Eye spy, A story in 50 words

in #fiftywords6 years ago

IMG_20180422_015521839 (3).jpg

A thousand pairs of eyes, all hers, watched him from the wall. They had never met but he had observed her for months; following, tracking, photographing. A vile smirk contorted his features as he anticipated their imminent accidental encounter. This one would be worthy, not like all of the others.


Posted in response to @jayna's 50 word challenge which you can see

The image is my own


Nice and creepy. I didn't read this as a spider though. I thought it was a stalker who'd printed out pics of his victim's eyes and used them to decorate his lounge while he plotted whatever nasty shit he was gonna do with her when they finally met.


Maybe I should reduce my crime documentary consumption for a bit.


I read a stalker too. I haven't been reading crime documentaries though, just watching Mr. Facebook on the news.

Lol @Mr Facebook XD


Hahahah, you're both spot on of course, there's a distinct lack of spiders. I just don't like to discombobulate old folk.

Lol thank flod for that! I hate hidden spiders.
Old folk mwahaha XD

These are always fun when you can land right on the 50 mark! I really like the photo you used it added in some depth and added to the background of the story.

Well since it's a 50 word challenge and my pedantry is exceeded only by my dexterity, I would never presume to enter a 50 word challenge with a story of more than 50 words;)

Thanks for the visit.

Yikes! My blood ran cold reading this. I had to read other responses before writing my own because I was really curious as to how others interpreted it. Hmm... spider or stalker? Interesting conundrum. Seems like the answer is... multiple spiders? (Edited... I discovered I had only read a few of the responses before commenting.)

No conundrum and not even the whiff of an arachnid. I just like to humour elderly curmudgeons:)

Shivers when reading of his "vile smirk". Worthy of what?

That'll be revealed when I write the 60 word version;)


You have a dark little spot in that head of yours, huh? Very creepy, well done!

That's me. Soft and fluffy through and through but for one damned spot I just can't shift.
Thanks as always for the support

Oooh, very sinister, well written fiftywords @deirdyweirdy

Cheers, and thanks for refraining from the mention of spiders;)
There are some really good entries this week. Did you see the one by iamthegray? I thought it was brilliant.

Hey, no I didn't, but I'm going to go and check it out now... Great to see fiftywords growing legs now again..

Yeah, I love writing the 50 words. Perfect for the slothful among us;)

Yep, just read that story, brilliant, I actually had to read it twice.. Really clever..

I thought they only had eight eyes.

Yes, but it's 125 spiders.

what's the plural of 'she'?

Hers I think. But isn't everyone entitled to use any old pronoun they want to these days?

sorry...of course you are correct.

I find I'm seldom wrong.

modest too.
so many virtues..

Welcome to @deirdyweirdy's wonderful wit!

Countless m'dear, if I may so refer to you upon such a short acquaintance. I find modesty to be terribly overrated.

I missed the spiders? I thought it was a stalker.

I'm so glad;)

Good one...

Thanks. I'm still reading yours!!

Its like the non-tech version of Mark Zuckerberg wrote this story. HAHAHAH.

Creepers and stalkers...

Jeepers, I don't think I'd like to be any version of Mr. Zuckerberg.

ah, my late-night commenting. The narrator sounds like a spying stalker...

Es genial tener unos de estos, son muy útiles, buen post, @deirdyweirdy.

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