity (#fiftywords)

in #fiftywords6 years ago

I totally forgot about the #fiftywords challenges, but @ginabot reminded me, figured I'd give it another go :)

Challenge is here

Here's my entry:

Falls of Eternity

You'd think it a waterfall if you'd seen it in a picture. The drops didn’t move. Some piece of magic manifested by these giants of mind. Primeval kings and queens in this timeless place.

Anka stood before them, a girl of eight, muddied and bruised, begging for her brother’s life….

Thanks for reading, this was a quickie, but fun!



Dang, how did you do that? This story is so packed with imagery and meaning, it’s like Narnia behind the wardrobe! Way to go.

Hey, thanks! I really appreciate it. I really like these prompts because something usually just comes to me :)

That sounded like a good premise for a movie or videogame :P

Haha, thanks man! I really want to write a sci fi book one of these days, I've got some great ideas floating around, my opinion of course ;)

That was really two-fold... I loved the imagery describing the night sky, but was not expecting the twist at the end.. I hope Anka will be ok... You squeezed a lot into your 50 words... Well done 👍

Thanks for the kind words, I whipped it up pretty quick which is generally when I write best. Too much thinking too much ruins me as far as writing, I'll have to take part in more of these to get the creative writing juices flowing

You definitely should... I am like you, I do these quite quickly, as time is usually against me :o) The Freewrites are fun too that @mariannewest runs... Here you are limited to 5 minutes to write your piece, so it's nice and quick as well..

Thanks for the reference, I will check her out!

They are great, she does a new prompt everyday..

Cool intro to a story for sure. You definitely have a gift for writing.

Thanks, maybe one day when I have the time I'll write some fiction

That’s something you can do now, although you probably don’t have a ton of free time.

I have a few chapters for a book or different books, and a story working out in my head, but between steemit, work, and other life stuff there isn't much space, I should just use the chapters here and get feedback

Have you checked out #thewritersblock? You can get help with your fiction in the group on Discord. One thing to try if you have very limited time is to set a timer for 15 minutes and write that much each day. It makes things manageable. Don't worry about the quality or editing during that process. You can do that later. I find I can produce about 500 words in a sitting that way.

i followed you @a-0-0

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